
Chapter 064: Priestess Jare (2)

Today I planned to visit Cathrinia at the Novun Palace but my son sent me a letter saying she is out of the capital together with Sir. Mylon & Prince Dyren I know their location a town far away from the capital in the north direction about 10 kilometers.

I will go there no matter what I want to see Cathrinia my lovable daughter for years or a decade now I want to see her face again nourish it with kisses and braiding her hair like I was touching a winter it was cause of her magic, and for another goal I have after receiving my son's letter I want to see Sir. Mylon again he was the disciple of my love Lucian I remember the day when I tease him copying his master's riding beasts and taking his enemies down but I know Mylon succeed, also I want to see the one called Phoenix Prince of Sky they said he was comparable to the Novuns and the youngest son of the Duke & Duchess of Skyetiello my son describe him as the greatest sword that everyone will seek so I'm interested to know him.

My companion Cadian before when he still not an emperor he was always in my side at the temple reading books about history and religions we're close to each other even before I met Lucian and Cadian already have some feeling for Amare so I aided him to court her even we're just teenagers before I love those days being chase by King Cadma, but when I met Lucian I thought I already forgotten to love someone like have a lover or a partner I'm devoted to the temple yet the day I met him was a big blow of reality his handsome face and his red eyes they said it was like blood but to me it was love then he reached me the day we first met and place a white flower a sacred one on my ears he hold my hand kissing its knuckles then the flower turns to red no love Cadian pushed me to him it was the tart of our love.

Everytime we encountered each other was a memorable event to my life we were 13 when we met then just days we became lovers after a decade we were engaged and 5 years of engagement we were finally married to each other then a decade passed again we had our child our son Amaris.

" Priestess Jare we had arrived." The coachman said together with my fellow templars riding in a carriage made for the temple a white silvering and comfortable carriage we reached our destination.

" My companions shall we meet the Noble Consort." I said there are dozen of us in this long carriage stepping out of it and the crowd waving their hands together with their greetings the time all of us came out of the carriage.

" Priestess Jare they said Noble Consort Cathrinia is gathering everyone at the twin square." My companion told me I wave at the children on my sight they we're holding a crow made of flowers and bend my knee then lower my head so they can place it these wonderful children reminds of Amaris & Cathrinia childhood memories.

" Thank you very much for the flowers I love it, thank you for telling me I truly want toeet Cathrinia now I miss her." I gave the children with kisses and stands straight moving ahead my companions.

" Also Sir. Mylon and Prince Dyren are her escort Priestess Jare." My companion added so they three of them are gathered there.

" Thank you for informing me there location then lets make haste I want to see them." I said walking to a path crowded by town folks before now waving at them, smiling, socializing, and the path was kind of spacious now yet It took me time to reach them I'm busy greeting the people who waited for us to come back from the battlefield.

" Priestess Jare! how are you here?" Cathrinia asked even its still a meters away from each other she notice me and her belly seems a 4 or 5 months old now.

" Noble Consort Cathrinia Its nice to me you finally, me and my companions just arrived a couple of time ago and you should rest well for the sake of the baby." I respond she was gathering everyone here and distributing foods & beverages to each person even a child, a elder, and disabled person received equally.

" Priestess Jare its nice to me you too together with your companions and the baby is safe my best friend Empress Amaris casted a powerful spell for my baby, so please don't worry and I want to share to the people I'm gonna serve as the Noble Consort of Acun everything I can." Cathrinia a noble lady with a heart full of caring and spirit of being war freak * giggles *

" I see then let us help you distribute everything so we can lesser the time spent to reach everyone." I suggested and Cathrinia nods her head my companions starts to distribute them one by one together with the crwond increasing time by time rather than decreasing but the work was done for an only.

" Noble Consort Cathrinia may I ask for your time?" I asked and she gave her things to her maids they were Hereans my family members my son truly chose her best friends forever.

" Yes we can talk for hours Priestess Jare there's a shelter or a shed vacant for us." She answered and I followed her walking to each other side she's not looking at me but I can feel she's worried we were followed by Sir. Mylon & Prince Dyren.

" Sir. Mylon how's your swordsmanship and your horse riding?" I asked he was behind me a meter away I glance slightly to him.

" Thank you Priestess Jare for asking, my swordsmanship is getting stronger & powerful at the same time and my horse riding is greater than before." he replied I know he will succeed noatter what and turn my glance at Prince Dyren.

