
The Devil reborn

This Story is not mine i just wanted to share it with other fans if you wish to read or support the real creator of this novel then please search for DanzyDanz on fanfiction.net by the name Lucifer. Thanks for reading . . . Almost a millennia after his death, his ever-wandering soul returned to his original body at last. Caused by a date gone horribly wrong out of all reasons. He had no intention on reclaiming his throne or be dragged into the game of politics in the first place, but even the Morning Star can't always be the chooser.

SherlockHolmes221B · Tranh châm biếm
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25 Chs

||The Devil and the Phoenix||

Chapter XV

The Phoenix of Fire. The Immortal Bird that lived her entire lifetime of hundreds of years. Mystical flames shrouded her wings for centuries, glowing brighter and brighter, more radiant and more beautiful each passing day until the day she died, only to resurrect from the ashes. The creature of legend was fondly nicknamed by the friendly barkeeper as his pesky taunter. Not rarely Lucifer would hear him complaining about 'another false alarm' while he tended his bar.

When Lucifer thought about the look on the barkeeper's face when the magnificent avian being waltzed in his bar, he couldn't help but smile and snicker.

However, his smile faded away as the foreboding thought of sending another Phoenix on his way entered his mind. Not so much of a Phoenix, but the resemblance was uncanny.

"[Rias Gremory's Rook retires.]"

"She's losing, it seems." Next to him, Sirzechs summed the ongoing battle calmly, yet somewhat strained. That's his little sister. The little sister he adored and love—as a sibling, of course.

"Unfortunately so." Lucifer muttered with the ghost of his smile. "Impressive how a girl her size could withstand such punishment."

"She's a tough girl. Her parents were a Yōkai. It's a shame she refused to use her inherited ability… It might turn the tide."

Lucifer hummed knowingly, smirking lightly. "Never knew a cat has a sweet tooth."

"Aye… still, there's only so much a Rook able to endure." The Crimson Satan raised his head, casting a glance as to study the 'real' Satan's expression. "You don't look worried. Did you see something that I don't?"

"Oh, nothing much. I am in fact very restless at the moment." Lucifer put an emphasis at the word 'very'. "I'd suggest myself to refer from seeing his face for the next few days…" A sigh slipped past his tightly smiling lips. Sometimes, it's difficult to stay cheerful. Especially so when his dear Valkyrie was being thrown about, smashed, blazed, gutted, and treated like a punching bag.

He never could enjoy himself when those dear to him were harmed. It could make him lose his strength; his ability to think clearly and without bias, to determine choices that would bring the most convenience for him and inconvenience for his opponent. Because at this very moment, he's considering intruding the match, and that would be a very biased decision. That would bring shame to Rias along with her servants.

Furthermore, it's a formal battle, not some kind of a barbaric slaughter show once held in the Colosseum.

"[Rias Gremory's Knight retires.]"

So Lucifer withheld. He sat back, watched and gritted his teeth as Riser burned her barrier and landed another blow in her gut. Lucifer kept his unbridled rage beneath his ever-present smile as the Valkyrie tumbled backwards, clutching her bruised stomach and barely managing to stand.

Sirzechs might hadn't had a strong, undeniable proof that this man was the First Satan, but he's willing to give him the benefit of doubt. He had never seen the actual capability of Lucifer, only by reading manuscripts from books and other old writings. People said he's stronger than him, but there's doubt in his mind. And for that, he would not risk Lucifer's rage.

"You don't need to worry." Sirzechs said, "They'll be sent to the medical ward after this battle ended, or when they can no longer fight. I can assure you the medics are trained to be more than capable."

Although their healing magic weren't as potent as Twilight Healing and worked twice as slow. Sirzechs decided to leave that part out.

"Is that so." Sadly, Lucifer didn't pay any attention to him. Too fixated at the screen showing the struggles of Rias and her servants against the Phenex.

Out of the blue, he said to him. "Tell me, Sirzechs,"


"has there ever been any conflict with the other groups?"


Lucifer didn't move his eyes off the screen as he continued. "Yes, groups. Those Norse loons, Olympus loons, Transylvania, etcetera, etcetera. Have they tried something fishy?"

Sirzechs paused. If his cheerful behavior was any indication to the topics Lucifer liked, a talk regarding other factions was the least he had expected. He noticed how Lucifer used the old name for a certain faction as well. The Vampire Counts had long since forsaken that name. Mainly because of the clash among their clans… And 'loons'?

