
2 magic?

My eyes gleamed blood pumped my dad continued "despite this the weakest beginner can easily take on 15 men and win that being said we must address magic itself as a whole. Magic is the codex of the entire planet not much is known about it but legends say that the dragons of the upper world are the original. Magic creatures with the great power they yield like a blessing of the gods magic is fueled by. The souls of the originaters since they are strong and tall they can handle this strain although this. Is not true for humans thus dragons spread they're blood to the whole race and the more condensated dragon blood in a human the more fate favors you some strong. Enough to split the sky and ascned myths and epics great times of peaces and ravaging. Warfare appear to aquire the lower mortal body of these ascended gods magic takes form in. The soul the more mastery you wield the more monstrous and powerful your body it is common to grow new hands a tail horns and. Much more to focus specific magic into such aids they are way more powerful than the. Classic wands or staff to conjur magic from the more aids the more mastery and prestige you wield it is typical that even spending your whole. Life you will only get 2 or 1 of such aids if they come in pairs like horns they are just 1. Aid if they are separate like a tail and horns it's 2 if you achieve enough mastery and aids you can completely destroy your mortal flesh turning. Into something that your soul takes shape of the only people who seem to each this feat are magic emporers people with high. Standing among kings or even higher." Flipping to the next page as I sit wondering the applications and wonders. Of such an "aid" I wish to learn more "magics origin in the excelcion body" an eyebrow raise to that last word so does that mean I am one of these. Excelcions? Nonetheless I still take a human form so i tracked forward with gusto my father read "as previously. Stated magic takes place in the soul and can manifest as bodily things but your soul and magic can also change depending on what you do in your body for. Example if you are in an environment with little magic in its surroundings and still maintain a strong hold of magic while not relying on it you. May manifest as a dragon or a draconian look alike but the amount of people in history that have even been able to reach this atheist in the platiunan pantheon can be counted in only the. Tens of thousands do to only being about to travel to 1 other continent in the last 100 years it. Is unknown if thus number is higher or not in other places but you can also take the form of a tiger strong and resourceful magic is not typically used in this manner but you can still. Manage to train your body and create more magic in your organs muscles and more finally. Magic tiers this is not seen as magic talent as that is nonexistent in this field do to the fact all men women and children can create talent by 1. Working hard and by 2 making more magic and knowledge also increases magic and magic control but magic tier are in low,beginner,mediocre,normal,apprentice,adapt,master,advanced,grandmaster,king,saint anything past this is title wise based on magic talent and magic knowledge but usually it's. Bishop,pope,empoer,demi god,ascended,god anything past this is in the upper realms and we have no knowledge on it as a whole."finishing the second page I point to the book then me. Using as much of my childish face to convince him he laughed hardly and then noded as he had no use for the book just a refresher with my 22 years of experience I managed to figure out. Most of the alphabet reading till I slept In my crib I found myself in a place of white and dark. Green walking through the halls no true path or meaning I opened many doors many rooms and more.

Finally I stumbled on a library a large sprawling expanse I found a pedestal with a futuristic tablet embedded in its sleek marble. A text appeared in English "welcome traveler i am from your many previous existence this is a collective knowledge. And experience of ever previous life you have ever had including (1) message from yahweh------god you can search foe any book manually. Or on here where it can be brought instantaneously you can not take multiple books at a time" I opened the section. With 3 lines and clicked messages "hello my child I have done this many times anew but I. Will continue to so so intill your karma expires I decided to compile this as you have struggled much before and forgetting each life is quite a. Sad fate so many loves deaths hate find a way to break this chain and join me in the high heavens till then learn" I rolled on the ground. Holding my head and yelling I get up and finally start walking I look through the halls I finally find the section I was looking for CULTIVATION I knew it was quite cleache but I need something. To help me build a foundation as it is now I can't preform magic I collected a couple books 1 on advanced cultivation techniques and the others on beginner. Apprentice intermediate advanced. I left and went to a desk with a stack of parchment and a glass quill with ink I set the objects to the side and opened the book I looked on the nice. Golden pages probably multiple hundreds if not thousands of years old do to cultivation worlds being like that.