
The Dreadlord (HP+Marvel)

Panda_sword_Master · Phim ảnh
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4 Chs

Part 4: Meeting in New York and Obscurus

The year is 1926, and I just arrived in New York with Ariana and my wolf pet as my dog and my basilisk shrunken down inside my neck. I also have my Lamassu on my shoulder that can speak that has a very deep connection with death and me. The Lamassu doesn't have a human head, it like a crow but the size of a bull when fully grown with horns. I had it for a while and it has learned to control its size and age but retain everything. I have been busy.

The Gaunts owed me the resurrection stone so I decided to have some fun with Merope. I made sure nobody but her knew. She was screaming and trying to get me to stop, but I just wanted to mess with Tommy boy in the future. I also implanted thoughts into the other Gaunts so if she brings it up to her family they will not believe her and try to cast her off. Soon after that her father and brother went to Azkaban and she left with Riddle. I know she's still in London with him and she has him under love potion.

Ariana and I both fought in the war even though I was double sided. I massacred people left right and center. During it all at my side was Ariana. We started sleeping together but not having sex. She knows I am evil but she also knows I'm kinda broken.

I, while doing the massacres sacrificed them to empower death and the goddess of death so she may break her chains soon. I can break her out but Odin made sure I will never be able to go to Niflheim to break her out. I always left my mark though and the runes as a sort of calling card. It was the omega symbol surrounded an ouroboros.

But now I'm here, in New York, a bit early but here all the same. Newt Scammander will be here in a week and Grindelwald is already impersonating Percival Graves. Their is a meeting of the ICW in about a week and a half for the Obscurus who is already terrorizing New York.

I plan to torture and kill the Barebones and the church helper as well as take Credence along with his sister to train and better deal with his obscurus. I do have to do the meetings though, this'll be my first one as I usually just send Grace but with security of one of a magi servants. We'll meet up later as she is on the ship with Newt.

Me and Ariana go to out business first. Our building is the tallest in the city though I have heard workings of them starting and getting everything for the Empire State Building. It's going to be the tallest in the world though my building is currently.

I head get a taxi which is just a horse drawn carriage even though their are many vehicles. I should go into that so we focus on motors and fuel while also later going into aerospace and asteroid mining and stuff like that while also focusing on energy. Mutants are a thing as I meet Apocalypse already in ancient Egypt. I also meet Selene after Atlantis fell as well.

We arrive and their are people waiting out from. It is the branch president who is also a wizard and knows me from the photos and doesn't care that I have tits even though I do have a duck. They must be waiting for me. I get out with Ariana following me.

"Hello ma'am, it is good to see you." The man looked scared while some of the other people out front looked confused. They were non-magical employees and probably not used or know that a woman can be on top or be the boss.

Their is also people out her as security in full guard with swords and guns. They just have Tommy guns with stick magazines and pistols with extra magazines for all of them. They also have at least one combat knife on them as well. They have gas masks on and their uniform is complete and clean with helmets and they are all in blue.

I have made the company based off of East India Company of that time so we have our own full security and war force.

(The best thing I can compare the company to is Atlas is Call of Duty before they started going all evil.)

"Good to see you as well Joffey. Is everything set up?"

"Yes it is. Your floor is all ready. We also have people to move your stuff up to it."

"I got it all. We know our way around."

"Yes ma'am." He leads me to the elevator that I specially made along with magical and non magical ways to know it is me. It looks like just like the end of the hall but I use my hand and it notices me and opens up. All the non-Magical's look surprised but I place my hand on it. It reads my fingerprints and my magical signature.

Then the actual elvator door opened and I was able to get in with Ariana. "If I need anything I get you."

He nods his head while saying, "yes ma'am," again. I don't know what Grace did when she selected him or if she just told him a bit about my background or even if he looked me up before he started working but he's properly terrified of me and I like it. The nymphs are scared but not that I'll kill them, more like what I usually do to them and they go into a routine.