"Other factions? No… there hasn't been any." And thank goodness for that. The Devils had already enough trouble. "It's been that way for… well, perhaps since the beginning. It's an uneasy truce, no one trusts anyone. Though, most of us are simply trying to survive while maintaining peace and order."

"Really? That's reassuring." Lucifer crossed his arms, finally facing Sirzechs on his seat. "Now, is Riser comparable to the current most powerful Devil in terms of power? Or let's say, in this case, you?"

Another unexpected question. Sirzechs began to laugh sheepishly, "Ah… well… if you ask me that…"

"Let's not mince words, shall we?"

"…" It's rather terrifying when Sirzechs finally realized the influence beneath that smile. Lucifer's brown eyes weren't so warm anymore and Sirzechs felt a chill, like a sudden breeze of a winter wind, swept against his bones.

Maintaining their eye-contact, he said; "He won't last a minute."

"Ah, really?" Lucifer's eyes beamed up with warmth and so did his smile. "So I suppose you're quite the powerful one, no?"

Sirzechs couldn't tell which was more frightening. The fact that he just felt shivers tickling his spines, or Lucifer's change of tone and how easy it seemed for him. He's a devious man; this Sirzechs realized just now.

"Yes… I suppose so." Sirzechs cleared his throat, calming down the uneasiness he had never felt since long. "May I ask why did you ask? If you don't mind…"

"Why, it would be rather troubling if he's among the strongest of Devils, don't it?"

"I'm sorry, but what do you mean?"

Lucifer chuckled as his gaze fell back at the ongoing scuffle. "If he is, there's much needed to be done if… say, a certain group or 'faction', decides to expand its borders."

"Ah… pardon me, but, Riser Phenex isn't one you can place to be 'weak'." If he was, then what about his own sister?

"Oh but he is." Lucifer said dismissively. "Him. Rias. Akeno. Rosie. All the other participants. They're not people I'm willing to send in battle. Real, battle."

"They're still growing." Sirzechs said defensively. "There's room for improvement and they will capitalize that. And why would you think there will be a need for a real battle?"

"Of course there is. Time's always there. Rias' a hard worker—a workaholic even. It'll surprise me if she didn't capitalize it." Lucifer sniggered, "But time is a different resource. It's not endless. Will there be enough? There's no telling until it ran out."

Sirzechs scrunched his sleek crimson eyebrows. The Rating Game was no longer the subject of his mind. "I apologize; I don't quite follow…"

"[Rias Gremory's Rook retires.]"

Grayfia's impassive announcement drew Lucifer's attention back to the screen.

"She's a Valkyrie." Lucifer continued, blankly staring as Rossweisse finally succumbed to her wounds and transported away. "Sent by that one-eyed coot to snoop around on this school. Territory of the Devils. Your own sister's, in fact. She remained undetected for three term- that's an entire year and nearly a half of being hidden. And she claimed to be green."

"Are you implying there are more spies like her?"

"Well she can't be the only one in the boat can she now? It'll be a waste to send just one ambassador."

"No… No, that can't be. There haven't been any reports but Rias'-" His eyes broadened with alarm as realization dawned on him. "…Rossweisse has been interrogated before… she doesn't know anything aside from what you surely had known. More importantly, what motives do they have?"

"And she told nothing else but the truth. It was all she know, not all there is. As for motives… well… the last I've seen Hell, it was nothing but a parched wasteland where only those without homes would call it as theirs. Now all I saw is a prosperous land. A land with milk and honey – it reminds me of Canaan in a way..."

Lucifer then simpered. "Surely you know riches attract attention. And more often than not, it's frequently the unwanted kind of attention."

Sirzechs firmed his gaze, his eyes devoid of his good-natured allure and any traces of benevolence, gone. This was Sirzechs Lucifer. Hero and Terror of the Civil War. The Devil who would do anything to ensure the prosperity of his race even if it means wiping out half of them.

Intelligence gathering is important; the Devils did that as well, but only towards their potential enemies such as the Grigori, not the neutrals and risk a bad reputation with them. One the Northern Kingdom had failed to do.

"I'll order the search. I'll have everyone check every staffs. Devils as well. If I must, I will personally seek them myself." He said, his words brimming with hardly contained fury.

"Although…. I have to ask, my Lord, could this be the reason of your affection towards her? I heard from my sister that you shared a close bond with the Valkyrie."

