
The Devil Reborn

Anime & Comics
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This Story is not mine i just wanted to share it with other fans if you wish to read or support the real creator of this novel then please search for DanzyDanz on fanfiction.net by the name Lucifer. Thanks for reading . . . Almost a millennia after his death, his ever-wandering soul returned to his original body at last. Caused by a date gone horribly wrong out of all reasons. He had no intention on reclaiming his throne or be dragged into the game of politics in the first place, but even the Morning Star can't always be the chooser.

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Chapter 1||Necessities of Evil||

Sirzechs Lucifer, the brilliantly crimson haired young looking fellow whose age was nowhere close to young in human perspective, regarded as Satan Lucifer by the residents of the Underworld, for the first time since his Japanophile little sister showed him her impressive collection of artifacts, was muddled by bewilderment.

During his lifetime as a devil, he had seen, experienced, and even created myriads of spectacles that many deemed as miracles. However, never had he seen a crater that not only was half a mile deep and a mile in radius, unbelievably smooth and shaped like the insides of a ball cut in half, would appear out of nowhere and in the middle of nowhere.

Sirzechs stepped back from the edge, mystified. "This wasn't here until today?" he asked the gigantic creature standing beside him. Tannin was a bipedal dragon of dark purple scales with twin yellow horns that reflected the shine of the dark sun – the artificial sun created by the devils, from the devils, for the humans.

"Not when I flew by 'ere two hours ago."

The Satan's sleek crimson eyebrows creased. "You didn't see anything then? Nothing suspicious or inherently strange?"

"Nay." The dragon shook his humongous head left and right. "Dead lands all over."

"Are you positive this isn't your doing?"

"Aye— what do you mean by that?!"

As the dragon shot him a glare, the Crimson Satan cackled. "Just a little joke. Don't be so mad."

"I find your lousy gags nauseating at best." The dragon snarled, growing to a low growl as Sirzechs was mildly amused by his unintentional play of words. Tannin decided to shift the topic back. "Got any names? We have no criminals with this caliber."

Sirzechs shrugged his shoulders, shaking his multiple shoulder guards, three on each shoulder. Each polished to perfection by those workaholic maids.

"A few come to mind," he said, speculatively, "but I doubt it's any of them."

His sharp beryl-hued eyes observed the massive crater once more, sweeping for missing clues, finding none.

A strong gust blew off from his nose as Tannin huffed. "Ye reckon this was them brats' doin'?"


"Dem Brigade oafs."

"Oafs?" The Crimson Satan let loose of a burst of chuckle, coming across as a snort. "No. I doubt it's them either. They might be oafs, but they act with purpose. This is but a mass graveyard from the Great War. Nothing of value can be retrieved from it apart from a piece of history or dirt, I suppose.."

"We got nothin' then."

"Exactly. Nothing." Heaving a sigh, Sirzechs nodded. "Let's rest the case for now. Think of it as an environmental anomaly. We have more pressing matters at hand."

Tannin snorted. "Hah. Which? Those snobbish brats? Or that prideful Phoenix brat?"

"They have the blood of the late Satans, Tannin. Don't underestimate them." Sirzechs said wisely as the crimson magic circle, bearing the crimson sigil of the Gremory, formed underneath his feet. "I have no say about the latter, though, neither do I can have a say in that matter, unfortunately."

The dragon shook his head disapprovingly. "Ye damned devils and yer inane arranged marriage..."

"You're one as well, Tannin. What does that make you again? A dragon devil? Devil drake?"

"Feh. Sod off."

Sirzechs laughed. "Carry on then." After a bright red flash, the Crimson Satan disappeared.

Tannin took another glance at the caved-in land that could fit 40 of him and then some. He grunted once, shaking his pestering curiosity away as his draconic wings lifted him to the sky in a powerful gust, throwing dusts in the air as the Blaze Meteor Dragon took flight, and soared away from the scene, to return to his patrolling duty.

You might think it is demeaning for a dragon of his capacity to stroll around the Underworld, but Tannin liked flying, and he also couldn't care less of what you think of him.


Meanwhile, the culprit of the aforementioned 'natural anomaly' was sitting on a pew, in front of an altar inside a Catholic church. Not praying, though. He believed in God, and Jesus too, but he wouldn't necessarily fit as a devout Christian.

It was complicated.

"You missed a spot there." He said to the brutalized middle-aged man kneeling in front of him, who was pathetically wiping the bloodstain from his dress shoes using what was left of his pink-purple suit.

