
Chapter 063: Priestess Jare (1)

3 days had passed since I returned back at the Acun Empire my home together with Lady Amare and the remaining Acun Army we were welcomed at the gate of the capital by my son, Empress Amaris I miss him so much my only son his gorgeous on his golden dress I'm just jealous of Lady Amare being the first one to hug him that day but I'm the one who first give kiss to my son, for months I was far away from his side same to his father my love our last meeting was since the month Emperor Cadian died my greatest companion it was an absolutely devastation to us the day our emperor died.

But Emperor Armaros my son-in-law took over his father's throne cause he's the Novun Savior an absolutely qualification to be the emperor I cherished him together with my son they were playing from day to night thrice a week and adventure or study or imagine together everyday, but the time I and Lucian my love together with my companion Cadian along with his wife Amare propose and decided their marriage for the sake of the empire he starts to despise my son yet I still cherished him and my son still aided him as his partner for the empire also as his friend that he forgotten maybe.

I remembered the day Armaros asking Amaris about every passages from different languages and laughing with each other with their own pronunciation by words they spoke also the day when Armaros gifted Amaris with tons of book my son truly likes it a lot for another day too when Amaris gifted Armaros a story about friendship of two opposite sides he loves the story he received.

" Mother are you still awake?" My son asked wearing a long dress on white embroidered with clouds it was a peaceful sight or vibe to him.

" Your mother still awake and I'm glad you visits me everyday here at the Templar." I answered for days I stayed here at the temple resting and adapting to the new system of the temple I'm truly proud of my son.

" Do you love the view here mother? I made for you a room at the peak of the temple with a view from all four direction I chose a circular window for you mother along with pair of couches and a table enough for ten." My son pointing his finger to every corners explaining to me what he did in this room it was like an attic style with a combination of tower head a sacred tower head.

" I love it my son, thank you for everything you done for me, for your father, for the empire, and for the future I truly love everything you done." I rise from my seating and gives my son a kiss on his cheeks I kiss him again and again I truly miss my son.

" Mother I love you too even both of you and father are far away from me my love for my house, for my friends, and for my friend will never disappear so mother please be in my side always in the future." My son said hugging me it was warm and gentle we were relaxing here with a tea, biscuits, and book where I wrote my memories.

" I will be in your side always since the past we had until the present we have now and to the future we will build together with others I be in your side always my son." I sat at the side of my son and I let him lay his head to my lap brushing his hair, rubbing his cheek, and telling stories about my battles at the east.

" Mother I have something to tell you? please keep this a secret for the two of us, could you mother?" My son asked I notice he casted a spell earlier to entire room maybe he will tell me something very important.

" I'm your mother you can tell me anything and I promise that even your father would not found out the secret we will hide together until you want it to be hidden, so my son feel free to tell me anything I promise as your mother." I stated and my son smiled then giggles his so cute I pinch his cheeks until I satisfy it as red as a tomato.

" Mother it hurts you know and thank you mother for being in my side right now, for the secret I want to tell you is about our enemy the Jin de Dragon Empire its about Lady Czarina." My son said his eyes seems worried or caring for someone did he find the girl he will love bit when did he meet Lady Czarina even I didn't meet her only hear about her.

" Lady Czarina the only Jin de Dragon Lady and the favorite child of the Jin de Dragon King, Emperor Ghero I know about her they said she was strong enough to inherit his father throne, powerful enough to compare to his father, and great enough to be a equal of his father." I wanted to see this Lady Czarina for being a great, strong, and powerful woman in a young age she was 5 years older than my son.

" She was bearing our child mother I accepted the proposal Emperor Ghero offered me before sorry for keeping it a secret and she will be a true mother to our child I know that, so I'm not afraid of them treating my first child as a illegitimate I already had a proof of it I did cause.." I kissed my son fore head and smile thank yoh for telling me my son.

" Don't worry no one will know and no need to explain cause I believe its about Armaros affair with your best friend right, I will meet your best friend tomorrow so give us time together I want to check my son best friend." I said my son felt relief I believe and I want to meet again Lady Cathrinia I adorned her as my daughter I just want to see her again.

