
The Day The Earth Stopped Spinning

As the Earth mysteriously halts its rotation, ushering humanity into an age of chaos and despair, a divine intervention occurs. Forty-two ethereal pyramids plunge from the heavens, appearing across the planet. Each pyramid corresponds to one of the forty-two sacred parts of the Book of Thoth. Drawing upon Pre-Egyptian, Sumerian lore and Annunaki mythos, this is a novel that attempts to paint an alternative picture of Humanity’s origins. In the city that now stands at the brink of apocalypse, emerges Brandon Void, the enigmatic heir to a billionaire's empire Leading a formidable army of 500 comprising orphans, POWs, mercenaries, assassins, and outlaws, they built a fortress armed to the teeth with every resource imaginable to reign supreme in this post-apocalyptic world. On the first day, crimson lightning seared the skies, awakening the “gods’ within chosen humans, altering their destiny forever. However, humans aren't the only ones affected. Creatures once harmless mutate into monstrous threats, forcing the Earth into a harsh game of survival. Becoming the King of the City of Void, Brandon dares to set his sights on the remaining forty-one pyramids and their hearts. As Brandon ventures deeper into this enigmatic Kingdom-building venture, he must level up his city and fulfill criterias to upgrade his civilization. In this riveting unique spin to traditional LitRPGs, join DESS in a captivating tale of survival, discovery, and conquest. With the City of Void leading humanity's charge against the chaos, they push the limits of possibility to herald a new era of enlightenment for Earth. Dive into an epic saga where the origins of humankind are questioned and every victory is a step towards the dawn of a world reborn.

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59 Chs

Turbulent Reunion


The tranquility of Crystal's thoughts splintered as an insistent pounding on her door echoed through her home.

"Crystal! Open up!"

It was Devon, his voice thick with annoyance.

"Grandpapa wants me to shepherd you and your bastard children to your shelter."

At his derogatory implication, Crystal locked eyes with Lucy, her assistant already cradling her twins.

Without uttering a word, she simply gave a curt nod, the order hanging silently between them.

"Take them to the bedroom,"

Crystal murmured, her voice edged with steel, yet imbued with undeniable warmth for the children.


Lucy took off like a startled hare, leaving Crystal alone.

Swallowing her annoyance, she strode to the door, her steps echoing her unflinching resolve.

As the door swung open, Devon's face was a canvas of annoyance and entitlement.

But before his lips could form another snide remark, Crystal's hand moved with unerring precision, colliding with his cheek with a sharp CRACK.

Her slap echoed through the hallway, a testament to her exceptional strength.

Crystal Winchester, a decorated special forces soldier, second daughter of the esteemed military nobility, wore her power like a second skin.

Devon stumbled back, cupping his reddened cheek, his eyes wide with shock.

Yet Crystal's gaze was harder than ever.

"You will address me with respect, Devon,"

She declared, her words cutting through the air like a blade.

"And you will never refer to my children in such a derogatory manner again."

Regaining his footing, Devon's initial shock gave way to anger, his face flushing with indignation.

"You think you're superior just because Grandpapa favors you?"

He spat the words, venom dripping from each syllable.

"Neither you nor your bastards deserve the Winchester name!"

Crystal's eyes narrowed, and without uttering another word, she swiftly stepped forward, seizing Devon's arm and twisting it behind his back.


His yelp of pain echoed in the hallway.

"Funny how you conveniently forget that it was me that covered your ass when you were out soiling our family name, older brother,"

She retorted, her tone dripping with disdain.

"I won't repeat myself, you can curse at me all you want but my babies are off-limits!"

She tightened her grip, forcing a gasp of pain from Devon, before shoving him away.

"Ouch!! Ouch Ouch!!"

Devon exclaimed, nursing his arm while his expression wavered between anger and frustration.

Rubbing his abused arm, Devon opened his mouth, no doubt to spit more venom. But Crystal was faster.

"I don't need your approval or acceptance, Devon,"

She asserted firmly. she asserted, her voice unyielding.

"If you're here to help, then do it. If not, get out before I give you a real reason to whine."

