
The Demonic Paradise

Ethan always knew that he was different from others. He was far more stronger and faster than the average man, thus causing him to be isolated and avoided by others. But this didn't change his life as his close encounter with Rose Scarlett, a member of the mysterious organization known as "The Hunters." While fighting against a group of demons, a malevolent beings that preys on the souls of humans, Ethan was stabbed and was at the verge of death. Before death could take him, he awakened a dark power within him. He soon finds out that he lives in a world where the light is in an eternal struggle against the darkness. Which side is he on?

NinjaKilla · Kỳ huyễn
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19 Chs

The Holy Maiden

In a certain region in Europe, there was a girl who was discarded by her parents and was raised by a nun along with other orphans in a church nearby.

The girl sent the rest of her days giving her full dedication to the church and became a strong follower of God.

Then something unbelievable happened.

At the age of 8, the girl received a special power. She healed a wounded puppy, and a person from the Catholic Church witnessed it by chance.

From there on, her life changed.

The girl was taken to the main Catholic Church and she was symbolized by many as a "Holy Maiden" because of her power to heal.

However, she had no dissatisfaction for how she was treated. People from the Church were kind to her, plus she didn't hate healing people. Instead, she was happy she was being of use to the church.

She was thankful to her power which was bestowed to her by God.

But the girl was lonely.

She didn't have any friends she could open up to and everyone treated her nicely. But there were no one willing to become her friend.

She understood why.

She knew that they didn't look at her as a human but as a creature that could heal humans.

But one day, it changed

By coincidence, there was a wounded man nearby which was unknowth to her was a vampire and she healed it. As a dedicated follower of God, how could she leave someone in need of help?

But that action completely changed her life forever.

One of the people from the Church saw the entire thing and notified other members of the Church.

The ministers of the Church were shocked about it.

"A power that can heal Devils!?"

"Something absurd like that cannot happen!"

"The power of healing can only heal the followers of God!"

Of course, there were several people who had the power to heal. But the power to heal a vampire was completely out of the question.

There was a saying that those who had the power to heal were blessed by the Lord himself, so the people of the Church thought it was common sense that the power of healing doesn't work on vampires and devils.

The power to heal Vampires and Devils that were not protected by God. But that was feared as the power of a "Witch". So the people saw her as a heretic.

The girl who was respected as the Holy Maiden was then feared as a "Witch" and was thrown out of the Catholic Church.

But the girl never forgot to pray to God. She also never forgot to thank God.

Even so, the girl was abandoned.

God didn't save her.

What shocked her the most was that there was not even a single person in the Church that was willing to defend her.

There was no one who cared about her and she was all alone.

Ethan just listened to everything she said without saying anything. Rather, he didn't know what to say after healing about her past.

Someone who had the power to heal anything including vampires and demons is an irregularity indeed.

"This is also a trial given to me by the Lord. So I have to endure it." Wendy was laughing as if she was talking to herself.

"I'm sure I will make lots of friends one day. I have a dream. I want to go buy flowers with a friend, buying books and talk...." She is full of tears.

She had been waiting for her lord to save her this entire whole time and has been hiding her feelings all along.

While Ethan wasn't one who believed in religion, he couldn't but think this supreme deity or whatever people called him was a complete Son of a Bitch.

This girl was suffering and was longing for his help! She has been respecting him more than anyone else so why didn't he save her? The more he thought about it, the more angrier he became.

Therefore, Ethan reached for his phone in his pockets and gave Wendy his number.

"Take it."

"Huh? Why? Wendy asked confused

"It's so you can call me whenever you feel like." Ethan said with a smile.

"Are you sure you want to hang around with me, I can be a bother you know?"

"Yes of course, why not?" Ethan replied without wasting a moment breath.

Wendy put her hand on her mouth, and once again starts to shed tears. Though, this time, her tears didn't seem to appear sad.

"Ethan, I have no common sense."

"That's not a problem, you can learn by going around the city and looking at different things."

"I'm clumsy and can be silly some times."

"That's normal."

"...Then will you be my friend?"

"Huh? Aren't we already friends?" Hearing Ethan's response, Wendy just smiled.

The incident from her sad past. He won't know how painful it was. But he was certain he could keep her smiling from now on! Yes, He will going to protect that smile of hers.

"I'm sorry, but I'm afraid that's impossible." Sudden voice came from the side, causing both of them to look towards the source.