As the last bit splatter of those viscous red liquid had been rubbed away from his black, shiny shoes, Lucifer patted the fallen angel's head, beaming a smile.

"There you go! Not so hard wasn't it? I knew you could do something correctly if you tried. Well, as long as it's within your capacity of doing – which is rather pathetic in the first place, might I add. Look at these messes you dragged your poor friends into."

The Devil chirped as he stood up. The man recoiled in fear. He sprawled onto his back as the screams of his dead companions were still fresh in his ears and the terror was fresh in his head.

"It's not that you're weak… I'm just overly blessed, say..." Lucifer picked up a light purple fedora off the ground, and placed it on top of the fallen angel's burnt black hair, dusting it with a stroke that made him flinch. His last eye stared to the suited figure in pure fear as the other had been melted, boiled into vapor by a searing flame.

Somehow, Dohnaseek felt no pain. Fresh red blood was dripping off the stump of where his left arm should be, but he was numbed. He felt fear, however. The fear of dying, perhaps.

What an expression, Lucifer mused. "Well then, sir… I'm sorry, I didn't catch your name. But I digress. Have you heard of Amano Yuuma? Raynare, if I'm not mistaken."

He sauntered down the spiraling staircase of the shady building - a church long forgotten and abandoned, and twice as creepy at night.

From what he recalled from his many lives, churches should be holy and bright. It should be filled with the angelic voice of the choir as they raise their praises to the good Lord above. But this one, however, was not only gloomy and dark, untidy, and positively cobwebbed and dust-ridden, it was humid and reeked of all sorts of unpleasantness as well.

Not the most suitable places to be wearing a suit.

He was very careful upon his steps. Very, very careful, eyeing every place before taking a step like a soldier on a minefield. He didn't want to step on something he'd regret. Sure he could toss his shoes should that ever happen, but The Morning Star had a pet peeve towards wastefulness.

{You truly are the original Lucifer...} Within him, the Red Dragon Emperor voiced his disbelief. {What you did was… rather evil. Debasing that man until he can only cower. Is it necessary to kill him as well?}

"Which sounds worse to you? Let him live without limbs, possibly left struggling to forget this night for the rest of his entire life, getting random PTSD, or simply kill him and end his suffering right then and there?"

Ddraig thought about it. Lucifer did make sense. Wait, wasn't he just justifying his murder?

"Besides, evil is a necessity, Drakey, and I'm only evil when I need to be. Their fault for being so uncivilized. Didn't even bother letting me speak." Lucifer replied humorously. Might as well waste some time while he scaled down the stairs. "Can't they see I come in peace?"

{Of course you did... Your smile should've made it clear for them to see.} Ddraig snarked, but then coughed awkwardly, lowering his tone to a polite one. {...Well then...Lucifer. I wager you're quite the powerful being, as you are the Son of God. Do you suppose you can, perhaps... unseal me?}

"Ah, look who's suddenly well-mannered now, eh?" Lucifer hummed, and Ddraig laughed awkwardly. The idea was amusing. It tickled him in the right place of his heart. Along with women, songs, sex, and drinks, he loved juicy propositions the most. There was a reason a "Deal with the Devil" is a famously notorious phrase.

"Let's assume that I can. What will I get in return?"

{Err... Well... what do you want? My service?}

"Mmmn..." Lucifer pondered for a while as his russet eyes eyed a ruined pillar. "I do fancy the sound of a dragon serving under my name... You can be like those pampered priests and say my name each time you do something special."

No price could mean anything for freedom. {Very well, I'll be under your service.}

"Brilliant!" The man said as he continued his stroll.

{...So, will you do it?}

"Hm? Do what?"

{Unseal me?}

"Ah, right. How will I do that?" But do you know what else he loved other than those noted above? Playing a -usually- harmless trick on someone else. Before the Welsh Dragon let loose of his rampant rage, Lucifer switched off the link that connected their thoughts, and walked with a fresh satisfaction.

Several paces later, he arrived in front of large double doors. And him being the polite gentleman unlike those dead gentlemen upstairs, Lucifer knocked three times, and waited for a reply. When there was none, he sauntered inside, not bothering to take a peek and walking in as though he had been here.

The place might be dead but civility shouldn't have to.

He whistled as he took in the surprisingly eerier spot. "What kind of church is this? Why do I feel that some sort of Satanic sect had meetings here? That, or a KKK meeting." Pausing, Lucifer wondered aloud. "What century am I in again?"

