
The Divine system

In a world oblivious to its impending demise, littered with horrifying beasts and demons, What will happen when humanity's last hope, a powerful Divine System is given to a lazy and useless sixteen year old? Will he use it for what is intended(the death of all demons) or will he sleep through earth's destruction?

Forgetter_in · Kỳ huyễn
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15 Chs

Round 2

"Burning Body"

Damien's cold voice resounded in the bear's ears making its blood freeze in fear as it stared at the black flames that had consumed Damien's body, burning him from inside out, the bear tried with all its might to stop itself and turn around, but alas the momentum was to great, it was barreling towards Damien and there was nothing it could do.

It decided to use the momentum and speed to its advantage to deal a deadly blow, its right claw on full display, the bear continued its course, unfortunately for it.

An arm reached out of the flames grabbing onto the clawed arm as the bear's body sped past the burning body, dislocating the entire arm before meeting a forced stop.

Damien let go the arm of the bear as he jumped back, putting some distance between him and it, a smile etched on his face.

"This is on another level, I feel l could consume up to 21 servings of pork or maybe even more." Damien laughed holding onto his tummy as the flames all around his body died down but remained lingering around him.

The bear rose to its feet as it slowly felt its faith mending its bones and popping them back in place, it glanced over at Damien. His pupils had retained its natural obsidian black, but it seemed to had darkened, highlighting the reversed 'ą' glowing with a golden light in the centre of the pupil, the tips of his ashen grey hair burned with a mild black flame burning harmlessly on his head. The flames seemed to have left most of his clothing untouched as it burned and lingered around his back and arms, one of his arms held onto his waist, the other held his scabbard as the flames danced harmlessly on his semi-exposed body.

"Nyrer, how long do you think I'll have before I'll have to reload on flame particles?" Damien asked.

"I'll say about 5 minutes give or take, it depends on your faith though". Nyrer replied

[System Alert]

[New Skill discovery]

[Dead eyes lv1]

[Skill allows user to be able to see the world energy and faith in the surroundings]


Damien glanced at the message prompt before him in awe, he had been so immersed in the fight that he hadn't noticed that he had retained the same 4 Dimensional sighting he had when he released his faith out of his leviar.

He looked around him, absorbing the amazing sight of the world energy flowing through every living thing around him, sadly he didn't have the time to enjoy the view as the bear had recovered most of its strength and was speeding towards him.

The bear circled around Damien with caution. During their last exchange, the bear had realised that it stood no chance in a direct battle of speed and strength, so it decided to take a different approach, it kept its distance and prepared one of its ranged attacks.

It willed its faith encoding it with the knowledge of the skill before fusing it with the air particles in the world energy surrounding it, the air surrounding the bear began to spin like it was being sucked into a black hole, before it settled, the bear opened its jaw with a thunderous roar and a powerful blast of wind shot out the mouth of the bear towards Damien's position.

Unfortunately for the bear, with Damien's new skill 'Dead eyes' he was able see the wind particles gather at the bear's mouth before it even roared.

With flames-faith infused into his legs and thigh, he dodged the attack as he closed in on the bear. The previous air bullet shattered the tree behind Damien, sending debris every where, trying to keep Damien as far away as possible, the bear continued to relentlessly fire air bullet after bullet.

Each one shook the ground beneath their feet like multiple earthquakes going on at once, knocking down trees and displacing large chunks of earth, the air bullets destroyed and shattered everything it came in contact with, all but its true target.

Damien single handedly sidestepped and dodged every bullet and debris that came his way, the ones that managed to get close to him were immediately cancelled out and deflected by Damien's burning sword, covered and burning from the inside out with black flames.

He shot arcs of Divine flame after Divine flame canceling out the air bullet that came too close for comfort, as he danced around the open field with chaotic grace.

The bear had grown frustrated, over time it started to feel its faith reduce the more it shot out its air bullets.

It had succeeded in keeping Damien away but not in the way it thought, Damien was actually carefully bidding his time trying to wear the bear down before he slaughtered it like a dumb pig, he hated taking chances.

Once he was certain the bear had ran out of juice, he closed in on it, appearing right before the bear, Damien had only one thing in mind, 'payback'. He drove his fist boosted with black flames into the bears torso, knocking the very life out of its lungs, he followed up with a punch to the head and a round house kick to the stomach, sending the bear flying.

He quickly chased after the bear's flying body, continuing his relentless attack, every blow sounding heavier than a shot gun, as his muscles released steam and flames alike.

The bear's body crashed into a tree, with its heavy body falling like a rag doll. Damien gripped the hilt of his sword as he made his way towards the bear's unmoving body. He was a strong believer of 'kill twice, ask questions later'. He always hated when in stories, the good guy or his girlfriend would get hit one more time by the bad guy before he died completely, so in order to prevent that from happening, he could go as far as burning the body.

