
The Divine system

In a world oblivious to its impending demise, littered with horrifying beasts and demons, What will happen when humanity's last hope, a powerful Divine System is given to a lazy and useless sixteen year old? Will he use it for what is intended(the death of all demons) or will he sleep through earth's destruction?

Forgetter_in · Fantasy
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15 Chs

Another one?

Damien watched the lifeless body of the Titan bear hit the ground with a loud thud, as its head rolled on the floor, its arms, the remains of a bloody mess.

[System alert]

[ Emergency quest: Kill the Titan bear has been completed]

[ 500 exp has been granted]

[ Due to the User's skill 'The Dead's will', user can claim his/her target's skills]

[The Dead's will,

Slot remaining (4/5)]

Damien glanced at the message prompt for a good second as he tried to comprehend what was written, unfortunately, he had hit his head so many times during the last fight that he could barely spell his name without counting his fingers.

Even the backlash of Divine slash seemed to had worsened, leaving behind only the skeleton and a couple chunks of muscle and flesh.

"Nyrer, what exactly am I looking at?" Damien asked in frustration.

"It seems that the skill you used on Darius Sander, has a name, ' The Dead's will'." It replied.

"What's with all the dead this, and death that. Honestly, can this system be any tacky?" Damien sighed as he walked over to the bear's lifeless body.

"So in short, what you're saying is that I can pick some abilities from this bear's carcass?" Damien tried to confirm, glancing at the bear's body with slight interest, when suddenly a message prompt appeared before him.

[Do you wish to take target's skills and memories?]

[Slot (4/5)]

"How am I meant to know the skills the bear has, if i can't see them?" Damien complained, immediately making another prompt appear before him.

"How convenient" he said, with a sarcastic smile.

[Titan Bear (E)]


[1)Regeneration— regeneration]

[2)Air bullet— Air bullet]

[3)Air augmentation— Air augmentation]

[4)Air infused roar— Black wind]

[5)Titan armour— Titans guard]

"The last two must be the two skills he used towards the end," Nyrer said

"Oh really?" Damien said, squinting his face like an old man without his glasses.

"I've got to admit, those two were really powerful, I could barely make a dent on that armour and its last attack was devastating, I'm still wandering how I got behind him surviving the blow." Damien said, still scrutinizing the prompt.

"Perhaps a new skill" Nyrer pondered

"If it is, then I would've needed it like 12 years ago, do you know how convenient it would've been not having to use my legs through out my life?" Damien cried.

"Yeah... I think you would've looked like a grown man with the legs of a six year old." Nyrer snickered.

"Anyway what of the other skills written beside them?" Damien asked

Remember how Darius Sander's skill changed into Divine flame after you took the skill?" Nyrer asked not expecting a reply but then.

"Nope! not really, was that something I was meant to keep in mind? Sorry, I thought you were my secretary and your job was handling the memory sensitive matters. My memory is a bit faulty you see." Damien replied turning his head sideways as if Nyrer was standing right there.

"You thought I was you–." Taking a deep breath Nyrer indwardly counted from 1 to 10 trying to calm itself down.

"Based on what I have seen, when you take a skill as your own, your soul transforms it into something more fitting, so I believe the skills you recieve will be slightly different from the original, giving you a whole different skill." Nyrer continued after taking deep breaths to calm itself.

Damien pondered for a bit as he stared at the skills labelled 1 to 5, each one of them was powerful enough to make any clergy-leveled saint drool.

"I think the ones I should go for are a no brainer." Damien said, feeling like a glutton at a restaurant, in otherwords, Him.

"Yeah, I guess you're right, I believe both the 4 and 5th wil–"

"The 2nd and 3rd–" Nyrer and Damien commented at the same time.

"I mean the 4 and 5th." Damien said.

"Honestly, were those blows really that heavy that you can't even think properly?" Nyrer asked shaking its head like it couldn't believe what it was hearing.

"They were !" Damien cried.

"Okay then, I believe I will choose both the 4 and 5th options" Damien said with a bitter smile. Immediately after, a message prompt appeared before Damien.

You have chosen black wind and Titans guard.

[ Black wind (lv1) ]

[Skill allows user to be able to release a catastrophic wind blast, preferably the mouth. 25F]

[ Titans guard (lv1) ]

The skill creates a translucent amour around the user's body allowing him/her to be able to defend against attacks from Demi-divine rank and below. 15F - 5min.