A dozen figures cloaked in black robes turned to him. He paid them no mind as he was busy looking around, poking around like a girl in a SeaWorld aquarium. He had only seen this kind of place in movies; a massive room with a tall ceiling, tall enough to fit lengthy stairways leading to a huge cross at the middle, where there chained a young girl.

Her head hung low, and she wasn't moving.

Probably dead.

On a side note, she was covered in only her underwear, but Lucifer was not a priest. He didn't see pubescent girls as potential bedmates. He was a devil, not a deranged pedophile.

He strolled around the area like a tourist, poking stuff that sparked his interest, before recoiling from the thick dusts as two fallen angels flew at him.

"Who the hell are you?" One of them greeted The Devil. Not a friendly greeting, but it was an improvement compared to the incivility of those upstairs.

"Good evening." Lucifer smiled in a friendly manner. "Have you ever considered a spring cleaning? The place is quite dusty."

"Who are you?" demanded one of the fallen angels in a high-pitched feminine voice. A blonde-girl dressed in a black gothic Lolita dress. Cutesy wasn't his type, so he ignored her deliberately. Besides, she ignored him in the first place.

"What do you want?" The voice of the woman in burgundy suit was deeper, suitable for a villainess with her contralto. This fallen angel, though... was certainly daring. It was a miracle how her suit buttons hadn't given in to her massive breasts' pressure.

"Need I ask one more? What. Do. You. Want."

"Presently? Your name. Later on? You." Lucifer grinned hintfully, which infuriated Mittelt.

"Stop spouting nonsense!" Mittelt warned, pointing her pink lightspear in an attempt to threaten him. The other fallen angel seemed perplexed for a moment.

The First Devil appeared to be taken aback, a feigning act he mastered to gain sympathy, or revulsion if executed poorly.

"But lady, I spout no nonsense." He said as he smoothed his eyes upon Kalawarner's cleavage, "I know what I want..." and then steadily crept up past her lips, over her slowly flushing cheeks, and ended at her shadowy yellow irises, holding her eyes in a deep gaze as he transpired the most carnal of sins; Lust. "Or who I want, for that matter."

"Yes…?" The woman shifted her legs, swallowed her saliva that was accumulating quickly, and breathed heavier. Hotter. Like a woman in need of a man's caress. "I…'d love to."

"Kalawarner, snap out of it!"

Kalawarner blinked, breaking the spell and her growing desires over this sharply dressed man.

As the gothic Lolita ruined his charm, Lucifer decided to return to his previous objective instead of getting furious. Getting irate was a great thing to do if he wanted to stave off these women.

"Is Amano Yuuma here?"

"It's Raynare, and how do you know that name?" another voice came from above as another fallen angel approached them. That spiteful, racy voice, lustrous thighs, perfectly ample body layered in revealing black outfit, there was no mistaking it.

"Ah! Raynare, I see... Raynare and Kalawarner... Exquisite names. Much better than something ending with -el." Lucifer exclaimed, switching glances between the two women. "But, dearie me. Aren't you the bold ones. Can't blame you I suppose, I'd put on a little bit of a show too if I had a body like either of yours."

"Are you saying there's something wrong with mine, huh?!" Mittelt took offense, and her anger seemingly coursed to her lightspear as its crackle intensified.

Lucifer raised his hands yieldingly. "Calm down, being sensual isn't a choice, it's a commitment."

While boiling Mattel's blood, he stole an indiscreet glance at Raynare. She appeared skeptical at first, but was starting to be drawn into him. He could see the smile her lips barely suppressed about to break out like the lust that was slowly burning her body, heating her up as it did to her fellow friend.

"Tell me what, though- what's your plan for tonight? I'd love to hang around by this place but… wouldn't want any dusts on those smooth skins of yours, would we? Say, how about a very late dinner at a hotel… perhaps a couple of drinks until you find me attractive?"

He saw the two ladies exchange glances with each other while the blonde girl was seething in anger.

"If that's so, then we'll have plain water."


Hearing that, Lucifer was flattered. His smile became even more appealing as it changed to a genuine one. He loved compliments. "Well? Are you girls waiting for me to say it? What are we waiting for?"

The double doors crashed open, breaking into wooden shrapnel. A guy in white robe tumbled over the floor, raising himself with a sword. Yet another holy-infused weapon, Lucifer thought absently. "Heh. Did Father just give them away for free? Did He start a charity event sometime ago?"

"Freed?" Raynare said.

"FUCK!" Freed shouted, replying to no one in particular. He appeared unharmed, just a bit dusty. "-Hey Rayray, those damned devils followed me here, and— tch!" he was cut short as he had to parry a sword.

Freed distanced himself. "Handsome bastard."