"Hm? At first, that is. Once she became a Devil; it was all nothing but history." Lucifer smiled, half smirking. "Had she resisted, however… well… I'd rather not like how the story branched if that's the case. After all, don't we Devils must look after each other?"

"Oh, and please, drop the title. I've had enough formality from… well everyone."

Sirzechs didn't know for sure if he's Lucifer, but he didn't need to anymore. For placing Devils above others, he had gained his trust and respect, admiration even. Playing the role of a fool to fool those who thought they're the ones fooling him.

For all it's worth, he believed he was Lucifer, The First Satan, The King of Hell, The Prince of Darkness, one who was aptly titled the Master of Deceiver.

"Oof- that' was brutish!" And perhaps, the Lenient Satan as well… Just like him in his off-days. "Dear oh dear, he doesn't hold back doesn't he."

Sirzechs turned towards the screen, saw his sister's Queen was panting. Her outfit torn, and her skin had incisions nearly everywhere. There was a cut beneath her left eye, plenty at the right side of her badly bruised stomach, and some on her right arm she's still clutching.

"His arrogance and temper sometimes might get ahead of him, but he fights with honor. He has been avoiding her Bishop this entire time."

"Sadly, that's the only reason she's still there." Lucifer said, staring at Asia who was watching the battle of the two Kings anxiously.

"He refuses to fight those who can't fight back." Sirzechs told him, now back to his standard casualness. "Have my sister mentioned he purposely conceded his first two games?"

"Oh, she did. Several times, even." Lucifer groaned audibly. At last, those dull nights would soon come to a timely end. "Politics, I reckon?"

"Haha- yes, unfortunately so. His House has good relations with his first two opponents. To be defeated by a beginner would be embarrassing. After all, us Devils must look after each other, no?"

"Honorable." Lucifer quirked an eyebrow, "He would make a horrible general. I'd rather leave my army in someone else's—if I still had any." An ironic laughter erupted from his chest. "The very reason why Heaven lost many 'talented leaders'. Their rubbish sense of justice and honor led them to their own demise."

"Regrettably." Sirzechs chuckled, storing the valuable information. He knew the little value honor hold in time of war. "It's refreshing to meet someone who shares the same outlook on an idea."

"Likewise. Good to know Hell is reigned by a shrewd man."

That gained a smile from him. "I don't intend to offend, but to think you'd have such view… You must have been a great leader."

Lucifer smirked. "Oh, why, of course." That's his pride talking for him. "I didn't crush two entire armies of Fallens within ten minutes with lady luck."

That moment, the moment Lucifer detailed the exact procedures that would bring his army of a thousand Devils a decisive victory against four thousand Fallen Angels with one surprise attack, an ambush which was later written in history books as the Ambush at Eisenfield, Sirzechs' respect on him had increased tremendously.


Rias helplessly watched as her Queen, her strongest servant, felled by Riser after his unrelenting assault. Akeno had done her best. In fact, Rias had never seen her try so hard; because she never had to. Against Riser, however, her hardest wasn't enough. After she took that charge headfirst to protect her, Rias knew she wouldn't be able to go on.

Despite that, despite her body was broken, Akeno still persisted. As Asia rushed towards her, she forced herself up, staggering in her attempt as her legs felt numbed by the pain. Her once serene shrine maiden outfit were now torn and seared… and her wounds… Oh Lilith, Rias couldn't stand seeing her best friend in this state.

"Was that all you can do… Riser…?"

Riser was not without mercy. He knew she couldn't fight and he stayed back, hovering in the skies as his wings continued burning brightly and his flames constantly regenerating his right hand. That thunder of her was no joke.

"That's enough, Akeno." Rias said, solemnly. "Thank you for fighting for me. I, as King, retire my Queen from the Rating Game."

"…Rias…" Staring at her King in disbelief, she couldn't stop her tears from welling up as a warm light encased her. "…I'm sorry I failed you…."

Asia could only watch as her senior Devil departed the battlefield.

It took her last remaining strength to keep herself from getting emotional from her last words. She didn't fail her. None of her servants did. She was proud of all of them. They had done their best. It's all up to her to make sure they didn't go down in vain.

Sluggishly, helped by her last remaining piece, Rias tried to stand up straight. Her vision was hazy and the flames splattered around the field was blurring. Her consciousness was floating, and she could hear her own heartbeat pounded loudly, desperately trying to keep her standing.

The pain on her left arm gradually diminished by Asia's Twilight Healing, but this couldn't go on forever. She's exhausted, and so was her Bishop. Just like she couldn't stand forever, Asia couldn't heal forever.