With the elevator we move up to my floor. It's the top floor and I had a view. I just look at the grimy and dirty city though you could barely tell from where I am. I could still see in Central Park that their were Tent City called Hoverville. It was a blemish on the city greens. I didn't really care about it at the moment though.

I went over most everything that this branch was doing. I looked over their accounts and what they sell. I also got reports of many of the branches in little towns. One of our most successful business is after a certain time member that have retired or left started general stores in the towns they grew up. The stores are a mix of deli, general store, and grocery store. Usually we loan out the money and recourses so they can build the store and live over top of it. Most of the buildings are the same but we make sure they fit all the towns they go to. We even let them name it how they want and design it how they want as well. We also make sure to buy the land that we use and lease it to the employees. We have it set though that upon their deaths that everything is set so it'll be paid off upon their death or retirement and it can be passed down to their children and they still pay us for rent and franchise revenues. If they don't have it to pass on we get it and overhaul it and then get another people in the area to run it or bring in retirees to do it.

I went throughout the papers and went over everything. I dictated how I want it to go into the future. I want them to focus on going into the auto industry and to go into the transport industry. As well as getting into supplying our store with our own products. We can't do all of them but we can do enough.

When Grace arrived with her security we went over what Newt did and then after a bit got ready for the meeting. Apparently strange things have been happening around New York. They have also found the Barebones and I might call it quits during the meeting to go kill the them. I'm not sure yet.

I get dressed in my battle armor with extra ammo and extra daggers all around. I also have a lethifold as my cloak so they may or may not set alarms off.

(Longer white hair with more weapons, tanned skin and a cloak)

I went in and their were several Aurors were their to escort me to the meeting. They all had their wands at the ready. I was accompanied by Grace with just a black overcoat and her wand, Joan, with her black armor that I made her and enchanted myself covered with her black cloak, and Ariana in battle wizard realia with wand and daggers with potions at the ready as well. I have my Lamassu on my shoulder and my Basilisk around my throat. I also brought my wolf as well as once he saw and smells something he or I want, he hunts.

After this I plan to leave. The meeting started and it was boring as shit. I lit up a blunt halfway through it. The main issues was people dying and property being destroyed by an unknown thing but I know it is an Obscurus. Looking around Percival Graves or more like Grindelwald is looking at me. I sent to his mind, "good to see you Gellart. Nice to see you have grown stronger than all of these low tier dribble." He was looking around with a bewildered expression. I sent, "We can talk after the meeting or when I get the Obscurus." His eyes started to become sharp.

The meeting went on and soon Newt and Tina came in. I was looking at them and I was laughing to myself. Then Newt revealed the information on Obscurus. The MACUSA president started to deny its existence as everyone got really silent. When they were silent I whistled to get everyone's attention. "This shit is my mine. All the Obscurus are mine. Remember our treaty. Page 10, Paragraph 4, line 3 through 6, 'any and all obscurus, belongs to the Dreadlord. If other parties get to them first then they can be eliminated or assumed by the ministry when and only when the Dreadlord does not know about it. When he knows about it he own them as beings. Anything and everything is left to his discretion.' I fucken know so final fucking ly. Peace out bitches I'm gone. Also, NEWT!"

I went down from the stands as everyone was looking at me and my people. "Um yes?" He wasn't looking in my eyes.

"That Obscurus in your case, I'll be back for it."

"I'm what." He was looking at me now and very frazzled.

"I'll be back for your obscurus, be glad I don't kill the little girl it came from." Now I'm walking out and I start a little sing song, "off to kill the barebones. To kidnap to kid and torture more. Off to kill the barebones, not letting them die for days. Time to get the Obscurus and-." I stopped because the people in the room couldn't hear anymore.

