
The Dark Pact

"Why are you late?" He questions, sounding exactly as I remember "You know, traffic." I apologize, making a turn to trudge to him majestically. "If you say so," he nods, the night preventing my view of his face "Thank you, Azazel," I mutter, my tone neither high nor low. "Why did you want to see me?" He polls, his voice resounding through the dark abandoned warehouse. "Yes Azazel," I smirk and try to hide the slight fear of reject nagging at the back of my head. "What is it about?" He implores his arm going to rub his prominent chin as he fixes a stare at me. "I want my soul back," I inform, matching his gaze with mine. "How do you plan on getting it back?" He quizzes, stepping a few inches my way into the light. "With a deal Azazel, or more specifically, a pact," I tell using all my energy to stop my feet from moving backward. "That is very difficult Xander, you sealed your vow with a drop of blood," he argues, the moonlight falling more on his face as he tilts his head upwards. "And I'm here to make and seal another," I converse awaiting a reply. "No, you got what you wanted, to be rich, famous, and loved, what else do you desire?" He asks, his supernatural blue eyes having a scary glint to them. "My soul," I repeat. "Plus I know you love making deals Azazel, no matter how you try to hide it, I see the excitement and mischief you try to conceal." "Same way I see the little fear of rejection bubbling within you, I detect it in your eyes, I hear it in your heartbeat, and the blood pumping through your veins," he sneers in response, squaring his wide shoulders to come off as intimidating. "Hence we understand each other well, we know you've got more to win than lose, and I've got more to lose than win," I confess. "You are right," he lets out in a husky tone, his red lips curving into a hint of a smile. "So what do you say demon, you in?" I invite, my eyebrow raised "I am," he gleams. "What's this pact about?"

FreshyGore · Kỳ huyễn
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18 Chs

Chapter 8

<u><i>Playing:🎶10,000 Hours by Justin Bieber🎶</i></u>

<i><b> -The announcement-</b></i>

Xander's POV

I watch her go, unconsciously releasing a sigh as I observe the little sadness that flashes through her eyes, but what borders me most is the hate I see in their depths.

I zone out for a minute or two as Cain rambles on with formalities, only to be called back literally when I hear my name and a nod to say a few phrases.

"It will be of great importance to me if we can all have a good working environment," I assert, clamping my palms together to emphasize what I mean.

"For a start, you can each tell me your names," I beam, striding to the person closest to me. "You are the janitor, right? What's your name."

"Yes I am," he affirms confirming my theory as he turns out to be the man I ran into that morning. "I'm Joel."

"Nice to meet you, Joel," I acknowledge and move on to the next who is a lady. "And yours beautiful?"

"I'm Christina," she blushes, my charm seeming to work on her and I offer her a wink.

"Don't forget you've got a husband Christine," a bitchy voice sneers causing me to lift a brow as Christina's expression changes to one of fury. Her pale forehead scrunching up and teeth biting down on her red-lipsticked button lip.

"Shut up, Nadia," she warns and I don't get in the middle of their presumable catfight and stroll to a guy on Christina's left who sizes me up.

"And you are?" I inquire, stretching my hand for a shake and he accepts his grip firm.

"I'm Noah, Christina's husband," he conveys and I smile in admiration of the vibe radiating off him. We are both of the same height and build, I don't think he has anything to worry about.

"Hold her tight bro, she is beautiful," I whisper in his ears, happy to see his mouth crack in a smile.

"I'm Nadia," I wince at the screechy voice, my ears reacting to the sound.

"Ah, the famous Nadia," I snort, cocking my head to the side to access her appearance of a tight white blouse with a low neckline that gives a full view of her cleavage. The jean shorts she's wearing doesn't help either to hide her lower parts. She's gorgeous, rather the slutty attitude emitting from her makes me hold my tongue thus I'm fed up with her type.

"That's me," she giggles and even dares to run a long manicured pink nail down my chest. "You have no idea how happy I am that you get to be our new boss."

"Ehem," I clear my throat and grab a hold of her wandering finger. "I'm glad you are."

"You?" I say to a blonde dude who stood beside Helena before she excused herself.

"I'm Khale," he smirks, his whole demeanor tagging that of a Playboy.

"The rests are the chefs and bartender who aren't here but will come in soon," Cain speaks up, seeing I'm done with the introductions.

