

Through United States, he was originally just an ordinary person and became a world-famous mercenary and killer. Things are wrong, should he become a hero of justice? Or continue his dark career?Dont judge me by the superficial concept of good and evil. ........... Through United States, he was originally just an ordinary person and became a world-famous mercenary and killer. Things are wrong, should he become a hero of justice? Or continue his dark career? "Don't judge me by the superficial concept of good and evil, I only do what I want to do." The protagonist suddenly appeared behind the author of the book about Hu Bian's work and exploded his dog's head with a shot: "It's that simple, I'm the Death Knell!

din_hamine · Fantasy
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19 Chs

Harley Quinn 2

However, if it was just a long stick, it wouldn't take much time to finish the preparation, and the two fell silent soon.

"I don't like Gotham, this city...somewhat crazy."

Su Ming himself didn't know why, maybe he was nervous, maybe he was afraid of sudden silence, he still took the initiative to find a topic.

"Why?" Cindy glanced at him curiously: "I remember that I am still very popular here."

"Oh, of course, I mean, the same is true for me... But do you think that our straight-forward style doesn't seem to match this city? The people here, the brain circuits are different from ours of."

Su Ming paused, and he didn't know if Cindy could feel a smile, he just felt that the air seemed a little embarrassing, and he wanted to find some topic.

Cindy drove through a red light and splashed a black man on the side of the road with water. When the man took out a weapon to shoot at the car, she flashed the taillights provocatively and gave out an unexplained laugh:

"Haha, yes, the people here are crazy. If it weren't for a lot of business, I would rather live in Star City."

Star City is the city of Arrow. The villain over there is much more straightforward than the lunatics of Gotham. However, there are no other superheroes on Earth minus 11, only super villains, so the situation there is probably not much better.

The car drove very fast, and the two of them were very quiet. More than ten minutes passed in this way, only the sharp sound of the wiper rubbing against the glass and the sound of the car's engine spinning wildly.

Su Ming is a little bit entangled in murder, although he understands that after entering such a world, killing is inevitable, but he originally lived in a stable society, and suddenly let him kill, not as easy as killing a chicken.

While he was thinking, a rocket with white smoke flew towards them from the roadside building. With his extraordinary physical fitness and dynamic vision, he could even see the red and white paint on the bullet. A very exaggerated smiling face, drops of rain hit the warhead, falling into crystal clear fragments, reflecting the light of the street lamp.


Cindy yelled, pushing the door and flying out, and the out of control vehicle drew two twisted white lines in the stagnant water.

Without her special care, the mercenary quality of Death Knell's original body also made Su Ming subconsciously make the same action.

It's just that Cindy landed very smoothly, and Su Ming didn't know what to do after recovering in midair, so he crashed into the garbage dump on the side of the road.

The car was hit and exploded into parts. In the fire, like slow motion, he found Cindy glanced at him. For some reason, he felt that the person under the two-color mask seemed to be in a good mood.

In the next instant, a pouring rain of bullets hit them. Similarly, there were gunfire and laughter that overwhelmed the sound of the wind and rain. The firepower was so fierce that the gun flames even illuminated the nearby streets.

Ordinary bullets have no effect on the death knell wrapped in heavy armor. Although the shock absorption of promethium metal is average, the bullet hurts a bit on the body, but it is not even a skin injury.

The two found the bunkers separately. Cindy hid in the corner of a residential building on the left. She had her automatic pistol in her hand and returned fire from time to time.

Su Ming himself was hiding behind a large trash can in the trash dump. He also unknowingly took a gun in his hand, and before he realized it, he had already killed several women with colorful faces.

Their bodies fell like sacks from the upper floors on both sides, and fell into the stagnant water on the side of the road, or into the wreckage of a burning vehicle. Some can move, struggle, roll their eyes and die, and more, just like a lifeless stump, just fall to the ground.

"Fuck! Fortunately, I have been thinking about the meaning of life for so long before, and I have done so much psychological construction. This body reaction is too fast, and my preparations are almost wasted..."

This body is as instinctive as killing and killing people, and there is no discomfort after killing. On the contrary, the exchange of fire at this level makes him feel a little...pleasant.

The novels and movies I've seen before say that the nausea or sadness after the first murder has nothing to do with him.

"Well, since you have already started to kill, then don't cry the mouse, just continue to kill!"

He gritted his teeth, poked his head from behind the trash can and fired again.

Whether it's a submissive instinct, or it's a broken tank, the death knell has incorporated shooting and fighting into the physical instinct. What else can Su Ming do besides accepting? Give up this ability to be a mermaid?

This is Gotham, it's not a place where normal people can live a good life. Since they are crazy and cruel, let them come!

Under the joint hands of the two death knells, the clown gang of dozens of people did not cause them any trouble. Soon the streets returned to calm, and the rain covered all the evidence. Of course, this is the site of the circus. No police will come here to investigate. This is the lair of chaos and madness.

If you are lucky, their bodies will be eaten by wild cats and dogs, if you are not lucky...

Hey, there are so many guys in Gotham who perform all kinds of crazy behaviors, such as the cynical cannibal priest, the anatomy professor who is short of funds, the pervert who desperately needs corpses as toys, and so on.

"That's why I like Gotham. The folkway is simple, warm and hospitable, and it is a good place to enjoy real gun battles at any time."

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