
The Dawn of Antiquity: The Arrival of the Dark God

Adam Ethan Thomas, a Colonel, at the end of his life. Having been bred from birth solely for the purpose of fighting wars. In the Intercontinental Coalition, he has been a loyal soldier for years and has developed into the perfect super soldier. Humanity has come close to extinction as a result of years of war. For his part in the bloodshed of war, Adam faces the prospect of death and the hell he will meet for the rest of eternity. He is awaiting the firing squad to end his existence due to his failure to perform his duty. There is a sudden halt to time for everyone except him. His life is turned upside down by the appearance of a mysterious entity before him, and he is whisked away to a world known as Ilonteria. After waking up in a strange new world, Adam is forced to accept a slave's fate and fight in the grand Colosseum of this ancient metropolis; he is now stranded. As he fights for his freedom, he must discover the purpose of the mysterious being that brought him to this world of fantasy and magic in the first place.

Bellstory101 · Kỳ huyễn
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150 Chs

The Dawn of Antiquity: The Arrival of the Dark God - Chapter Thirty-Two

"Adam, thank the Gods, you found me. Wherever that demon sent us, I thought I'd never find you," Lady Dossenia said.

"I'm sure that palace at the center is our way out," I replied. "Lord Solus has to be the one that sent that she-devil after me," I added.

"Then he knows about your contract with Missa," Lady Dossenia countered.

"Who is this Lord Solus, and why have you sought me out? I have no intention of aiding you in any way," Missi snapped.

It was still shocking that she could talk. The thought of a dragon turning into a human was still strange to me. I didn't know much about dragons, as I had only heard of the concept in movies. Still, I couldn't blame her for not wanting to help. If we hadn't come around, she'd be doing whatever it is that dragons do.