

Through United States, he was originally just an ordinary person and became a world-famous mercenary and killer. Things are wrong, should he become a hero of justice? Or continue his dark career?Dont judge me by the superficial concept of good and evil. ........... Through United States, he was originally just an ordinary person and became a world-famous mercenary and killer. Things are wrong, should he become a hero of justice? Or continue his dark career? "Don't judge me by the superficial concept of good and evil, I only do what I want to do." The protagonist suddenly appeared behind the author of the book about Hu Bian's work and exploded his dog's head with a shot: "It's that simple, I'm the Death Knell!

din_hamine · Kỳ huyễn
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19 Chs

Harley Quinn

Down the stairs, two guys wearing the same armor walked in the bat's company so carelessly. The surveillance probe on the road recorded their every move.

Su Ming was on the top of the building as soon as he arrived. He didn't know what was going on, but Cindy didn't care about it either. It might be the intention to induce Batwoman.

Try your luck even if she is not there.

Passing by Brice Wayne's office, Cindy even took the sheep and smashed the wine cabinet to get two bottles of good wine, completely ignoring the harsh alarm, she unscrewed the wine and tasted it, chirped her mouth, and threw it to Sue. Ming a bottle, after that, the two went straight into the elevator and went straight downstairs.

Under normal circumstances, people who do bad things will not take the elevator. In case of a power cut, you will be caught in the elevator in the urn, and even if you encounter a ruthless person, you will take the elevator to free fall.

Cindy walked in naturally, so Su Ming followed in. The reason why she can be so relieved is that she should have taken care of all the guards.

Now the brain can immediately make a guess based on a little clue, which is much better than the brain before he crossed. If there was such a good brain back then, it is estimated that any school can study with a scholarship?

But it's not too late. If you can return to the original world with the body of the death knell, wouldn't it be brilliant to do

business? Will be promoted and raise salary soon, become general manager, become CEO, marry Bai Fumei, and reach the pinnacle of life?

It's really a bit...I can't get excited.

In modern society, it's useless to be able to do serious business. There is no one on top of you, and you are not a related household. At most, you can make a small business. Just be a small boss. How can there be small bosses who open shops or restaurants? The CEO?


When the elevator reached the first floor, the two of them stepped out of the elevator. Sure enough, they saw a messy appearance in the lobby. More than a dozen security guards were lying on the ground and not knowing whether they lived or died. The furniture and furnishings in the lobby were all shattered. It seems to be Cindy's handwriting.

Su Ming looked at it. These security guards are all big beauties. They are worthy of the Wien Group. Even the security guards can dress like this.

He still doesn't quite adapt to this world where the yin and the sun are declining. He basically looks at women like before, caring whether they are beautiful or not.

"Let's go, they are all alive."

Cindy saw Su Ming standing in a mess, and couldn't help but urged that she specially left these security guards to let them sue Bliss. Although the probability of Batwoman appearing is very small, It's worth a try, and it doesn't take much effort to deal with these security guards anyway.

"Come by car?"

"Well, Halle should still be in the jester's circus now, let's go straight over."

The two of them walked into the dark rain curtain through the broken glass door. Not far from the corner, some sneaky women hiding in the dark looked towards this side, but when they saw the death knell from the building Go out and immediately disperse the birds and beasts.

They just want to steal something to sell when the security of the Wayne Group fails, but if this is the work site of the death knell, it is better to stay away.

Cindy's car was parked across the road. It was just an ordinary American Jeep. It was messy, not all kinds of garbage, but too many weapons, big and small, and a bunch of rockets were thrown in the back seat. There are two huge ammunition boxes.

is Su Ming's current co-pilot. When he got up, he also sat on a grenade. He took it out from under his buttocks and handed it to Cindy.

"Your grenade."

"No, it's your grenade." Cindy glanced at him, chuckled under the mask, turned the key and started the car: "Now we still have important business, flirting with another world's self or waiting for everything After it's over."

Su Ming's eyes are wide open, God is flirting! Just return the grenade that she sat on to her...

"By the way, this world is the opposite, where men are the weaker side. Generally, women pursue men, give them flowers, give them gifts, and so on, then men will'marry' them... "

Thinking of this, he shuddered, which was too awkward. Thinking about it this way, the action just now was really interesting.

If in the original world, a woman took out a cylindrical object from under her ass, he would also want to crooked...

"No, I didn't mean that, but... changed the world, not so comfortable."

"Oh oh."

Cindy agreed twice without sincerity. The car quickly broke through the rain curtain and ran wildly on the street. The street lights on both sides made the car light and dark. She remembered the road very well, while Su Ming was preparing weapons.

Yes, weapons.

If you want to find the clown girl and ask if she knows the whereabouts of the batwoman, then she must rush into the jester's "circus" site. Those lunatics who blindly worship the clown are called the clown gang in other worlds. They have no reason. In other words, it is common to drag pedestrians together to blew up. Clowns have also used a laughing gas that can make people laugh to death, and these lunatics must have them too.

The two guns on his legs, Su Ming did not intend to use them, he was not ready to kill, as long as he knocked them down, the electric shock effect of the long stick in his hand was good.

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