We left to the front doors. Right them i apperated right in front of the church home. I bust down the door and start up a fire. Only Ariana came in with me as I want her to see what I do to people like this. I walk in and on the balcony was Mrs Barebones. I accio her hand and then her. Her hand rips off and bows she right in front of me. She's screaming bloody murder even as I grip her throat and I yell over the woman, "Ariana, help the children and calm Credence down. He the Obscurus. Show his your if you want but either don't let them down or make sure they don't see what I'm about to do."

Just then a shotgun shell of pellets up close impacted my face. I see a ginger woman in nun clothes with the shotgun. She shots the other shot but I let my Obscurus devour her. I hear her screaming and then cry and begging but my Obscurus doesn't stop. I tortured barebones. During it I didn't realize it but the noise canceling charm expired. I know police were here and they will be with her for a bit. My Obscurus had fun but the woman was dead. I was don't and I flayed they while making sure she won't have a life after this. She ran out naked, without arms, her whole body flayed, and a cut across her femoral artery so she'll die soon.

I went up to the loft area to find Ariana and Credence talking though Credence and his sister were both trembling and holding each other. "Come on, the cops are here and Auror will be here soon. I'll have to teach both of you magic and credence for you to control your Obscurus."

"Wait I can actually learn magic, and my sister?"

"You both have the aptitude though credence, yours is much stronger and you'll probably be a much stronger and better wizard than your sister can be a witch. He'll, I'll even tell you about your family's and why you may or may not want to go back."

"What what why?" Credence got up to me.

"We have to go, then I'll explain everything ok?"

"Ok." I grab everyone and nod at Ariana as she will teleport her self. I could tell that Grace and Joan already left and the cops are storming this place.

I apperated all of us to the my floor in my business in New York. Both Credence and his sister fell on their butts. Ariana was already here and waiting for me. Soon Grace walked in with Joan by her side with Cannibal that was a tray of food and drink above his head. He just had some tea and lemonade with finger sandwiches. I conjured a recliner for me and 2 sofas for everyone else.

Credence sits with his sister while Grace, Joan, and Ariana sits together and Cannibal sits on the floor. I pick him up and set him on my lap. He seems delighted. I may as well get this out of the way, "Credence and uh?"


"Really Modesty, that's funny. Credence and Modesty, you both will be coming with me."

"Why would we do that?" Credence asked that as if I'd let them go.

"We'll number 1, you don't have a choice. Number 2, I can teach both of you magic. Number 3, I can tell you who your true family is Credence. And lastly, number 4, if you don't, both of you will be murder and dumped in the alley by nightfall, never to be seen or heard from again." The siblings looked scared for a second at that.

"What do you mean family?"

"You Credence Barebone, you are adopted. Same with Modesty but I don't know about her family. Credence, your sister is right here." I motioned to Ariana. Credence and Modesty were both supposed and it showed. Ariana had the grace to at least look surprised even though she wasn't.


"I'll teach you more about it but for now if you want more information you can ask Ariana. You do have more family and with Grindelwald and the war I can understand why they sent you away and they passed away once it happened."

"What?" Both Credence and Modesty where numb and not understanding anything.

"Ariana, explain. I'm going to drink." I swiveled the chair and moved it over to the window overlooking the park. I summoned some brandy with some cookies and I set a message to one of the other elves for a bread bowl with some soup.

I could hear them talking as I looked over the city. I was bouncing Cannibal on my leg as he seem to enjoy it. When another elf came in the elf looked betrayed at seeing Cannibal on my lab. She brought in some soup and when Cannibal looked and saw her. He had a betrayed look on his face switching between me and my food. I was just looking out. I got the bread bowl and started eating. The soup was a French onion soup as it had mushrooms and the stock that they used was very good.

I was looking out the window with cannibal on my lap. I fed a bit of the food to my pets but I was drifting off. I could tell that they were done talking and they went to their own rooms. Cannibal was on my lab and soon my wolf came up and sat on me as well. My Basilisk was around my throat sleeping and my Lamassu was on my shoulder lying against me. I fell into Morpheus grasp as the sun dipped down on the horizon.