"That's enough… thank you Asia."

It earned her a worried look from the Bishop. "B-but Buchou… you're still bleeding."

Such a kindhearted girl she was. Rias admired her for that. "It's fine. Conserve your energy." Rias told her as she took off her shoulder cape and used it as a makeshift bandage around her left arm.

"Y-yes…" Asia timidly withdrew her shaking hands. All of that curative spells had been torturous for her body. Even so as she's just an apprentice compared to the others.

But she tried her hardest, just like the others.

Rias offered her a smile as she gently patted her head. "You've done well, Asia. Good job. You can rest now."

"It's over, Rias." Having spectated from a distance, Riser descended to the ground and dispersed his wings of fire and regenerating his suit and the white dress shirt beneath it. His little sister followed him behind, slightly overwhelmed by how unexpectedly cool her brother actually was. "Give it up. I don't want to hurt you."

Rias glared him, seething, "I don't need your pity, Riser. This fight is not over until you defeat me."

"Don't be stubborn. Look at yourself. Look at your Bishop. The girl's struggling just to breathe. Put an end to this before I do."

"I-I can still go on, Buchou!"

"Asia…" Rias pursed her lips. If only she was stronger… she could've won. She wouldn't had let them down. She wouldn't lose this game… and Lucifer. "No… I refuse. They've given their all. It's my turn."

"Just throw in the towel! Make this end! It's not that hard!"

"Shut it Ravel. Don't be a brat."

Ravel gasped, "I'm not a brat!"

Riser disregarded his sister. "They're your servants, Rias. Fighting for you is what they're supposed to do. You don't owe them anything."

"Of course I do." She hissed.

"You're letting your personal feelings get in the way."

"What are you talking about? It IS personal, Riser!" It might not be a good idea to yell as she could feel her headache pressing, but Rias wasn't really known for her tolerance. More so when it comes to her servants. "So what if I let my personal feelings get in the way? They're my friends! My family. I adore them as much as it pains me to see them hurt. Isn't it the same for you?! Or is it another thing your thick skull can't understand like why I refuse to be betrothed to a man like you?!"

Riser clenched his fists that they were starting to shake from the amount of pressure. He was a highborn. Being adored and loved was something he's used to, not scorned.

"Then tell me why! Explain to me—explain the entire Underworld, that after everything I've done for you, days burned just to get you to look at me once, even if just a glance, that I'm still nothing but dirt in your eyes!"

"Because you don't love me, Riser! You think you do, but you don't. All those things you did, the flowers, letters, gifts, those weren't sent because you love me, it's because you want me. You see me as a challenge; a trophy with my name and face on it, not as a woman! That's infatuation and I don't need that."

"Now are you going to stand and stare, or will you face me and allow me defend what's left of my dignity?!"

Only the grim sound of her hovering black and red aura emitted after her outburst. Her demonic power trashed about wildly, representing her lashing fury. Her beryl-tinted eyes were barren of anything but rage and resolve to defeat the Immortal Bird.

She failed to intimidate him, but his little sister was holding her hands to hide her trembling. "H-h-how dare you insult my brother like that!"

"Ravel, do me a favor and keep your mouth shut."

"Wh-what?! B-but-!" Ravel shot him a look of betrayal. She tried to defend him and that's what she got in return?

"She's right, Ravel." Riser said softly, much to everyone's surprise including Rias herself. The Gremory heiress even lost her previously malevolent demonic air. "I'm a fool who has only think of himself. Too much that I didn't realize what I already have."

"…And I can't believe that bastard is the one who made me realize all of this…."

Rias' shoulders began to slouch. "…Y-you mean… L-Lucifer?"

"'Lucifer'…" Ravel muttered, as if to get a taste of the historic name. "Did you mean… her brother?"

"Do I look like someone who dares to call a Satan a bastard to you?"

"…Well… you did say you're a fool."

"I could hit you, you know." Riser warned, and Ravel quickly retreated, soaring high into the air. "Rias, if you still think I'm doing this to win you over; you're wrong."

As it happened, a smile finally crept upon her parched lips. Lucifer held onto his words. He truly did save her. Even if she lost, she had no regret—well, maybe aside from the fact that she lost her first Rating Game, as unofficial as it is.

"I will say this though," Riser continued, "your lover is one devious asshole."

Rias quickly regained her lost heat. "Don't. You. DARE."

