
The Darkest night

Being beaten to your death may not seem like the appropriate time to be thankfull but the boy chocking on his own blood was smilling!! He could feel it....he could feel his death approching and he could not be more thankfull for his body reaching its limit. He was on his last breath! he knew it. "Soon!" He thought "soon i will.... " before he could even finnish his sentence he was gone. (This is a dc comics fanfic)

Iughh_Mabaill · Tranh châm biếm
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8 Chs

Ice cream

Wolly didn't even flich even after i cleary noticed him instead with a serious expresion he slowly opned his mouth and said "not a people person hunh? Then he smiled and declared out loud "no problem stare all you whant no one will mind"

Everyone stopped what they where doing and directed there attention towards wally.

I couldn't understand his inrentions was he trying to embaress me or was he genuanly trying ashore me not to warry.

Whatever the intention i stood there feeling embarissed out of my mind. Nightwing who was further down the stair near the door said trying to gather everyones attention "lets focus on the ice cream" he hurried down the staires openig the door and pointed inside.

But the damage was already done and evryone just awkwardly hurried down the staires.

Starfire glsred at wally and aluff to his actions he just looked confused asking with his eyes what did he do wrong this time.

I was the last one to enter behind terra. She wore a black tank top and light brown cargo pants.

While beat boy who entered before here whore a skin tight red suit. He was quite a lot taller than me but hight wise he was the shortest titan.

We entered a hall which led to a big room, the atmosphere of the room was worm and a chandalear hung in the middle of it while the front side of it had a gaint window which revealed water till the end of the horizen.

In a flash wally set up the plates on the large counter top at the left edge of the room.

Everyone were already seated likd hungry chicks waiting for their food, while mama bird starfire gave them each two koops of icecream.

I decided to sit at the far right corner of the counter leaving a two chaire gap between me a nd the closest person sitting next to me, cyborge decided to close the gap and he mved beside me following him everyone did the same.

Starfire put three skopps of ice cream in my plate and asked "do you like icecream?" I looked at he tan face stairing right into her hazy green eyes and confessed "iv'e never like had icecream"

My words managed to gather everyones attention once again, starfire smiled and ashored me that i'd enjoy it.

Everyone was looking at me waiting for me take a bite, i looked at the icecream and then picked some with my hand.

"Use the spoon....." cuborg said as he handed me a spoon, looked at the spoon and aftera few seconds i took it with my left hand. The icecream in my right hand was dripping down my wrist, i tried to lick it but noticing everyone stairimg at me i instead put the icecream down and took chunk of the top withe the spoon and took a bite.

It was sweet, extreamly so honestlu i knew what spoons were and i'd seen on the internet people using them but since i had never used one i decided to eat how i was comfortable.

I held on the spoon handle tightly which was very uncomfortable and this time took a way bigger piece and shoved it in my mouth.

Right after my head started to hurt like crazy but i didn't even flinch, pain was normal for me so not giving it further thought i continued eating spoonfuls. I had to say i liked icecream but the headach that came with it wern't great.it was getting difficult to eat with them.

Beast boy was the first to speak "are you alright?" He was sitting next to cyborg and looking at cyborge his expreasion also showed consern.

"Why? " i asked confused by his question why was he asking such a thing?

"So... is your head aching like crazy right now?" cyborge asked. "Well yeah why?" i followed with another question. "Thats called a brainfreez, it happnes if you eat icecream real fast" terra spoke without looking at my direction, it was the first time she said a word since i got here.

I was extreamly surprised at this god really is cruel i thought. To make something so delisous and then make it difficult to enjoy.

After we finished eating dick got up from his chair looked at me and said" lets find a cool name fot you!"

"....why?" i made a strange expression at his proposal, no matter how low key i am someone makes me the centre of attention.

"Because you need one" he answered me then looked at everyone and asked "any sugessions?"

Now it was everyones turn to feel awkward but contrary to my expectations eveyone actually started giving it a thought.

Wally who had been quite for too long decided to be the first one to chime in a suggestion " how bout billy or bill or bob or robert or nick sounds like a cool name" by jis manarism i couldn't tell if he was serious or joking.

"No makes him sound too old" cyborge interjected, beast boy also added " so how about george or steave they don't sound too old" terra nodded agreaing with beast boy.

Starfire spoke " would @#$%=! be ok, this name belongs to a galactic hero". At her words dick responded " lets keep it to names everyone can pronounce" he gave an example " like justin or tim easy and short"

They were really having fun discussing my potentiol name without my concent. Just like this the entire noon passed and still there wasn't a name no one objected on.

We had trasfered from the chairs to the sofa at the middle of the room.

I was sitting on the floor with beast boy and terra, beast boy had transformed into a fluffy lion and was laying on the floor with all his feat in one direction. I had started petting him on his mane and terra rested her head on him sleeping in a comfortabe position.

I had to say petting beast boy felt good. "William how abot william?" Cyborge asked me awakning me from my daze.

"Everyone likes it, right terra?" nightwing asked she amediatly raised her hand to do a ok sighn. Guess she was still awake i thought.

"I guess my names william now" i said looking at everyone.