It was a mature woman who was wearing a professional white jacket and had white skin, black onyx eyes; she also looked tall, standing at 170cm tall.

Ethan immediately went into defensive mode and stood infront of Wendy at once. Then Wendy's voice was heard, "Mizuki?"

Someone from the church by why Is Wendy on guard against her.

"What do you want?" Mizuki sneered as she heard Ethan speak.

"I don't want scum like you talking to me." She said as she stared at Ethan as if she is looking at something very disgusting.

"That girl, Wendy, is with us. Can I have her back? Wendy, you know it's useless to run?"

"Run? What does she mean?" Ethan thought with a frown as this woman was very suspicious.

"…No. I don't want to return to that Church. You people did things to me…" Wendy replied back with disgust.

What happened? What happened inside that Church?

Now without a doubt, everything thing was clear. Ethan realized who this woman was and this expression worsened.

"Please don't say that, Wendy. Your power is essential for our plan. So please come back with me. I also took the time to look for you. Stop being such a troublesome bitch!" Then the woman started approaching them. Wendy held onto Ethan's shirt and she was shaking in fear.

"What are you going to do with her after taking her back?" Ethan asked

"What's between us doesn't have anything to do with you. If you plan to interfere, I can't guarantee you will survive." She raised her fan before she started chanting some kind of incantation.

"You think I will let you." Immediately, Ethan dashed towards the woman at once. He will be foolish if he let the bitch finish her incantation. He wasn't some stupid shonen protagonist that would let his enemy charge their attack.

His movement speed was almost instantaneous and his fist was traveling towards Mizuki's face at the speed of a raging cannon.

Luckily for Mizuki, she managed to react to react in time and infused his arms with magic power before blocking.


Just like that, the woman's arm guard was broken and she was already flying in the air.

The physical prowess of a demon is not be underestimated.

"What's with this insane strength? Even for a devil, isn't this too much?" Her arms were feeling numb just from that one strike despite being infused with magic power. She had underestimated him too much but she had no time to cry over spoiled milk.

Ethan was already running towards her, ready to unleash another attack.

He really wanted all the smoke. Let they say, strike first while the iron is hot.

She clicked her tongue before dodging Ethan's aggressive strike and landed in a safe


"He's strong, but why isn't he using his demonic power? He's only using his physical strength. In that case, let's try something." Mizuki thought.

Using this time, she began to chant her incantation quickly. "Oh Lord, give it to me a weapon to destroy my enemies." She spoke in a neutral tone, and her fan began glowing yellow, then, suddenly, her fan turns into a western sword.

Then the same light began to cover Mizuki's body. She crouched a little, before she bends her knees and with a thrust, and flies towards Ethan like a missile.

When she got close to Ethan, she swung her sword diagonally.

Realizing the threat, Ethan suddenly disappeared in front of Mizuki and appeared beside her, then he sent another punch.

"It's useless," She said smiling while golden energy glowed around her body.

Ethan didn't understand what happened, but he suddenly screamed from a pain he'd never felt in his life:

"AHHHHHHHHH!" He screamed like he was a beast being wounded.

"Ethan!!!" Wendy yelled out in concern when she saw the cut on his chest.

Ethan held his bleeding chest as his body slowly began to lose strength and he fell on his knees.

Realizing this was an opportunity, Mizuki flashed a maniacal smile and swung her sword again, this time she wanted his head!

But she suddenly paused her strike as Wendy stood between her and her prey.

"Are you serious? Wendy, do you know what you are doing?" Mizuki asked slightly annoyed. She was just about to behead that bastard, this girl is really annoying.

"it's you want, right? The please let him go, he has nothing to do with this." Wendy begged.

"W-Wendy, don't do it." Ethan tried to stand up but found out he couldn't.

"Damnit, move!!" Ethan cursed in his mind as he tried to move.

"Ethan, thank you for today. I really had fun today." Wendy smiled before she moved towards the woman.

"Good girl, Problem solved. With today's ritual, you will be freed from your suffering." Mizuki put on a lecherous grin.

No one needed to tell him that word ritual was something extremely bad.

To add to injury, a magic circle appeared beneath their feet.

"Looks like you were saved because of this girl. If you get in my way again, I will definitely kill you." The woman sneered before they disappeared in a golden light.

Just like that, they were gone and he couldn't do anything to stop it.

What kind of stupid joke is this? He had never felt so helpless in his life.

Ethan bit his teeth hard and punched the ground in frustration.