"I'm assuring you all that no one will lose their jobs on my watch, except for those who choose to resign which I'm praying against," I give a laugh and everyone joins in.

"There will be some serious renovations as you should be aware of," I explain looking each of them in the eye. "During the duration, this will take place, your wages will be attended to so you will not need to get new jobs to pay bills."

"I will look into your payments and double whatever is being given as I expect strict compliance in return when all is set and ready," I pause as whoops and claps echo in the background.

"Thanks for your understanding, that will be all for now," I end in a grin, happy with their reactions as they disperse leaving me alone with Cain.

"That was a nice offer, I hope you keep to your word," he says in his usual gruff tone as I swerve my attention to him.

"Of course I will," I assure. "I'm not one to back down on my promises."

"Good, let's continue the discussion in my office," he directs and I comply as he leads the way while I wish the discussion won't take time hence I'm dying to go out to meet Helena.


After an hour everything is finalized with the signed documents secured in the passenger seat of my buggati.

Making sure the vehicle is locked I walk around the building instead of through it as I trace my steps to where I guess Helena should be. Some seconds go by and I spot her crouched on the small flight of steps that lead to the backdoor of the edifice.

Not uttering a syllable I humph as I take my position on the space left, my butt pinching from the cold and hard stone. I know she has accepted my presence despite her not sparing me a glance thus I'm certain she would have ordered me to leave if otherwise.

We sit in awkward silence for a while or maybe it is awkward on my part because I see no sign of fidgeting on her side, opposite of the constant shifting I'm doing every few seconds.

"I heard everything," she breaks the ice, and finally peers at me, the brown irises giving no clue of what she's feeling.

"How?" I manage to ask after recovering from the momentary shock of her abrupt statement.

"You were loud enough," she shrugs, a smile curving her lips.

Her smile is contagious and I chuckle, most of it from relief that I'm not in trouble. Why it is of great importance to me that I remain in her good books is far-fetched, but for now, I'm choosing to follow my instinct.

"You didn't have to do that you know?" She implies. "I mean we could all get new jobs."

"Despite me being in the music industry, I've tasted the hard sides of life and I also know how difficult it is to find a job that meets with personal needs," I convey, full sincerity coating my words.

"Thank you," she beams, offering me a glimpse of her pearly whites as she grins.

"Also my conscience won't let me rest if I didn't," I smirk causing her to roll her eyes.

"I knew there was something else," she scoffs, stilling her movements for a second to gaze pointedly at me as if having an argument in her head.

"Hello, earth to Helen," I blurt, snapping my fingers in her face.

"Helena," she scowls. "And way to ruin the moment.

"Wait, you wanted to kiss me?" I implore, not sure how I will feel about her answer.

"What if I wanted to?" She lifts a brow in inquiry.

"I would have stopped you, thinking you've gone insane or something," I tell honestly, rather I didn't add the part of how difficult of a task it would be to resist those pouty nude lips.

"Wow, you aren't much of the asshole I thought you to be," she confesses, giving me a skeptical look.

"Guess the saying you have to know someone to judge someone comes to light," I mumble.

"Who says that?" She asks, catching me off guard.

"I don't know but someone did," I defend my ignorance.

"Sure," she giggles before turning serious. "So you don't want to kiss me?"

"What?" I squeak, my throat going dry. This girl is something else.

"You won't have let me kiss you?" She interrogates, her tone dropping an octave.

"It's not that-- I mean it would be my pleasure, but--"

"But what?" She cuts me off, shifting closer and I can sense my dick spasm in recognition at the near-contact of our bodies.

"I will--" I gulp, "damn it." I groan, all restraint gone as I grab the collar of the multicolored long-sleeved shirt she's donning and pull her close, my lips meeting hers.

It feels like heaven as the softness of her plum mouth greets my manly ones, a gasp escaping her at the contact as I inhale sharply and press my lips harder on hers.

Needing access, I bit lightly on her bottom lip and suck the sweetness from it, clashing my tongue with hers as the kiss grows deep. I move to place my palm on her waist and she stills, something seeming to snap in her.

She creates distance between us by pushing me, our mouths disconnecting as she stands, her eyes lingering on me for a moment before she departs and for the second time today, I stare at her retreating figure.