Smiling as he held his demonic sword, Kiba replied with a nod. "Repulsive priest."

"I called you handsome goddammit!" Freed blazed, flailing his blade. "And you call me repulsive?! Fucking Devil you are— you really wanna die huh?!"

The reincarnated devil was not alone, though, as the rest of his group showed up from the wide-open double doors, and as the darkly robed people started to scamper away, the fallen angels had abandoned Lucifer completely.

"Hey wait- ah bollocks. Me and my luck." Lucifer groaned as Rias and company made their appearances. Sure, they were like him, a devil, but they just cockblocked him.

A bit dour now, Lucifer took a seat at a nearby statue, not bothering to be noticed, and watched the scene ensued in silence, conjecturing a future where devils and fallen angels could hold hands together and commit a massive orgy in a room, where he is preferably the only male in there.

"Fallen angel Raynare," the crimson-haired devil began with a tone, "not only have you murdered a student of my school, in my territory nonetheless, you dared to kidnap another." Her eyes travelled to follow the huge stairway leading up to a chained blonde girl.

And then Rias seethed, "Killed her as well."

'Ah yes, she killed me.' Lucifer thought negligently as he looked at the huge cross, finding the aforementioned student still hanging around. Still very much dead, she seemed. He returned his attention to the conflict after his eyes wandered off at Kalawarner's chest.

"Please, they're just humans." Raynare replied with a certain edge in her voice. "Also... I find it odd that you didn't prevent the kidnappings in the first place despite you having your servants close-by, Rias of House Gremory. It is as though you intended them to die in the first place. How is that any better than what I do?"

That flickered a flame in his soul. Anger? No... More like a certain type of fascination. Devils were meant to be as manipulative as possible for their own welfare, to be free with their will, unbound by anything other than their ability to influence control over anything that wasn't absolute.

This Rias seemed to have potential to be special.

'How beguiling.' A smile crept up on his features as he eyed the crimson devil in particular, taking in her stunning elegance matched with confidence, her sinfully curvaceous figure that certainly shouldn't belong to a high schooler – judging from her uniform. Actually, he had seen those before. Weren't those the uniforms of a school he used to attend as that boy?

What was his name again?

Well, that was expected. He could never recall what happened in his past memories, no matter how fresh. Maybe so it was easier for him to move on with his new life? Who knows. His Father worked in mysterious ways, so he supposed if he crushed his balls, he should just think it was by Father's will.

Yeah, no.

Lucifer would never anything crush his devilish jewels for one, and he knew one truth about his Father.

He gave no shit.

And then there was much shouting, the metallic clashing of swords, spells brewing and howling thunderously, spurts of blood splashing like a thriller movie, followed with fitting terrorized screams. Then pain and agony and ultimately, death. Oh lord, the horror.

It had been a long while -several thousand years, in fact- since he had last seen a fight up close, and the display of Power of Destruction in the flesh. Or on the flesh of a fallen angel. It was quite devastating, he noticed. Kinda burnt like acid. He was sure Bael had that gift, but time could dull memory even if it was the memory of an angel-turned-devil, and Lucifer had been sleeping in that tomb for a long, long time.

Hers was weaker though, so it was possible he mistook it as some new spells. Like new kids and their always new phones. Well no matter. He considered strength wasn't as important as wit.

Raynare died swiftly. Too bad, he supposed, but The Devil wasn't known to grow attachment. Desires? Yes, very much so. But developing attachment for someone he simply wished to lie down on a bed for a day and possibly toss away in a matter of days? Never.

Especially not towards a flock of mature Fallen Angels who couldn't fend themselves against these younger Devils. Stronger, more talented, and conveniently better looking.

As the noises died down, Lucifer got off from his spectator seat, making himself known as finally, the devils became aware of his presence. Not in a good welcoming manner, as shown by their battle stance, to which he carefully tread over the black remains of the fallen angels, feeling not much remorse despite they were supposed to be his dates for the nights.

They didn't matter when someone more enticing arrived.

Lucifer paused his steps and raised both his hands, showing his empty palms. He watched her sleek crimson eyebrows furrowed in suspicion.

"Who...? Who are you? You're no crows." Rias said inquisitively, appearing troubled. Something inside her made her think she knew him, somehow, somewhere, despite having never seen him before. The reincarnated devils felt nothing but an increasing feeling of wariness.

That was normal for anyone who met him back then.

"Lucifer." He said, playing a smile into place as it reached his russet eyes. "I wager that's a name familiar to your ears, isn't it?"

To be continued...

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