He walked towards the bear, his sword in hand and victory in sight, attempting to slaughter the bear where it laid, its left side facing the sky, when suddenly a terrifying force originating from the unmoving bear surrounded the area, the broken bones and open wounds the bear had suffered during Damien attacks began to mend at a visible speed, shocking Damien. Not liking were this was going, Damien shot towards the bear, looking to kill it before something dangerous occurred.

He released his blade aiming to take of the bear's head clean off.


The sound of metal against metal rang in Damien's ears as he watched in horrifying awe as the sword in his hand bounce right off what seemed to be a translucent armour hovering slightly above the bear's fur.

The bear released a thunderous roar, shaking the air around them, the shock wave from the roar knocked Damien a few feet away from the bear, as it rose to its feet.

Cursing his luck, Damien rose to his feet as he glanced over at the bear. The Titan bear seemed to had increased in size, his black fur remained but the purple stripes that once covered his body were nowhere to be found, replacing them with what seemed to be plates of what looked like translucent metal that glowed an ominous purple hovering above its fur, low growls escaped its dagger long teeth, all in full display as drool escaped between its cracks, the purple glow the eyes of the bear grew fiercer.

"Nyrer what the fuck!" Damien roared.

"Why do you think they're called Titan bears, because they sank in the titanic?" Nyrer scoffed

"The what?"

"Nevermind", Nyrer said with an eye roll, "that is the bear's titan form, very few inherit this skill. It seems like you forced it out of it." Nyrer answered.

Titan bears hate being looked down on, and you continuously calling it a big fat pig as you fought didn't help." Nyrer continued

"When did I do that?"

"You've been name calling it since you got up." Nyrer said.

"Well then, I guess I'll have to skin it like a pig." Damien said with a sinister look engraved on his face.

Damien quickly willed his fate, drawing in the flame particles in the air, encoding it with his knowledge turning it into flames-faith before fusing with his muscles, the black flames lingering around his body rose violently as steam escaped his body.


Releasing steam from his mouth, as the flames around his body reduced in size, but retained its destructive nature, he reactivated his new skill, 'Dead eyes', the world around him turned 4 dimensional once more, showing him the world energy and faith in his sorrounding, a reversed 'ą' appeared in the middle of his obsidian black pupils as he glanced over at the bear.

The bear stared at Damien as it paced from left to right, it watched as he drew his sword from his scabard and infused it with his willed Faith drawing in Flame particles in the air, the flame lite up an ominous black as it buzzed violently on the blade.

I guess it's time for the real round 2" Damien said as he glanced at the bear.

With its claws fully drawn out it shot towards its opponent, Damien followed suit, appearing before one another the very next second, both aiming for their heads.


The force generated from the collision of the blade and claw shook the air around them, shaking the earth violently as a strong burst of wind shot in all directions.

Not waiting another second, they both began to dish out blow after blow, aiming for their most vital spots. Damien's body held in a mixture of mist and flames, He struck the bear violently releasing blow after blow, some landing and chipping away the purple armour, some being deflected by the titan's massive claws.

"Head, leg, left stomach, head" Damien chanted inwardly as he warded the deadly blows of the Titan bear, the force generated from their exchange threatened to force trees out of their roots, as they moved faster than most eyes could see, appearing as blurs, after images of claws and swords riddled the battle field as both fighters fought for the kill.

Jumping backwards to dodge a life ending blow to the neck, he quickly held the hilt of his sword with both hands as he attempted to pierce the bear like a spear through the heart.

Unfortunately the bear was more than ready it sacrificed its left arm letting Damien's blade impale it, so it could grab onto Damien.

With his Dead eyes, Damien could see a mass of Wind particles gathered at the opened jaw of the bear directly facing him underneath the bear, fearing for the worst, Damien forced his way out of the hold with his sword in hand, he jumped as high as he could as he prayed for his survival.


The sound of a hundred canons shooting at once shook the forest, in the blink of an eye, half of the clearing they had fought had disappeared, replaced with nothing but wet soil.

The bear was about to celebrate its victory when it felt an ominous tingling in the back of its neck.

It turned its head only to be met by the eyes of death staring into its very soul, behind him Damien stayed in the air suspended in place, his left arm holding onto the scabbard of his blade as his right arm held the hilt with a firm hold as his black eyes focused on the beast frightened body, the air around him twisted and bent as if trying to forcefully accept the sudden presence.

The world energy around Damien forcefully fused itself with his blade as a white hue escaped his body.

The blood of the bear froze in place, as even his shadow begged for it to run, but its feet were firmly planted on the ground, there was nothing it could do, as it stood there awaiting its judgement.

"Divine slash!!"

Suddenly, the world went blank as the bear felt a great burden lifted of its neck, 'its head'.

They were both left bloody and bruised but the only difference was that Damien was alive