
The Dragon Descendant

I’m Daniel and this is my story: join me as I grow in power and learn more of my heritage and fight an ancient evil that threatens the world with my friends

Daoist_Silverfox · Thành thị
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14 Chs

Chapter 13

A few minutes later Daniel had told everyone what had happened 3 weeks ago with the occasionally added detail from Simon and the continual questioning from the Headmaster and K. "well that interesting" said K "NO THAT WHAT WE CALL CHEATING" shouted Jason, 'well there isn't anything that can be done about it now is there' said the headmaster 'no there isn't' said k

Other the next 3 weeks Daniel and K did test after test documenting the massive increase of Daniels's powers. After each test, Daniel was really tired even with the massive amount of power he had now. 'K why am I so tired after the test it not like I use very much of my powers during the tests' said Daniel 'from what I have gathered the increase in your powers is just power and not stamina and you need stamina to keep control of the power flow when you use it' replied K Daniel shrugs not understanding what stamina and the use of his powers had anything to do with each other, Daniel starts waking to the door just as he reaches the door the headmaster walk in 'well hello Daniel how is it going' said the headmaster, 'its going fine thanks' said Daniel stopping and smiling tiredly to the headmaster 'that's good well you look tired I won't keep you go and have a nap also you can have the rest of the day off as well' said the headmaster ' ok bye' Daniel says as he leave the lab once Daniel was out of earshot the headmaster walks over to K 'well' said the headmaster 'it not going so well in fact I think that power might be doing him more harm then good he need to use it more not only build his stamina and control, he also need to burn off the extra power as it will kill him if he doesn't ' said K ' I see replied the headmaster deep in thought.

The following day Daniel and K were back in the lab doing some basic stamina training in the hopes of helping Daniel to adjust to his power, after 2 hours of stamina work, K had Daniel do the same routine from the other day with his power's while K wrote up a more detailed plan for stamina training, now that he has a better understanding of what is needed to help Daniel to improve, BANG!! BOOM!! K looks up to see Daniel on the floor blood covering the floor and walls K, ran over to Daniel while calling the med bay telling them to be ready for his arrival medical emergency.