
The darkness inside.

follow her... or yourself through the mist, try to understand what the writer has wrote because its a mystery with in her mind.

Anam_zulfiqar · Kỳ huyễn
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11 Chs


This world plays trick on me. It is all just a trick they played on me. She's not dead, She is in there somewhere, I hope. I'll tell myself that everyday those words will make me win this battle against myself. Everyday it gets worse, the denial, the remorse. She is dead isn't she? the real me?

Yeah, she is definitely dead if she was alive she wouldn't let me live like this. Her memories are pain to me the thought that she may never come back again impales me again and again, until all that was crushed inside has now become the slither of life inside me. I write my thoughts in this old diary of mine because I don't have the willpower to cry anymore. I have created enough salt beds under my eyes..

I'm afraid to get out of bad because pieces of her soul haunt me everyday...

What do I do now?...

LETTER: from your consiousness.

I was someone you knew.

I messed up, But I always fixed it.

But, like an enigma you worked in mysterious ways...

I won't let you live like this

I'll cry out because i saw sparks in your eyes, but where they now, gone? just like me?

You killed me. You killed us.

Our passion, Our humor, Our nerdiness, Our freedom,

But most of all our happiness.

You listened to them and you buried me.

Our memories will creep up on you and eventually you will kill the littlest thought of me in your heart.

Why did you mature so quickly?

Why did you sacrifice our childhoood?

It wasn't for you it was for them.

Your a traveler in this life because you have been searching for a trail to follow, But now your in debt of it, Your life, Your past life. Now what trail will u follow next?..

Anam_zulfiqarcreators' thoughts