Devon, his ego bruised and his defiance momentarily subsided, looked at his sister begrudgingly before speaking,

"Ughhh... Whatever. It's not like I've ever beaten you in a fight,"

He muttered, a reluctant respect coloring his tone.

"Ruby is waiting for you in the truck downstairs. Bring your... twins and hurry up, I don't have all day."

As he turned away, Crystal sighed.

A melancholic longing seeped into her heart.

She couldn't help but recall a distant past when the three Winchester siblings were inseparable, before the weight of their family's expectations and the allure of power had driven them apart.

"Lucy, bring the twins. We're leaving,"

She called out, her tone laced with tired determination.

Together, they descended to the armored truck, a bulwark against the tumultuous chaos outside.

As they descended, distant alarms and the eerie howl of something monstrous reminded Crystal of the looming threat.

Together, they climbed into the armored truck, their fortress against the encroaching chaos outside.

Devon, his hands firmly gripping the steering wheel, navigated through the debris and abandoned vehicles, dodging occasional bluish flames that seemed to sprout from the ground itself.

The city's once-bustling streets were now filled with danger at every turn.

In the back of the armored truck, Crystal held Jade close, feeling the vibrations of the engine beneath them.

Her heart raced in sync with the engine's thrum, a mirror of the tension that filled the air.

Seated in the back, Crystal held Jade close, feeling the engine's vibrations beneath them.

The tension in the air was palpable, her heart racing with worry.

She held Jade close, feeling the warmth of her tiny body against her chest, and looked into her daughter's glimmering beady eyes.

Jade nestled into her, her tiny body warm, her eyes filled with trust.

"Mommy, don't whorry," she cooed.

"I'll bwe the best, so Daddy will come swee me..."

Despite the fear that lingered in the atmosphere, the innocence and trust in Jade's voice brought a bittersweet smile to Crystal's face.

A single tear cascaded down her cheeks as she held her daughter's little hand to her face.

Tears welled in Crystal's eyes as she pressed Jade's hand against her cheek.

"You are already the best little princess, Jade," she whispered, her voice thick with emotion.

Memories of that enigmatic man, his touch, his courage, flitted through her mind

"Daddy would be so proud."

As a radiant smile spread across Jade's cherubic face, Crystal's gaze flitted to Baron.

The little boy was immersed in a playful tussle with Ruby, the youngest of the Winchester siblings.

"Really, Mommy? Eww rweally think sho?"

Jade's voice was soft, innocent, and filled with wonder.

As she gently wiped away her own tears, the sound of her youngest sister Ruby's voice cut through the air. She was trying to manage Baron's zealous antics.

"Daddy? Are we finally gonna see Daddy? Woo-hoo!"

Baron's exclamation reverberated through the armored truck, his excitement palpable.

"Ouch, ouch, you little monster,"

Ruby winced, trying to stabilize Baron who was bouncing on her lap like a rodeo cowboy.

A tender smile graced Crystal's lips as she observed her son's spirited energy.

Despite the tumultuous circumstances, his innocence was a beacon of hope.

She ran her fingers through his wild hair, her eyes moist yet bright with adoration.

"We'll see Daddy soon, love,"

She confirmed, her voice weaving a comforting lullaby around his excitement.

"He's out there, being a mighty hero, fending off monsters. He can't wait to see how much his little champion has grown."

Baron puffed up his chest, mimicking a superhero stance that almost sent him tumbling off Ruby's lap.

"I'm gonna be big and strong, just like Daddy! I'll protect Mommy when I grow up!"

Baron declared, his words resonating with a fierce determination that belied his tender age.

Ruby, catching onto the playful banter, chimed in with feigned indignation,

"What about your Aunt Ruby, your favorite in the whole wide world?"

Baron, full of mischief, stuck out his tongue,

"I'll think about it!"

Ruby pretended to gasp dramatically.

"You little rascal! Well, I'll just have to win you over with my tickles then!"

With that, she launched an all-out tickle assault on Baron. His high-pitched, uncontrollable laughter filled the truck, his giggles acting like a salve on the raw wounds of their reality.


Their shared merriment reverberated within the confines of the truck, providing a respite, albeit brief, from the tension that lurked just outside their haven on wheels.

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