
The Eatherealm

My name is Mei, Mei Stuckley, It's the year 2551 and I live in a world that has been corrupted by video games. Games got banned by the Government and there corrupted leader.. Jackson. My friends and I still play games.. Unfortunately this lead to our friend Bryan getting captured and us becoming fugitives and I don't even know if he's still alive.. Anyways every single video games became virtual reality and kept on improving and becoming more like reality. Young people stopped going outside. A group of kids even thought games were real life, which lead to the government.. especially Jackson to become even more insane because they couldn't get people to do there political crap. Video games got banned when a very popular game developer called Harry Lane made a game called "The Eatherealm" which rumoured to be a you can never leave unless you die. And once you die in game you die in real life.. Honestly, I highly doubt that it's true. However Jackson thought the idea was insane and he publicly executed Harry in front of the whole of New York, and planned to do it to the rest of his family but they mysteriously vanished.. Rummer has it that only one copy of the game still exists, and that's where our story starts.

Adam_Leonard · Khoa huyễn
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12 Chs

Escapism - Chapter 6

*Mei's POV*

I followed Bryans lead. around a corner and up a corridor till we came to a left turn. "Guys, wait here. Make sure you don't say a word.." Bryan said as he tiptoed around the corner.

"Hey idiots." He shouted at 3 guards oblivious to what was going on. We where in an under construction zone, the walls where bare and rubble littered the floor. There was a pile next to me and sandy I went over to the pile and picked up some pieces of rubble.

"Hey Jones did you hear that?" One of the guards said, The guards walked towards us  confused. Bryan stepped to the side opened up a door went in and slammed it shut.

"Huh?" The guards went over to the door facing it wondering what was happening. I threw a pieces of rubble at the guards heads and they fell onto the ground.

I heard a quiet giggle coming from where Sandy was. Then all of a sudden the door that the guards where at slammed open. And Bryan came out the room. "Ehh what happened to the guards." Bryan said to me.

"Well.. I hit them in the head with some of this rubble." I replied point to the rubble to my side.  "Oh cool.." Bryan responded walking over to the unconscious body's on the floor Sandy and I  followed after, we collected the guns from the guards backs and got the guns that they had on there backs.

"We can get disguises from in this room and pretend that we are guards." Bryan said to us as we walked into the room that Bryan had just been in. Sandy walked over to a wardrobe that had guard uniforms in it. " we can pretend to be there guards and escape through the guards exit." Sandy said with a smile

Awhile later we all had our disguises on. I couldn't see much out of the black helmet because the tinted black glass made every thing really dark and gloomy. "You guys look so professional." Sandy said as she put her mask on. We now all looked the same. "Let's go." I said to Bryan and Sandy.  We all walked out the room and we walked back the way we came from. Sandy and Bryan picked up the body's and dragged them into the room we where getting changed in.

We walked into a big open room where the governor and all of the guards where standing talking to all his guards he then said. "EVERYONE NEEDS TO BE ON A CAREFUL WATCH BECAUSE WE HAVE HAD 3 ESCAPEES INMATE 967, INMATE 1023 AND INMATE 1024. THERE IDENTITIES ARE BRYAN ROBERTS, SANDY GREEN AND MEI STUCKLEY . IF YOU FIND THEM I WANT THEM DEAD."

"Oh god." I said to the guys. " let's get out of here."  The guards formed a line in rows of three Sandy, Bryan and I where all next to each other when the line was formed the guards all walked out the room and to the exit door and on top of the door its said 'GUARDS EXIT ONLY.'

*Sandys POV*

I walked following all the guards in front Bryan to my right and Mei to my left. I saw the exit door getting closer and closer every step I walked.

All the guards stopped walking so Mei, Bryan and I stopped along with the other guards."IN YOUR THREES SEARCH EVERYWHERE, FIND THEM FUCKING BASTARDS AND KILL THEM." The boss said with pure rage in his voice.

The huge exit door opened slowly. Then the first group of guards walked out the building. Awhile later we where all out the building, I was walking towards our house " I hope chris Amy and Dan made it home." I said

"Yea hopefully they are home, safe and not in danger." Bryan said as we walked through the alleyways that lead to our house. We walked in a row of three Bryan in the middle Mei at the left and I was at the right.

After a while of none stop walking we had arrived at the house. I took my helmet off and the guys took there helmets off. I took the house key out my pocket and put them in the door. I twisted and the door was open. I saw Chris, dan and Amy. "Mei, sandy, Bryan! Is it really you?" Amy exclaimed with shock in her voice. " guys  it is us." I ran over to Amy and hugged her.

"I can't believe you guys are alive!" Chris said. "Especially you Mei..." Bryan replied, " I'm glad you guys are safe still." A smile appeared on Chris's face. "Guys look what we found."Amy showed us a game that said 'the Eatherealm.' Amy spoke again "Dan got it at the video game shop."

"Cool, maybe we could play it later." I replied to Amy "but listen to this. WARNING When you login to this game you cannot leave the only way to leave is to die, when you die, you die in real life..." The guys looked at me then at Amy.

"Guys.. What do you guys think we should do?" Amy said to everyone. I looked at the floor and thought to myself. "If we don't like it, there is not much we can do, and if we die well'll die in real life. But what happens to the reality. Will we just freeze in place or what. Maybe we will get sucked into the game?"

There was silence for a while. "I'm in..." Chris said "same." Dan replied. Mei stood for a while looking at the floor Brayan then said, "I'm in." Mei then said "we don't have anything else  to do so why not." I finally said "let's do this shit!"

"We can start tomorrow." Amy said with a smile on her face "we need to prepare and get ready for this, we'll be gone for quiet a while." Everyone  ran upstairs to prepare i walked upstairs and opened the door to my room.

The next day I woke up in the morning I grabbed my favorite blue jacket and my black denim jeans I got changed out my pajamas and put the clothes on. I looked at the mirror and did my hair witch was a mess. My short light brown hair was brushed over to the left I put some Makeup on and I was ready.

I walked downstairs and I saw Amy and dan sitting on the table hugging and dan was complementing Amy. She had a pair of skinny black jeans and a light pink hoodie. Her blonde hair was straight down her back she had white converse on her feet and she looked pretty as usual. Dan had a navy blue sweater on. He was wearing black jeans and some brown walking boots. His brown hair with blonde highlights flopped on his head

Chris and Mei walked down stairs Meis blonde and dyed blue hair was swept to the side he had a red flees on. He also  had blue jeans on. His hair also looked like he had just dyed it. Chris had dark brown curly hair down the front of his face he had a white top on. with his usual red bandana around his neck. He was also wearing a pair off vans and some skinny blue jeans folded at the bottom. "Where is Bryan?" Amy said

About ten minutes later Bryan came Down the stairs. He was wearing a black jumper. Black ripped jeans and some black boots. His hair was covering one eye and he was wearing a dark red beanie like he normally does. "Sorry I took so long, I've never slept on a nice bed in like three months." He streached and I said "it's fine, I understand. Those floors where really hard and cold." Bryan went into the kitchen and went and got some food.

"Are you guys ready?" Amy said happily. "Yep I'm ready" I replied to her then all the guys said "we are ready too." I walked over to all the windows locked them and closed the blinds then I locked the front door and put the kitchen table in front of it. Whist I was doing that Amy put the disc into the console and we all put our VR headsets on, then sat Down on the couch Amy turned the television on "1. 2. 3..." Amy was gone, then Mei, then I was gone.