

"Acting innocent , aren't we?" He said fiercely. "I- I--uhhh" I hesitated taking steps backwards as he was walking towards me . "You what Amy?" His eyes got dark and wide . Raising his eyebrows he leaned against me . Instantly started kissing me roughly and lustful. I tried to push him away . But he grabbed my wrist so hard . I let out a little scream with pain and panic. "Please..please stop" until now my eyes filled with warm and fearful tears . *************************** Amelia Harper, a 18 years old girl . In her senior year of high school , she got into trouble with her new substitute teacher . What will she do now ? Will she fall for him? If she did, would he love her back? Can a teacher and student be a thing ??

Elide_lee · Kỳ huyễn
Không đủ số lượng người đọc
66 Chs

Chapter 62


The 'lift' Jason gave me was silent and brilliant because of the fucking rain it was so slow and jiterry . Anyways , we went home 'safely' luckily .

"Amy, wait." Jason said , stopping me from opening the door . I didn't turn to see him but I actually stopped to hear what else he had to say.

"I know it is hard for you to believe me but consider it for once . Maybe I'm right on this . Travis isn't what you think he is . Amy, he is trying to hurt you ." he tried to convince me but it was getting annoying .

I sighed "Okay , let's assume that he did send Caroline to you . But how would it be hurting me? It is understandable ." I could sense he wasn't expecting this .

"You .. you don't understand your own feelings, that's what it is ."

"What do you mean?"

"Tell me did you feel nothing just now when you saw me with Caroline?" He asked and I shaked my head in denial .

"Not even a single thing?" I denied again . "Quiet lying." He scoffed with a side smirk.

"I'm not lying."

"Yeah not to me . You can't , I can basically see through you and surely can he . That's the reason . Amy , come true to yourself . You still like me . You don't like him . You are just finding my replacement . It could be anyone for you ."

"Shut up!! I don't like you . I hate you ."I yelled , covering my ears . Shutting my eyes. But my brain was saying something different .

The voices in my head are agreeing with him . But somehow I don't want to . And sadly I know deep down why I don't .

"Amy?" Jason called , placing his hands on mine .

"I know I have hurt you a lot . But can't you just trust me with this?" He said in a pleading tone . I opened my eyes slowly . The heavy shout of rain and Jason's eyes were so fucking deep . I wanted to resist his touch but instead I let him be .

I think I just felt like I missed this . This feeling . This touch . This sense .Those eyes . Those lips . His face . I think this is all that I was ever craving for . I have never felt like this with Travis or any other . He is the only one who can make me feel like this .

Like so alive . I could feel my existence . I could feel the time stopped . The rain drops froze in the air . I must be dreaming .

"I .. I should leave." I said hurriedly getting out of the car and running inside . What the fuck was I thinking?

He is so freaking manipulative .

I got my keys out and was going to open the door but then I saw it was already open . I hesitated but then I picked up a small wooden stick . Chewing my lips nervously I stepped in . I thought someone broke into our house .

Lately there have been many incidents like that . I don't know why I am trying to be so brave having so many things running inside my head . Anyhow I just kept taking slow steps .

Then I just heard a woman's voice . Laughing . I gulped hard . Please don't be what I think it would be .

"I don't particularly want to be with him because of his looks , boy . I like young ones more . I think I'm more suitable for you than him." She said in a way more seductive and lower tone .

"Sure you are." A familiar voice replied. Chuckling .

I took a deep breath and headed inside . The stick I was holding dropped on the floor.

My world just collapsed . Caroline and Travis were drinking together . They were laughing . Not only they were doing that . She . She was sitting on his lap . I was speechless .

"Fuck." Travis muttered, throwing Caroline away.

"Hey, that hurts." She hissed , rubbing her elbow .

"Amy , it's not what you think . I can explain ." He said , getting closer slowly .

I looked at him and then at her . She rolled her eyes . He seemed worried .

"Baby , let's leave her be and go have some fun as we decided earlier." Caroline said . her last words were so straight to my face . She tried to hold his arm but he jerked her off.

"Amy , please listen . Baby I love you. It isn't what it looks like." He tried to convince me again .

"I .. I ." I couldn't gather anything to say . I just ran out of there. The rain hasn't stopped yet . I still ran away . I could hear him shouting and running behind me .

How ? Why ?When did she get here? She was there just then . She was seducing Jason just now and now she is with Travis .

What is going on? What Jason said was true . I shouldn't have come home . I .. This is hard . Running in this rain is hard .

