
The Demonic Paradise

Ethan always knew that he was different from others. He was far more stronger and faster than the average man, thus causing him to be isolated and avoided by others. But this didn't change his life as his close encounter with Rose Scarlett, a member of the mysterious organization known as "The Hunters." While fighting against a group of demons, a malevolent beings that preys on the souls of humans, Ethan was stabbed and was at the verge of death. Before death could take him, he awakened a dark power within him. He soon finds out that he lives in a world where the light is in an eternal struggle against the darkness. Which side is he on?

NinjaKilla · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
19 Chs

A Date

A strange sight was taking place inside a fast food restaurant. A nun was getting confused in front of the register.

"W-What would you like to order...?" Even the employee doesn't know how to handle this situation.

It's seems that Wendy never came to this kind of place before, so she is having a hard time choosing her meal. Therefore, Ethan decided to help her out.

"Sorry. She will have the same order as me."

"Okay." The employee toom the order and Wendy on the other hand was shocked.

"Auu, I'm ashamed. I can't even buy a single hamburger by myself." Wendy said with a pout.

"W-Well it's not that bad." Ethan tried his best to comfort Wendy as they made way towards an empty table as soon as they got their meals.

While we are moving inside the restaurant, most of the male customers are looking at Wendy. Ethan could understand their gazes.

It was because Wendy is a nun and she's also because she was extremely beautiful as well. So any guy will be stunned if they saw her.

Ethan and Wendy sat opposite each other, but Wendy was taking a good look at the hamburger and wasn't eating it. Ethan wondered why she wasn't eating then a thought occurred to him.

"Could it be she didn't know how to eat it?"

What a strange development.

"Yo Wendy, you can eat this by taking the wrap off like this." Ethan showed her the way while smiling.

"Wow, you can eat it like that."

What a new reaction.

"Then, You can eat the fries like this."

"Oh my!" Wendy was looking at Ethan eating the fries with very keen eyes.

"Come on, Wendy. Eat as well."

"Ah, Yes." Wendy took a small bit of the burger and then started eating.

"It's delicious." Wendy said with shining eyes.

"You never ate a burger before?" Ethan couldn't help but ask.

"No." Wendy shook her head and said, "I mainly ate bread and soup. I also eat vegetable and pasta food."

"Huh? Such simple food. Was the church like that." Ethan thought with a raised eyebrow.

"Is that so? Then then eat it slowly so that you can savior the taste."

"Okay." Wendy said before she continued eating.

"But why was she at that park? She said she had time off, but it seems like she is running away from something. When she saw me, she seemed relieved. What's going on?" Ethan wanted to ask her but he might be imagining it.

Plus Wendy was happily enjoying her burger so he was afraid of asking her something that will make her depressed. Therefore,



"Let's go have some fun." Ethan said with a bright smile.


"Let's go to the gaming store."

*Some time later*


Ethan put his foot down on the accelerator, and quickly change the gear around the curve!

He then went past both cars!

"You are so fast, Ethan."

"Hahaha, are you watching Wendy. Now be bewitched by my awesome driving skills." Just like that, Ethan was playing a racing game at the game centre.

He used to go to near gaming centres whenever he was bored or free. Therefore, any game, racing or not, was not nothing before him. He basically beat almost all the games until he got bored of it.

Now now bow down to the True Gaming King.

[Win Player 1]

The sign that showed his victory appears on the screen.

"Oh? It looks like I beat my own record? Not bad, not bad, as expected of the gaming master." Ethan said with a pride smirk. Of course, he was doing all of this to show off but,

"Huh? Where did she go?" Ethan suddenly lost sight of Wendy and saw her standing in front of the crane game.

"What is it?" Ethan asked as he approached her.

"N-No, I-It's nothing." Wendy said but she did not sound very convincing.

"Is there something you want?" Ethan looked inside the crane game there is a pink stuffed rabbit.

"Do you want that one? Ethan asked as he pointed to the rabbit inside the crane.

"Eh? N-No, t-that is..." Wendy's face turned red, and she nodded her head shyly.

"Okay. I will get it for you!"

Eh? B-But...!" She tried to protest but how could Ethan let her?

"It's okay, I will get it." Ethan rolled up his sleeves before he inserted a coin immediately and started controlling the crane.

To be honest, this was his first time playing but he had confidence in games so how hard can a crane game be, right?

Well, that's what he thought, but he had a hard time getting it and it was now his fifth try. But luckily, he finally managed to get it.

"Yes." Ethan made a victory pose and took his price that just dropped out before going it to Wendy.

"Here you go."

Wendy became happy as she held the rabbit to her chest.

"Thank you Ethan, I'll take care of this rabbit."

"If you love it so much, then I will get more for you next time." Ethan said but Wendy just shook her head.

"No, this rabbit represents the wonderful day I had with you. So I will take good care of this rabbit."

"Huh? What do you mean? We're just getting started! Follow me!"

"Okay." Then Ethan took her hand went further into the game centre.



"We played a lot, huh?"

"Yes and I'm so tired."

Ethan and Wendy were walking on the streets while laughing. Ethan had so much fun seeing Wendy's reaction when they went to the game centre and other shops.

Looks like everything turned out fine despite being his first time doing this. And seeing Wendy have a smile on her face, just made Ethan happy for no reason.

"Ahh" Ethan groaned as he felt a sharp pain on his shoulder. It's the wound from yesterday where he was shot by the priest.

"Damnit, I'm going to kill that son of a bitch." Ethan thought as he held his injured shoulder.

"Are you okay?" Wendy asked with a worried expression.

"Yeah, I'm fine. It's just a light wound." Ethan dismissed it just like that but how could Wendy leave him in pain.

"Can you please lift your sleeve?"

"S-Sure." Ethan said as he raised his t-shirt sleeve to have his right shoulder exposed. The bullet mark was still there.

"My god! This is not light at all." Wendy said with a frown as she stared at Ethan but she didn't push any further and just placed her palm on his shoulder.

A warm and gentle light shined on Ethan's shoulder as his wounds began to heal rapidly. Then the bullet wound disappeared without a trace as if it was never there.

"So how is it." Wendy removed her hand and urged him to move. Ethan moved his arm a bit and was shocked.

"This is amazing Wendy. I don't feel any pain anymore and my shoulder feels as good as new." Ethan said as he moved his shoulder a bit and Wendy was happy when she saw him.

"This is amazing, Wendy. This healing power, it's an incredible power."

"As I've been told." Wendy said with an complicated expression, then a sad face.

Soon after, a single tear drop fell from her eyes. Then, more tears started flowing out from her eyes.

She couldn't hold it in anymore

"Wendy, what's wrong? Did something happen? You can tell me anything Wendy." Ethan said as he tried to comfort her.

She thought hard for a bit, probably thinking if it's a good idea to him, but in the end, she decided to tell him. Why wouldn't she? Ethan was nothing but kind to her.

Ethan held her hand and sat on the bench on the roadside.

Wendy took a deep breath to calm her mind before she finally started to explain.

"Ethan, let me tell my story."