<Time till synchronisation 10 mins.>

< 1% >

Damien glanced at his new skills not knowing whether to laugh or cry. On one hand, he had gained both amazing and powerful defensive and offensive skills, but on the other, the faith requirement was absurd.

So far he had only 35F and it seemed to rise by 1 every 10min so he could only use them as a last ditch effort.

Damien's wounds and faith seemed to heal automatically as they fixed and replenished themselves, but the pain of an empty stomach can only be cured by very few ways and the only way he was interested in, was eating.

Damien rose, preparing to hunt for some good game, when suddenly footsteps, low and powerful both equally consistent and graceful approached his direction, Damien turned his head around like a whip only to be met by two blue glowing eyes, shining like a gas flame at night fall, finely contrasting the black 12 feet tall bear (on all fours), it had thick black fur covering its whole body and a huge scar that ran underneath its stomach going from one end to the other as the fur around it seized to exist.

The sheer power and authority in it's very presence, forced the forest to hold its breath, both the crickets and the birds stood still as even the wind refuse to blow.

"D–Damien that bear's ranked mid D." Nyrer said whispering in Damien's head subconsciously fearing to be noticed.

After hearing those words Damien's body froze like a wet metal pole in winter, as he suddenly realised the seriousness of the situation, suddenly a system alert appeared before him making his heart jump.

[System alert]

[ Run and survive – Reward 500 exp]

Damien's eyes widen in shock, his head might have been spinning a little but he was sure that the system had just told him to run, not that he had a problem with that in the first place.

"It shows to say, if even the system knows I stand no chance against it why should I stay here and find out."

"For it to be so powerful and that large, scar on its torso it must mean this must be the bear Darius died fighting."

Finding out that the bear before him was responsible for Darius' death didn't help Damien's situation, rather it increased his will to run for his life, he might be a little dim when it came to things like this, but even he knew he was no match for the bear.

Steeling himself with all the courage he could muster, Damien took a step forward as he attempted to run, only to be completely ignored by the bear as it walked right past Damien entirely ignoring his presence, it made it's way towards the headless body laying on the ground, Damien's shock filled eyes followed the bear all the way to the dead bear's body as he swallowed a lump of saliva.

Suddenly, a deep voice resounding terror and fear spoke in a hushed tone.

"How can I possibly let you go after what you've done to her?" The bear spoke, and immediately after, it appeared right before Damien, releasing a terrifying slash.

"Holy shit!" Damien cursed, not knowing which one was more shocking, a talking bear or the fact that the bear he killed previously was actually a 'she' as he watched as is life flashed before his eyes.

'Wow I have not done much', the only thought in his head as he accepted his impending demise knowing that he had absolutely no chance at avoiding the deadly blow.


The sound of the bear's blow hitting the ground shook the very forest as the trees threatened to leave thier roots.

"This isn't right." Damien said as he looked at the ground underneath his legs, finding nothing but blue sky with a cold breeze hitting his face, some how Damien had found himself in the sky, 55 feet above the bear with a look full of confusion, the sound of speeding air filled his ears as he tried to make sense of what was happening.

"Damien I don't know how we got here but I know where we're going to end up if you don't find a way to give us a proper landing!!!, we're falling." Nyrer screamed

'We?' Damien repeated " last time I checked, I was the only one who had a physical body" Damien said.

Not wanting to waste the golden opportunity, Damien held the hilt of his sword, he quickly used his faith to pull in the flame particles in the air infusing it with his body.

'Burning Body!!!' Damien screamed

Suddenly a shroud of black flames enveloped him, only reducing in size a couple seconds later, his body still in free fall.

'Dead eyes' he continued

A golden reversed ą' appeard on his black pupils revealing to him the world energy residing in all things.

Damien moved his hands to the hilt of his blade as he began to infuse it with willed-faith drawing the flame particles in the air as a result.

"You sure that will be enough to kill that?' Nyrer couldn't hide its worry.

"Not just to kill it, it'll release enough force to cushion our landing, hopefully" Damien yelled, clenching his teeth, as he held the skill, waiting for the right time to unload it.

"Nyrer tell me when" Damien yelled.

"Hold it...!"

The ground below them drew closer and closer.

"Hold it...!" Nyrer yelled.