Suddenly a car came in front of me . I stopped . The window lowered revealing Jason.

"You can either get in or go back to him . Choose wisely ,"He shouted . I looked back . Travis slowed seeing me standing . My eyes felt heavy and I was tired . Tired of every shit .

I just speedily get inside , without thinking twice . My clothes were soaking wet . I saw Travis running after . I saw his flustered face in the side mirror .

Why ? Why did you do it? Why couldn't you just trust me? I would have done whatever you wanted if you could have just talked it out .

Why did you have to hurt me to this end?

"I .. I saw her ." I managed to mumble between all wreck . "She .. They were so intimate . He lied . He .. I ..knew something was wrong . I knew what you were saying could make sense . But he . He took care of me for years . I just didn't want it to be true . He …" I unknowingly burst out .

"Hey , Shh . I know . I know ."

He stopped the car and hugged me .I muffled into his chest , he kept patting my back gently . This was comforting . But how could Travis just do that ? How could he?

I calmed down . He drove again . I don't even know where he is taking me . He stopped suddenly .

"We are here ." He said , I looked out . Is it his house? Did he just take me to his home?

He opened the door . I hesitantly got out . He closed the door and led me the way .

"Why are we here?" I asked . Water was dripping from my hair . I was so wet .

Wait no . Not like that . I mean from the rain I was wet from the rain .

"I don't think it would be appropriate to take you to your parents' home . Moreover it's very far darlin'." He said , eyeing me up and down . Well he's gotta point .

I went in and changed my shoes . I just stood there . He walked in . And turned back .

"Why are you standing there?" He asked .

"I don't want to get your floor wet ." I said , clutching my clothes .

He chuckled , "it's okay , you can come in."


Instantly he pulled me in, grabbing my hand . We went straight into the bedroom which I assume is his . He brought me some of his clothes and told me to take a warm shower . I did so .

I went out and there was food . Jason was cooking . It has been so long since I saw him cooking that happily . Last time I saw it was . Oh let's not get there brain .

(author- when they had intimate sex at his apartment .)

"Why are you standing there? Come sit ." He said , smiling softly . Okay soft boy . Shut it .

"Your hair is still wet" He said , removing his apron . His folded cuffs showing his arms . Oh boy .

"I couldn't find the dryer ." I said .

He went inside and came with a dryer . Without any warning he started drying my hair. I just frozen .

I looked at his face . How could he take this so lightly? I insulted him way more than he could imagine . He still took me in . I should have just called my friends instead . Ciara would be so mad if she found out what was happening to me . She is in England with Asher but she wouldn't waste a single second coming here .

"Can I ask you something?" I said .

"Of course."

"Why did you get divorced?" I asked . I just wanted to know suddenly out of nowhere.

He looked right into my eyes . His eyes became watery yet he was smiling . Did I do something wrong? I shouldn't have asked that? He might be hurt . Stupid Amy can't you close your mouth for once .

"I .. You , You don't have to tell me if you don't want to . We can just get to eating." I said abruptly . Biting my lips so not to say something stupid again .

"No ." He took my hands , "I just .. I'm just so content . I don't know how to begin . Finally I'll be able to tell everything to someone I really wanted for so long but couldn't ."


"I never wanted to get married . It was because my father forced me . They lied to me saying my father was so sick he won't make it out alive . So I should marry into the Beckwett family and preserve the thing he loves the most, which is his business. So I wanted to call you . I really did . It was all so hard for me . I didn't want to go through it alone but I couldn't just make you go through my hardships . So I couldn't gather up the courage to call you . The day I returned I wanted to tell you how much I missed you but it was a really critical situation ." He teared up badly and continued .

"I saw you crying again and again because of me . I hurt you so many times . I .." He shut his eyes covering them with his hands .

"Hey , it's okay . It's alright." I comforted him .

"Then ." He took some deep breaths , "I found out the marriage was a lie . My father and everyone lied . Even Caroline knew about it . She only agreed because she always wanted to marry me since we were kids . Her family and my family used to be friends. Then I divorced her and ran to you . I wanted to tell you how much I love you . I wanted to hug you and I wanted to kiss you . I wanted to stop hurting you . But then I saw you and you .. you were stabbed and there was blood and you were unconscious . I felt like it was the worst nightmare . I shouted but you didn't wake up and doctors were in a rush and it was really scary . I felt like I did it . Then Travis .."

He stopped suddenly leaving me in shock . A big one . He was there . That day it was him . I was right . I saw him . It was really him .

"Travis what??" I yelled in disbelief .