"Damn it—I still can't believe you fell for him. But whatever. You've taken your pick." He said, "You also have hurt my girls. All of them excluding my sister."

"Excuse me?!" An irritated voice, slightly whiny, came from up above. "I AM NOT YOURS. BROTHER. I'M IN YOUR PEERAGE BECAUSE MOTHER THOUGHT IT'LL BE A GOOD EXPERIENCE, WHICH IS VERY WRONG."

"Don't listen to her. She adores me."


"Well then…." his wings spread open, flaring the flames of the Immortal Bird. "I won't hold back, Rias. I never did, even if you're my opponent."

"Good." Rias smiled, challengingly, and this time, without malice. "You'll need it if you want to win."


"Huh. What an excessively extravagant abode. Forty thousand people could've lived here." Lucifer murmured as he took in the grandness of the castle upon him. He admitted that the fountain of flames in the middle of the lush garden was quite amazing, as well as the trees that had tiny flames instead of leaves, but who would ever dare to approach it without risking being burnt? Not to mention the jugs lined neatly to spout pillar of flames… didn't these people knew that fire is hot and hot is rarely pleasant?

"Fufufu~ you'll have to ask the owner." Standing next to him was Akeno, his partner in crime. Or play, more correctly. "Rias will be looking for me if she finds out I'm not running. Will you be fine alone Lucifer-sama? I can ask to get you inside if you'd like."

"Why aren't you sweet..." He chuckled as he gave her a grin, his eyes lingering a little bit longer at her grey sports bra and matching set of leggings that wrapped her body finely. Long enough that Akeno took notice and tittered shyly, stirring another of his jovial chuckle.

"And exhilarating, no less. But no. Thank you for the offer darling, but it's better for you to head back and run along."

Being called 'darling' or any of his nicknames still made her all giddy inside. Odd. Normally she would be disgusted if it was any other person—like those playboy-wannabes whenever she took a stroll out in the city.

"Mmmhn~ anytime Lucifer-sama." Akeno smiled surreptitiously, one that made her so alluring to him. "Maybe you can take me somewhere in exchange?"

Before Lucifer could turn around and reply, the girl had left with her magic circle. The ghost of her pleasant playful giggles roamed in his head still, and frankly, he didn't mind.

Nonetheless, he was alone. Alone in a place he once belonged. There was no such splendor, one such as a giant mansion or a fountain of fire to behold back in his days of old. Nothing but a somber wasteland. Seeing all of this made him felt like a stranger to Hell.

No matter. He's certain he'd adapt as he had always been. Should be simpler now that he could find trees as easy as he could find jagged spikes or lost tormented souls back then.

"Hold it."

As Lucifer was about to push the enormous gate open, a feminine voice, high-pitched, one that he could tolerate, cautioned him from proceeding. He glanced past his shoulder to see a teenage girl, certainly younger than Rias and possibly the same as Asia, was hovering in the air. What he noticed most, however, was not a pair of fire wings she had growing on her back.

No. Not that.

It's her dress.

Her bright pink and purple dress.

With frills.

Many of them.

"Wha- what's with that insulting face!" The girl protested as she flew down some feet or two, taking full offense at Lucifer's untold snipe. "Whatever— who are you?! What are you trying to do sneaking into my brother's mansion?!"

"Sneak? As you can see, I barely entered. And… dear me, are those giant croissants on your head?"

She gasped, then pouted furiously. "C-c-croissants?! It's my hairstyle you tasteless monkey!" No one made fun of her hair and live unscorched. No one. "Wh-whatever! You just gave me another reason to incinerate you!"

Her flames noticeably turned redder and more violent. To amplify her point, or so that he took her seriously and not as a whiny teenage brat, Ravel created a fireball upon her palm.

Lucifer would rather not get hit by a ball of flame, as it was hot and it could burn his suit. Therefore, he put it out for safety's measure, much to her confusion.

"I don't suppose it's wise to play with fire when you're wearing a clothing with so much frills." Not that he minded if she burnt it, incidentally or not. No, not because he wanted to see her body. She's too young for his taste.

And bratty.

But her attitude was nothing compared to her dress. If she's related to that man, then he could see why. And her hair. By gods- her drills-like hair.

Unlike him, Ravel was now in a state of confusion as she stared at her empty palm. That's… odd. Did she cancel it by accident? Never mind that. She had an intruder to be taken care of. "This dress is fireproof, unlike that suit of yours."

