
The Dragon Prince: Moon

Young princess Zoe aspires to be a general much like her aunt, Amaya, but in a series of unexpected events she and her brothers meet an odd Elf duo and things change. For the better or for the worst is yet undecided.

The1RejectedNerd · Phim ảnh
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2 Chs

Echoes of Thunder

"Sun, moon, stars, earth, sky, and ocean. But a Human Mage started using Dark Magic: the seventh source. Dark Magic takes the essence-"

"Shhhhh. You are in a library, Princess Zoe," the librarian, a sweet old lady, told me.

"Sorry," I smiled apologetically, "Can I take this book?"

"You've read it thousands of times."


"Take it."

"Thanks," I said as I got up from the table, and walked straight to the Square. I knew Callum would be having his swordplay lessons soon. Usually, I would go see them learn a thing or two about swordplay. I couldn't have my own lessons since 'I'm a princess, and need to learn how to rule a country. Not get swordplay lessons', courtesy of Soren, son of the High Mage. It was unfair since my mom and aunt were and are great soldiers.

Alas, here I was, trying desperately to learn swordplay. Sometimes, I wished I was a Moonshadow elf assassin or a Sunfire elf instead of the Stepprincess of Katolis. Katolis is the largest Human Kingdom. There are five Human Kingdoms in total: Neolandia ruled by King Ahling; Evenere ruled by Queen Fareed; Duren ruled by Queen Aanya (youngest one); Del-Bar ruled by King Florian. Duren needed the Kingdom to help, nine years ago. Three mothers and queens died. Two Kingdoms fed. One of the queens was my mother: Queen Sarai.

My brothers and I accepted that she was gone. Me and Callum, my brother, got to stay in the castle with our stepfather, King Harrow, and a younger half-brother, Ezran. Ezran was too young to learn anything, yet. I am to be taught Dark Magic by Claudia, daughter of Viren, the High Mage when she stops putting it off. Callum is always learning swordplay with Soren.

Callum was the unluckiest. He hated swordplay, unlike me. I was sure that Claudia didn't teach me Dark Magic because she knew that I hated it. I liked learning about the Kingdoms and Xadia, reading and writing, and swordplay, to no one's surprise.

I reached the square as Callum put down his bag, saying, "Art?! Finally something I'm good at!"

I let out a small chuckle just as Soren crossed his arms, a disapproving look on his face, and noticed me, "What are you doing here, Princess?"

"Hey, Zo," Callum greeted me.

"Hey, Cal. Soren, I'm here to observe. Continue with your lesson," I sat down on the rocks, crossed legged, and far enough away to listen and observe, but not disturb.

"The art of defence is critical in sword fighting," Soren said as he got into position.

"Parrying is about angle, motion, anticipation. Misjudge your opponent, and it's over," with each word he demonstrated, finishing with poking Callum in the head with the toy swords. "You ready?" He offered the sword to Callum, which he dropped, picked up and acted as if he knew what he was doing.

"Uhhh, Imma have to say no."

"Great, let's do this," moving away Soren, yet again, got into position. Everyone in the square looked to see Callum embarrass himself, again.

"Parry, parry, parry, you're dead," Soren won. To no one's surprise. "Parry, parry, you're dead," Cal picked up his sword, but Soren had a few words, "Parry, dead."

"Really? Are you sure? Even if I was wearing armour?" Cal rubbed his head. Poor boy.

"Even if you were wearing the rarest, legendary armour forged by Sunfire elves: super dead."

"Ugh. I'm terrible at this."

"Yeah, but you have to practice anyways, cause that's what's expected of a prince."

I got up and rushed to the boys' side, "Soren, this is why you have to train me. I'm better than Callum at this, I'd learn quicker."

"She's got a point," Cal agreed.

"Cute, but you're a princess," he said.

"My mother was a queen, yet she knew swordplay. Aunt Amaya is a girl and she is the general of the battalion."

"Doesn't matter if you're a girl. Matters your status."

"As the princess of Katolis, I demand you teach me," I said glaring at him.

Soren didn't say a thing, except raise an eyebrow, as Claudia walked into the square in her usual black dress. Her eyes glued to the book: Love Amongst the Dragons. Callum, as always, had a stupid grin on his face upon seeing Claudia, who was gonna walk into a tree. "Hey, your sister, she's gonna walk into that-," Soren shushed Callum before finishing his sentence.

"Don't ruin it," I told him, watching.

"Claudia!" Callum called. Which made her notice us and wave, "Oh. Hi, Callum, Zoe."

I waved, my lips pursed, he ruined it. I watched as Claudia sat down. I turned my attention back to Soren, "Teach me swordplay, Soren."

"You're the princess-"

I cut him off, "I DON'T WANT TO BE THE PRINCESS! I never asked to be the princess! All I ask is for you to teach me swordplay!" At this point, everyone was watching me. It was the first time I blew up.

I ran away from the Square ignoring Callum who called for me. I ran all the way up to my room and cried. I wanted three things in this stupid, miserable life: My mother to come back, to become the next general, and to return to my old life. Although, one question hunted me: what old life? I've been in the castle ever since I was four.

Which brought up another question, could I run away?

"Runaway to somewhere far off?" I whispered to myself, "That's it!" I got up immediately as the idea made sense in my head. "But where?" I sat at my desk thinking about where I can leave to and live like a normal person. Not a bloody princess. In my brainstorming fury which could have lasted hours, a knock on my door was heard.

"Zo," Callum's voice rang.

"Leave me alone, Cal."

"The King needs to speak with us. Opeli said it was urgent," he replied.

I got up and opened the, "Father, doesn't hear about what I said."

"Not being a princess? Let's keep it between us... and everyone in the Square."

I laughed, hugged the dork, closed the door behind me, and walked to where King Harrow might be with Callum beside me. The journey to the throne room was silent and peaceful, along the way we met Ezran holding Bait. Ez gave us a confused look, we shrugged and walked in.

In the room, Viren, King Harrow and a couple of other people were standing around the map. A war, a fight or something was happening.

King Harrow walked up to us and said, "Boys, Zoe. You are going on a trip, to the Banthaloge."

"But it's Spring. That's the Winter Loge," Callum told him.

"What's going on? Because if it's a fight, I wanna be in it," I said which drew everybody's attention.

"No fighting is happening and Winter is coming. Eventually."

"Five months?" I asked.

"What will we do? Everything fun there has to do with snow or ice," Ez inquired.

"Maybe you invent new versions using dirt and rocks. You can build a dirtman or mud sliding. That could be a thing."

"Sounds pathetic," I said as Ezran looked at Bait (a ... I wasn't actually sure what Bait is), who growled. What I said made Cal shake his head and bury it in his hands. Unlike him, I wasn't afraid to voice my opinion in front of my Stepfather. Less like fear, more like respect for Callum. Actually.

Harrow put a hand on Cal's shoulder, "Look. This is something I need you to do."

"Dad-" Ez was cut off by the one and only, King Harrow.

"It's decided," he pressed, "You'll leave before sundown-"

"Fine by me," with that I exited the room and walked to my room. When I reached the room, I locked it and did a stupid happy dance, smiling to myself. "I'll decide where to go from the Winter Loge," I told myself as I packed everything I needed. An empty notebook, pencils, my red cloak, and my sword. I sat down to write in my half-filled notebook for what seemed to be hours.

Heya! This story is a bit old, but I wanted to throw it here anyway just as a start for my writing on Webnovel. After I establish myself with my old writings, I'll either continue my streak with fanfictions or start to publish some of my original works. Maybe even my, hopefully, debut novel.

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