
The Eatherealm

My name is Mei, Mei Stuckley, It's the year 2551 and I live in a world that has been corrupted by video games. Games got banned by the Government and there corrupted leader.. Jackson. My friends and I still play games.. Unfortunately this lead to our friend Bryan getting captured and us becoming fugitives and I don't even know if he's still alive.. Anyways every single video games became virtual reality and kept on improving and becoming more like reality. Young people stopped going outside. A group of kids even thought games were real life, which lead to the government.. especially Jackson to become even more insane because they couldn't get people to do there political crap. Video games got banned when a very popular game developer called Harry Lane made a game called "The Eatherealm" which rumoured to be a you can never leave unless you die. And once you die in game you die in real life.. Honestly, I highly doubt that it's true. However Jackson thought the idea was insane and he publicly executed Harry in front of the whole of New York, and planned to do it to the rest of his family but they mysteriously vanished.. Rummer has it that only one copy of the game still exists, and that's where our story starts.

Adam_Leonard · Sci-fi
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12 Chs

The Eatherealm - Chapter 5

*Chris' POV*

I hadn't turned back to look at the building of the game shop for what felt like hours.. I just kept on running and running until I finally got it out of sight. I eventually came to a stop and stood outside a corner shop where my brother Jordan worked.

I entered the shop and whipped away the salty tears that that fell down my check I walked around the shop picking up food as I walked around throwing it into the shopping basket in my hand.

After gathering up the grocery's i waked over to the candy section of the shop and filled the rest of the basket up with bars of chocolate and candy I picked a bar of milk chocolate and held it in my hand. It was the same type that Mei had gotten me on our first date. A tear fell down my check as I reminisced on the last smiling I put it in the basket and walked other to the counter looking up at my older brother trying to smile. "Hey.."

Jordan replied back quietly. "Chris... what's wrong?" he glanced over at me, and gave a small smile as he always used to when we where younger. "My friends... I... they all got taken." I said back to him looking at the till.

"Oh... I'm sorry." I gave him the food and he scanned it. "Christopher you should've just listened to what mom always told you and the government..."he said whilst scanning more of the food , I looked up at him and shook my head. I walked out the shop holding two bag of food.

"Bye Chris..." I looked towards him and frowned. The door closed as  glanced back towards the streets of New York City. I walked down the winding streets of the bustling streets cars flew overhead along with the hovering train tracks I cut down a back street as I seen a poster of my face on the wall saying 'Christopher O'Connell wanted for illegal video gaming $100,000 bounty dead or alive.' I eventually found my way home and I started walking up the stairs to the house.

As I walked up the first step I realised the door had been kicked down "What the fuck?" The house had literally been turned upside down. Two dead body's littered the floor of the house. I walked inside and grabbed a pistol from one of the body's. I then slung the shopping down onto the staircase. "Hello?" I walked into the living room and looked into the kitchen I saw two people hiding. I slowly walked over to them and aimed down the sight of the pistol.

I looked behind the kitchen counter and saw Dan and Amy huddled together . "Chris!" Amy said to me with a suprisied voice. "We thought they got you." "They got into the house and we had a bit of a fight with them. That's why the house is a tip." Dan said to me. "So that's why there's two dead body's and no door," I said to them with a small smirk

I walked around the house to see the damage. It was just the kitchen and living room. There was a blood splatter on the floor in the living room the couch had been pushed over and the barstool in the kitchen had been knocked over. Oh and the front door was hanging of it's hinges "Guys should we try to clean up the mess.." Amy said to us. "Sure."I smiled

Amy and I cleaned up the house while Dan put the door back up and disposed of the body's. "So amy did you see what happened to sandy or even Mei?" She looked at me with sadness in her eyes. "Uh I haven't seen Mei but sandy s-she was taken by Jackson.." I glanced at her and responded,"Why does Jackson want us so bad.." She shrugged her shoulders after we finished cleaning the kitchen and living room I picked the food bag up from the stairs and put it on the kitchen counter.

Dan walked into the kitchen as I laid the groceries down, "Well, I finally got the door back on."  Amy responded "And we finally cleaned up the kitchen and living room." I started putting away some of the food into the cabinets and dan looked down at it.

"That's a lot of candy Chris," Dan said to me. "I was just going to watch tv and eat candy to make me less sad but I guess we can all do it?" All of a sudden a video game fell from Dan's hoodie onto the floor it landed bounced around until it finally settled . "Huh?" I walked over to the game and knelt down beside it..

The Etherealm.