"That is correct." Again, she cast the same fireball as before. And as before, Lucifer doused the flames without moving a muscle. Pyrokinesis was child's play, as were plenty other spells. "Which is why, I'd rather you stop before you set a fuse on fire…" His fuse, that is.

"Wha—" She formed another fireball, only to achieve the same result. The flames died out entirely and not even a trail of smoke was left.

"See here young miss, can you please, for the love of everything, stop?" Lucifer grumbled. His smile was slowly losing its fun-loving, merry-going air, and becoming chilling instead. "Have you ever heard the rule of three? The first three were mildly amusing. It was banter. Now it's simply irritating."

Shaken by the realization he was the one who manipulated her flame— a Phenex' flames, Ravel's completely frightened. Granted she's not an expert yet, but a Phenex handled different flames to normal pyrokinesis.

Thinking that the girl had finally listened to his reason, his smile returned. "Well then. You mentioned this is your brother's. Would you please get him for me?"

She had lost her composure, but Ravel refused to show it. "Wh-what do you want from him."

"I'd like to have a talk." Lucifer grinned faintly.

"…Who are you? His acquaintance?" That would explain why he's so strong. Her brother knew and met strong people in daily basis after all.

"Lucifer." He said, "Just Lucifer."

'The phony…' Ravel thought, erasing all possibilities of allowing him to set a foot on her brother's mansion. 'But how did he…'

She shook her head, shaking away those perturbing thoughts away. He couldn't be the Lucifer, but he's not a regular person too. Either way, she had to be careful with him. "…My brother's not home at the time."

"Ah, that's unfortunate." Lucifer frowned. A change of plan was all he needed. "Very well then. I'll talk to his… servants instead. Are you one of them?"

Ravel eyed him suspiciously. "…What? No! I'm her sister you cretin!"

Lucifer rubbed his neck. It was starting to get sore having to look up to talk. "Alright, alright, but would you come down here? My neck's hurting."

"Wh-why would I do that." Ravel cursed herself for stuttering. She wasn't supposed to show weakness.

"What do I have to do to get anyone to cooperate with me..." Lucifer groused aloud, much to her bewilderment.

That's when another Devil came to play. "Young lady, you're back."

They both looked to see a woman in a black and white maid outfit approaching the gate. Her maid outfit was much lighter compared to Grayfia's. Sleeveless, shorter skirt, and overall skimpier. The half apron was a nice touch. A welcome feast for his eyes.

It's better than looking at the girl's pink attire. That's for certain.

The busty maid with the absolute cleavage stared at him, studying him, then looked at Ravel for answers. "Is this man with you, young lady?"

"No he is not." Ravel snappily said as she flew over the gate, landing by the maid's side, who was now alerted.

Flight beat the purpose of having a gate polished in gold, Lucifer thought. It really was unnecessary. Do Devils nowadays like unnecessary things?

His mood took a detour when Ravel stated out loud, "Don't let him in Burent."

While the maid readily agreed, Lucifer didn't. "My, that was quick. Do I need to make reservation to come and visit?"

"You were trying to sneak in the first place!"

"I don't see any doorbells to press or ring. How am I supposed to announce my arrival if the front door is miles ahead?"

Ravel clearly didn't care or heed his reason. The brat fled the scene and headed for the mansion.

Really now… were all Devils this rude? Or were they just being rude to him? If they coalesced to make him mad, they had certainly lit his fuse. They're fortunate Lucifer was a patient Devil and that they're one themselves.

Had they been humans, he had absolutely no reason to hold himself from committing a splashy murder.

The maid Devil stood by the gate before him, hands crossed and legs spread. Her look told him she wouldn't listen to reason.

"Alright then." He restarted, easing his standing stance as he lied on one leg. He might be seen as lazy sometimes, but he could be persistent. "Burent, no? Are you one of er… What's his name again? Viser?"

Her blue-green eyes narrowed. "Master Riser."

Getting her to talk might be easier than he thought. A little jab at her precious master and that's a door of opportunities opened for him.

"Ah, yes. Riser…" He smiled craftily, "I was told his entire servants consisted of beautiful ladies." Actually just 'girls'. Akeno only told him that. Lucifer had to be defter with what he had. "Do you happen to be one of them? You do fit the criteria."

"…Yes… I am one of his." She replied vigilantly, "What does it worth to you."

"One of his?" Lucifer quirked an eyebrow. Another bullet loaded. "You are his lover? Or something along the same line?"

"Yes." She smiled proudly, though still watchful of his intention.

