
The Darkest night

Being beaten to your death may not seem like the appropriate time to be thankfull but the boy chocking on his own blood was smilling!! He could feel it....he could feel his death approching and he could not be more thankfull for his body reaching its limit. He was on his last breath! he knew it. "Soon!" He thought "soon i will.... " before he could even finnish his sentence he was gone. (This is a dc comics fanfic)

Iughh_Mabaill · Anime & Comics
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8 Chs

Time skip

A few months had passed and i had gotten used to my name, i also got to know the titans personally.

usually i spent my time with beast boy, he likes to introduce me to new activities or foods.

cyborge was my "coach" as he helped me with my powers together with terra. Now i was much more in contrall of my emotions and power or so i thought.

Everytime i was in a room alone with starfire, terra or raven i became extreamly nervous doing stupid thins as a result. Upone consulting with cyborge, he told it was due to my limited exposure to humans espesially women but that was simply not true.

As i had seen multiple women that the pig fucked, be it hookers or random women he forced himself on so, i did have some exposure to women.

Wally who had disappeared during my naming session but no one seemed to care, so i didn't ask any questions regarding him.

Nightwing would visit from time to time but he was always rather busy, making quick trips to starfires room, i figured they were fucking.

" wanna hear heavy metal?" Garfield asked as he tinkered on his phone " sure " i replayed, i was sharing a room with him i was told it was due to not having a free room present at the moment but i knew it was because nightwing was warried about me attempting to kill myself again.

Garfield handed me the headphones and pressed play on his phone 'AAAAAAAA!' The demonic screams gave me heart attack resulting in my loosing my balence and falling off the bean bag i was on.

"Sorry bro i should've warned you " garfield appologised while helping me up. "What kind of a fucking listins to this shit!" I was speachless at the audiance of this genre of music, were they insane?

"Raven likes it" he answered "she is fuckin insane listning to literal shit" i continued to talk shit about heavy metal.

This was our ruteen, garfield would show me something new and i'd either like or i wouldn't and talk shit about it. Garfiel had had become the first person i could hold a casual conversation with. It was almost evening and time for me to visit cyborge for training.

I left garfields room and right outside i saw terra waiting for me to exit, she normally acompanies me while i train ,her job is to try to keep me from dameging my surroundings too much. I didn't talk much with anyone exept for garfield and occatinally starfire who would ask ' how im doing?' or cyborge while we train.

Terra asked me " is garfiel in there?"while pointing towards his room and i nodded yes in response prepairing to leave for the training hall.

The training hall was in the basement of the tower, it was a lardw room with a wide verity of equipment and technology. It was were victor or cyboge spent most his time.

Reaching the elevator i started looking around, i needed someone to operate the elevator as without a key card it wouldn't function.

The elevator was located right behind common room where everyone picked a name for me.

My poweres had turned me into a lazy bastered, being able to move stuff with you're mind is incredible.

What i was trying was simple, determining someones presence so that i can get there atrention somhow to get them to come here and how was i gonna locate someone? Eazy, i was gonna do it by reading their mind.

Why do something like that? One might ask and the simple answer was i just wanted to test my luck, do something interesting.

After consantrating for a few more seconds i started hearing somthing " ah... wow *phant.... yes..horse dicks really...*ha....really something else" it was terra and it wouldn't take a genius to figure out what was going on" Fuck my luck" i thought.

Cold sweats started forming on my forehead " what the fuck did i just?- "*thud" i heard a sound from the coffe table behind me so i turned back to look at its direction.

It was raven, she was laying on the couch stairing at me. I got scared and my hands started to shake "sinse when?why couldn't i sense her?what was she doing here?.


--Raven's POV--

She was reading an old book she had borrowed from zatana a while back when suddenly she felt someone approching, it was william. He rushed passed her and approched the elevator without noticing her. Knowing wlliams tendency to get nervous around anyone but Garfield she hid her presence to not disturb him.

She herself had expirienced something similer when she was the new arrival in the team, so she had decided to give him some space until they grew closer together as a team.

Seening him for the first time he reminded Raven of her past self shy, insecure, scared and always avoiding everyone as much as possible, even his apperance resembled her's. Shoulder length black hair covering his entaire face, pale skin akin to ravens and a small weak stature resembling a 10 year old tho Raven wasn't small or frail she still saw herself in him.

He looked very pitiful and weak resembling a skrawny little girl more than a boy back than, but now he had put some weight on. But what never changed was his hair, he still used it to cover his face.

"Maybe he's trying to do something with his powers?" She thought while he stood there closing his eyes tightly shut and forming a fist with his hands.

She wanted to help him but didn't know how to get his attention without making it awkward.

She then closed the book in her hands and tried to drop it on the table from a small hight intending to make low noise to get the boys attention.

"Thud!!" She miscalculated and instead of a soft noise she got a big thud. The boy was now looking at her with cold sweats forming on his face. She didn't wanna scare him but had already failed.

Now she was also curious what exactly was he trying to do?