" Thank you my beautiful mother and I promise I would ask Czarina for a permission of you seeing your first grandchild." My son being happy is what I desired for the day I gave birth to him and I his mother loves him whatever he is.

We spent hours talking about my stories at the battlefield at the east and him telling me how Czarina devoted to their child my son said she may be not my wife and I may not love her as my lover but I love her as the mother of our child my son truly a different man.

After hours of conversation he took his leave returning to the Novun Palace he's still busy even though many of the rulers returned back together with the people there's no time for him to stop thinking completely to his duty as the empress of the empire, also I want to talk with Archsage of People and the Master of my son Fistes I already meet him when arrive but I want to have a conversation with him about the New Immortal Hierarchy I heard lot of things about him I just want to confirm it.

I left the room my son built for me going down from the peak to the center of the temple the believers greeted me of course I greet them back its my duty & my own will walking for minutes meeting up one by one the 6 Priests of New Acun and I'm called the Priestess of New Acun now with the temple new system, I'm been walking for a couple of minutes or more noticing elves from the corners and some are socializing with others it seems kind of awkward to me welcoming them I know our empire are enemies right now but the flow of unity between both sides are absolute I can't found any trace of being enemy to others, also after half hour of walking I finally found Archsage Fistes sermoning thousands of elves & humans together about peace, unity, forgiveness, and about the future we will have the day we find answers for all the mysteries we had since the beginning until now listening to him was like a complete clone of me I truly wanted peace, unity, forgiveness, and a new future that I seek together with everyone.

" Priestess Jare I didn't know you're listening." Archsage Fistes notice me his sermon ended well I'm listening about 15 minutes I believe.

" What a wonderful sermon Archsage of People I truly love listening to every words you spoke, I'm been walking for half hour and listening for minutes just to have a conversation with you Archsage Fistes." I said and he moves to my side offering me a escort.

" Let us have a conversation Priestess of New Acun while walking observing the believers come in and out both elves and humans, may I ask what topic are we going to talk with Priestess Jare?" Arhcsage Fistes asked both of us walking at the same pace I'm holding a divine staff of the temple and he was holding a divine book of the temple.

" The God of New told me I should meet you he said your a person who will contribute on a future I can't see, for a clarification I can see many futures for a minute or a summary only or a interpretation by myself I can't change the future but I can guide it." I stated and he seems surprised his the only person beside the 6 Priests, my love Lucian, and my son Amaris.

" A future that you can't see and I'm a person who will contribute greatly on it I can't believe it completely that the God of New told himself about me, I felt honored for that but what I want to contribute is the future that everyone had unity and answers." He stated and I'm glad he chose my son to side with.

" I don't know what future the God of New meant but I believe its important than any future I saw, and do you want to know how he describe you on that future?" I asked him looking at his eyes I can feel the sense of brightness or greatness on them.

" Am I allowed to know what the God of New describe me in the figure?" He asked me back and I nod my head as an answer.

" Then may I hear his description about me in the future that you can't see." He added I believe he may not understand it fully even I can't.

" Fistes would scream louder than anyone could be, Fistes would seek answers than anyone could be, Fistes would secure unity than anyone could be, Fistes would succeed on what a single person could be." I don't what completely it means especially the last one.

" Its truly difficult to interpret Priestess Jare and screaming, seeking, securing, and succeeding quite familiar to me I believe but what does the last one mean." He focused on the last one too maybe if I can't he can't too.

" I don't what or who is that single person can't succeed or what you would succeed, but let us ignore it for now can we continue our conversation about the temple?" I asked him and I hold into his arm waiting for his answer.

" Then its a honor to have a long conversation with you Priestess Jare the mother of my first & only disciple." He answered and we continued walking, talking, socializing with others, and enjoying the time we had.

A day with my son will never be measure, compare, and even forgotten also a day with new people around me unified for the sake of a new future.

Everyday I want to be the same as today a peaceful, joyful, and wonderful event of my life as the priestess also as a mother.

I Priestess Jare Herean shall remember and treasure all days I had with them all of them, and I want to see the others from the west once again too.