"I'm guessing all of his er… 'servants', are the same? As in, they're his as his women?"

Burent cautiously nodded. She tried to think what this suited man could possibly be scheming, but she found none. His intent was too vague and the whole conversation seemed as if he's hitting on her.

"So he's loved by plenty of women. How pleasant." Lucifer chuckled, "I overheard he would be married to his opponent if he wins his upcoming Game or some of the sort. Is that true?"

The moment her lips curled to a small frown, Lucifer smiled in his mind. Jealousy was anything but a weak emotion. Mixed with feeling of unfairness, the result would be a deadly concoction able to corrode a sturdy relationship.

"…Yes… What does that have to do with you?"

Lucifer disregarded her question. He's the one doing the questioning. "Oh, I'm just wondering how it feels like."

She refused to reply.

Lucifer's smile was unchanging as he leaned towards the frame of the gate. "And I was told… the girl isn't as fond of him! At least, I suppose, not as much as you do." His words struck like a venom, and that brought her gaze at the brick road below her feet. "And yet," Lucifer slipped in a sympathetic sigh, "he's so determined to have her as his bride – instead of those who loved him… or you, perhaps. I just can't imagine the agony. The frustration. Years of devotion, of love and adoration, cast away for the mere desire of another woman who loves him not…"

"…Stop it…"

"Even so, regardless of the outcome, you will love him still. The love of a woman is strong like that. You'll support him and ensure that he wins in the Rating Game." It pained him to shed tears of a lady, but Lucifer will do what needed to be done in order to protect his own ladies. "He can treat you like a fool, toss the fondness you deserve to another woman, hurt you in any way, but in the end, your feelings towards him remains unchanged, no?"

"Stop it!" By impulse, she shot needless of crystalized water at him as a warning. None hit him as they perished before they could pass between the golden bars of the gates. "What are you trying to say?! Do you intend to belittle our devotion?!"

"Oh, I would never do that. I am envious of him as a matter of fact." Lucifer said. He was raring to offer her his handkerchief, but that could and should wait. She's not his woman. "Still… don't you find it's unfair of him? Don't you think… you're more suited to be his bride, instead of the lady who have refused all of his efforts you yearned, and mayhap strive to receive?"

"You don't understand! What else can we do but support him?!"

She broke down right at the moment where Riser himself arrived with the brat next to him. Decidedly furious and misunderstood the situation, as shown by his flaring wings of flame.

"You again you bastard!" He spat, landing next to his kneeling maid. "Burent, are you alright? You son of a bitch- what did you do to her?! Are you tired of living?!"

"I see you don't always shout when you talk. Albeit only to your girls." Riser prepared himself for a fight, his wings blazing. Lucifer on the other hand, was preparing for his leave. His job was done and his portal was ready and pulsing. He was midway from entering the curious blackness lying within. "Why don't you ask her? I'm quite certain she'll do better than I do. Jolly good day to you~! And oh, you might want to find a new dress for your sister."

The Phenex sibling watched in puzzlement, slight annoyance, more anger, as the man seemingly was consumed by the floating black hole. But they didn't care about him. Especially not Riser.

He knelt next to her, placing his hands by her quivering shoulders. "Burent? Are you alright? What did that fucker do to you? I'll pay him back tenfold, I swear."

"Master Riser… I- I can't… I'm sorry…"

"What? What do you mean?!"

"What happened?!" Her long wavy purple hair fluttered in the air as Yubelluna headed straight to the maid's side. She looked at Ravel for answer, but she only received a clueless headshake. "Lord Riser, what happened? Why is she in tears?"

"I don't know. That fraud was here" Riser seethed, frustrated. "Burent, will you tell me what he did to you? And what do you mean by you can't? Why are you apologizing?"

"I can't…" She sniffled, her face still buried in her hands. "I can't do this anymore…"

As she looked at him, Riser swore right then and there to make him pay. Never he had seen any of his girls so broken and utterly hurt.

"I don't understand, what do you mean? You have to tell me so I can understand you. Did he hurt you anywhere?"

She shook her head, much to his surprise. "No… I'm sorry Master Riser… But I'm not fine with it… Don't you love me? Us?"

"What are you talking about? Of course I do! You know I love you with all my-"

"Then why her? Why her, among all people, that you chose as your wife?"

Riser froze. "What?"

"What's—what's wrong with me?"