" Its nice to meet you Prince Dyren Skyetiello my son describe you as his greatest sword and I heard your comparable to the Novuns so may I ask is it all true?" I asked he bowed his head as showing respect for me.

" Its nice too meet you too Priestess Jare Herean I truly wanted to meet you my pirestess and all what you heard are all true with no lies added on them." he answered confidence a great trait for a great person.

" I'm interested to meet you Prince Dyren a Phoenix Prince of the Sky, I will grant you a favor for being a great sword to my son the Empress let us say a prediction would be great right." I stated and Cathrinia finally look at me I smiled at her and she's kind of shaking or shy.

" A prediction of the future for me would be a greatest honor that I will ever receive." Prince Dyren replied then let us see a future no a great future you will have.

" A person flying straight to a skyless land have flames waiting for the person to return back." I told them but what future is this I can't see the greatest future of him so I seek a great future yet I can't understand it completely.

" What does it mean Priestess Jare?" Prince Dyren asked and how can I answer him.

" Its just a prediction by myself I can't truly see

or foretold a future Its just my hobby, let us say the whole meaning of it is a people is waiting for its leader and your the Phoenix Prince of Sky right so you need a people to lead." I answered how can I find words like that.

" Then what about me Priestess Jare, I'm the Strongest & Powerful Sword your son wll have so I believe I need a prediction too." Sir. Mylon requested and he never change this boy * giggles *

" A land that will begone was exchange for a person who took the role as the protector or savior." I said but what words did I just said its like tragedy did the Immortals grant me access to something I can't before.

" Priestess Jare your predictions kind of tragic or unique to understand." Sir. Mylon stated I agreed to him the futures I see sometimes for the past year or years was kind of unique than the others.

" Its just a prediction nothing more and I'm teasing you only Mylon your the sword who will defend the land right so you will do everything to save the land you desired to protect." I'm tired of lying to these youngsters.

" Then shall I predict a future too for you Cathrinia you seems a afraid of me now I treat you my daughter before I'm kind of sad." I said we reach a place where a shelter or a shed in the center of a park it was just a peaceful park full of treses filled with flowers, decoration from the sides, and people relaxing.

" Mother Jare I'm sorry for earlier but I'm just." Cathrinia explained I hug her gently I miss you Cathrinia.

" I'm not angry with you Cathrinia you're my daughter no matter what my son chose you and forgiven you cause your his best friend forever, and I'm glad you chose to side him after those rumors spreading destroying my son I'm truly proud of both of you my son & my daughter." I love both of you together and her eyes streams with tears I pats her back and kiss her cheeks.

" Thank you mother and my baby is almost 4 months now so can I ask for advice how to be a mother?" Cathrinia wiping her eyes a hug her again much gentle than before.

" Yes but your blood-related mother would br envious of me, I hope I can see this baby face so I check if she got her mother's face or Armaros handsomeness." giggling at her I notice the other two seems enjoying our view.

" My mother the Knigean Queen would not be jealous I promise and can I hear my own future Mother Jare." Cathrinia smiling so warm I love you as always my daughter.

" Then let us predict your future my daughter, A woman who become forever to a man she will loss." another unique future but its better than the other I believe.

" Mother your kind a tragedy-lover you know but I like it a woman who become forever." Cathrinia rubbing her belly gently I kissed her fore head like I always do.

" Its not fair Priestess Jare your prediction to her was on purpose." Sir. Mylon stated coughing on purpose.

" Your idiot Mylon even to the front of the priestess, a prediction was called prediction cause it was on predicted by a person on its own will idiot." Prince Dyren bickering him both of them seems have a tense world to themselves.

" Let us just enjoy our time here relaxing on a peaceful park like this." I will record this memory after I returned back a wonderful day again.

We spent hours talking enjoying the warm air from the sky and hearing voices of the people noticed us relaxing together on a single place I met my daughter again and I met my love's disciple also my son's sword, I'm truly grateful to everything happening to my life even if its war I kept it cause I experienced memories from different people that I lost and I earn together.

I go left the three of them behind together with my companions returning back to the people it was dusk already I didn't check the time properly today, I want to go back immediately my son should be waiting for me at the peak of the temple or the room we spent time together with and time passed of traveling arriving at the temple going up and, I saw my son sleeping on the couch peacefully I goes to his side and kiss him at his cheek I'm with my son's side again.