"Nooooow!!!" It screamed at the top of its voice

Immediately, Damien proceeded to release his blade waiting for the impact, when suddenly.


Damien could feel his feet touch the ground with a soft thud, his eyes glued to the enormous bear's back, his hand releasing the blade from its scabbard.

'Divine Flames'

Damien's voice was barely audible, over the sound of Divine Flames meeting its target at such close range.

Damien could barely believe his eyes, the Divine flame he had just released was the biggest he had ever seen, it scrubbed the ground with a beautiful arc as it made it's way towards its target.

Light smoke filled the air as Damien tried to comprehend what was happening, unfortunately for him, spacing out wasn't his brightest move.

A wind blade shot towards him faster than he had ever seen before as it blew right towards him, piercing through the light smoke scrubbing through the dirt on the floor, displacing them, both leaving only a trial of smoke and dust as it appeared before him the very next second.


The blade met Damien's abdomen forcing blood from his guts sending him a few feet into the air.

The sound of his knees hitting the ground resounded in his ears as the flames dancing around his body dispersed.

"No wonder you were able to kill her, that stung quite a bit." A voice came from the smoke filled air startling Damien.

From the smoke emerged the Titan Bear in all its might seemingly unharmed.

Damien rose to his feet one leg at a time as he tried to light 'Burning Body' again. unfortunately.


Damien felt a massive force strike him from above, sending him to the ground once more.

"I never told you to rise now did I? You're only alive because I want to make you suffer and beg for death so do not make me angry." the bear said.

Nyrer what do we do? This bear's gonna torture me to death." Damien cried inwardly taking the bear's words with utmost seriousness.

"I don't know maybe try one of your skills." Nyrer replied with an uneasy voice.

My sword's out of reach and my new skills are yet to sync, how many minutes left." Damien asked.

"7, you need to stall for time." Nyrer said to Damien, it might hate Damien's horrible work ethic, but it didn't mean it wanted him dead.

"Okay I'll t–" Damien's eyes rolled back before he could complete his sentence, as his mind began to play a series of images relating to the dead bear's last moment, its knowledge on how it achieved the skill 'Titans armour'.

Earlier during his fight with the bear, Damien had discovered a theory. Normally, when using a skill like burning body or elemental augmentation, one has to refuel his leviar with the particles needed, like an engine needing fuel to run, in this case, the user would have to constantly switch off the engine to refill, wasting precious time and energy. What Damien instead had in mind was a way to endlessly supply the particles to his leviar without affecting the skill at all, rather increasing its strength.

What the bear's knowledge about Titans amour had, was that it needed an endless supply of both faith and winds-faith to be able to run.

Unlike what it looked like, the skill 'Titans armour' wasn't a deviant skill that didn't fall into a particular element in nature, for example, bone reconstruction and future sight that had nothing to do with the elements in nature.

The amour was actually made of compressed air, metal and darkness elements encoded with specially instructed faith.


The sound of another explosion in Damien's ears halted his train of thought, but this time it wasn't aimed at him, rather, it came somewhere else, from a distant gathering of trees and bushes that wasn't affected too much from the fight that had been occurring.

"Come out!!!!" The bear roared with a deep voice, increasing the compressed air pressing Damien's body, threatening to crack his skull.

"You think I didn't notice that you were responsible for this ones little disappearing act not long ago?" The bear continued as it gazed towards the place it had attacked.

He must have gone crazy from despair, this is all my fault, I've turned him mad." Damien said solemnly as he shook his head whilst clicking his tongue.

"Yeah, he must be pretty far gone. If there was any life force remotely close to 15km of where I am, i think i would notice." Nyrer smirked.

The area remained silent for a good while before two pale arms shot out of the bush shocking both Damien and Nyrer who dropped both their jaws on the ground.

"Fine, fine, you got me, you hairy cunt" a young man said as he stepped out of the bush.

"Oh my" Nyrer said with a telepathical version of a blush.

"I think I would have preferred when you were in the bush," Damien yelled, since the compressed air was still forcing him down, it prevented him from turning his head, forcing him to look at the man before him.

He seemed to be around the same age and height as Damien, with black hair that hung before his dull grey eyes, he had lean but firm muscles but what was more alarming was the fact that he was butt naked.

This chapter is 2600 words long enjoy and please review and comment it goes along way.

Forgetter_increators' thoughts