"Burent… that's enough now…"

"No! Yubel, it's not enough! We all knew you cried just as hard as the rest of us! I heard you sobbing in your room! That makeup might have fooled him, but it can't fool me." Burent lashed, and Riser confusedly glanced at his Queen, who no longer dare to see his eyes.

At this point, even Riser was scared to ask. But he's not a wimp. "…Yubel, is that true?" Using her long purple bangs, she hid her face as Riser stepped closer to her. Gently, he caressed her lower eyelid, softly wiping away the makeup concealing her enflamed eyes.

It was as if reality crashed upon him.

She took a step back away from him. "I… I'm sorry… Lord Riser... I will always support you. We all will… Always. But…"

"If it isn't me…" Burent continued, her body wracked by the sobs. "then are we not good enough for you…?"

And they wept, the hardest that Riser had ever seen and the first time since long.

"I… I understand that we're just… we're only low-class Devils. Compared to Lady Rias, I'm just a lowly maid… to compare myself to her is humiliating for her. But… I thought… I thought I had a chance…"


After having said nothing for the past minutes, Lucifer finally broke the silence that was starting to feel like a curse.

"…That was… certainly a dramatic finale..." he paused, still trying to comprehend what had happened. "Never knew such game would be so theatrical. It's almost like a play, don't you reckon?"


"You alright there, mate?"


"I'd say you could use another wallop here." Lucifer said as he brought up a… sadly, an empty bottle of beer. "Unlucky. We're all out. Don't suppose you can't make another poof again?"

Sirzechs shook his head, quite literally shaking himself away from the stupor. "I can't believe that just took place."

"Well, what other option you have but to believe?"

"But he's a stubborn man!" Sirzechs practically shouted that his voice echoed lightly throughout the eerie clubroom. His blue-green eyes were filled with wonders. Lucifer just had too many surprises for him. "How did you manage to change his mind like that?"

"He's a stubborn bloke, but has some senses in him. Only took him a little to convince him he was searching in the wrong place."

"Searching? For what?"

"Love, of course!" Lucifer laughed merrily, standing up to stretch. "Hnn—ah! Now then, if you can be so kind, Sir Sir, can you point me where this medical ward is? Or do I need to wait for the visiting hours?"

"…Sir Sir?"

"You said your name is Sir Zechs Lucifer. Calling you with my name is rather awkward, so…."

"Oh, you can call me with anything you'd like, but just for the record, the 'Sirzechs' is not separated."

Lucifer oh-ed Britishly. It sounded more like an 'euh'. "If that's the case, what about Zechs?"

"That's better." Sirzechs smiled. Sir Sir would be a horrible nickname for a Satan like him, not to mention confusing. "Allow me to be honest, Lucifer. I thought you were a fool. For once, being horribly wrong makes me glad. I'm willing to step down as a Satan and grant it to you."

"Hah, no thanks. Keep it." Lucifer said straightly that Sirzechs thought he didn't consider it. Well it's true. He didn't need to consider it. "I've had my turn and I failed. Dreadfully." And that was Lucifer, the Light Bringer, expressing his brief remorse. "I can hardly recognize Hell these days anyway. She has never looked so clean." A brief chuckle, "Keep her that way and you'll have my vote, Mr. President."

As jokily said that last bit was, it was genuine. Sirzechs knew. Not needing to worry about Lucifer attempting to dethrone him and even achieving his approval was the best outcome he didn't even know possible.

"But a fool?" Lucifer laughed as he slung an arm around his counterpart's shoulders. "You owe me a couple of pint for that. And a bar. In here. Specifically, at the lounge of this building. And a cat! A Ragdoll cat that will go boneless-limp once you lift her, with fur of soft, irresistible fluff that compels you to bury your whole face in it."

Sirzechs laughed at first, joining in Lucifer's laughter, but then he discovered something.

"…You weren't joking were you…?"

"Sometimes, I wish I do." Lucifer slyly chuckled as the floor beneath them emitted a bright crimson glow. The sigil of the House Gremory. "But now isn't such time. I really do want a feline, you know."

"…Oh. I'll see to it… but will you mind if I ask why?"

"Why?" Lucifer asked back, poking fun at Sirzechs. "They're silent as a shadow and light as a feather. Have you seen a Ragdoll before? They're gorgeous little creatures with fleecy hairs. I can spend a whole afternoon just petting her."

Today, Sirzechs learned, that not only the First Satan was alive, spoke in charming British accent seen as some people as preposterous, and that he was also a shrewd capitalist and a cat-person.

To be continued…