
The Dark Pact

"Why are you late?" He questions, sounding exactly as I remember "You know, traffic." I apologize, making a turn to trudge to him majestically. "If you say so," he nods, the night preventing my view of his face "Thank you, Azazel," I mutter, my tone neither high nor low. "Why did you want to see me?" He polls, his voice resounding through the dark abandoned warehouse. "Yes Azazel," I smirk and try to hide the slight fear of reject nagging at the back of my head. "What is it about?" He implores his arm going to rub his prominent chin as he fixes a stare at me. "I want my soul back," I inform, matching his gaze with mine. "How do you plan on getting it back?" He quizzes, stepping a few inches my way into the light. "With a deal Azazel, or more specifically, a pact," I tell using all my energy to stop my feet from moving backward. "That is very difficult Xander, you sealed your vow with a drop of blood," he argues, the moonlight falling more on his face as he tilts his head upwards. "And I'm here to make and seal another," I converse awaiting a reply. "No, you got what you wanted, to be rich, famous, and loved, what else do you desire?" He asks, his supernatural blue eyes having a scary glint to them. "My soul," I repeat. "Plus I know you love making deals Azazel, no matter how you try to hide it, I see the excitement and mischief you try to conceal." "Same way I see the little fear of rejection bubbling within you, I detect it in your eyes, I hear it in your heartbeat, and the blood pumping through your veins," he sneers in response, squaring his wide shoulders to come off as intimidating. "Hence we understand each other well, we know you've got more to win than lose, and I've got more to lose than win," I confess. "You are right," he lets out in a husky tone, his red lips curving into a hint of a smile. "So what do you say demon, you in?" I invite, my eyebrow raised "I am," he gleams. "What's this pact about?"

FreshyGore · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
18 Chs

Chapter 9

Playing:🎶Wonder by Benjackson Troy🎶

-The advice-

Xander's POV

"Shit!" I groan, my fingers gliding through the dark curls on my head as I shoot up from my position.

I have to go apologize, I shouldn't have kissed her, I muse not concentrating ahead as I battle with myself.

Still trudging and grumbling, I come to the front of the club only to be stopped by Cain who lifts his left palm causing me to halt in my steps and peer at him quizzically.

Lifting a brow I cock my head to the side giving him a signal to say what is so important that he has to stop me in my mission.

He gets the memo and clears his throat, adjusting the long red tie resting on his protruding belly that's covered in a white shirt. "Leave her be, for now, she's taking this a little too personally."

What the fuck is he saying? I ask myself as I scrunch up my brows in confusion, deciding to speak. "You don't understand."

"Oh I do, more than you know," he responds. "You see Helena is like a daughter to me, and she takes this place more than a place of work, it's more like her second home apart from her apartment since she came to America."

"That is not the case sir, I need to--" I start in irritation but he cuts me off by shaking his head.

"You are right, it may not be the case, and I have no idea what is going on. Rather believe me when I say she needs some alone time at the moment," he advises giving me the look a father would give his son. "You can talk with her some other time, just leave her be at the moment."

"If you say so," I exhale, seeing reason in his words.

"I'll also talk to her," he conveys and I nod, still not sure of how to react. His recent behavior shocked me a bit as I never knew he and Helena were this close.

"Thank you," I give a half-smile and proceed in my strides to the fancy car I'm privileged to call mine. About to unlock the vehicle and slide in, I suddenly don't feel like driving and instead choose to take a walk as maybe it'll help me clear my head.

Concluding it's what I need, I steer away from the car, letting my feet carry me wherever they deem, please. One thing I like about this town is that not many people know me for who I am so it is safe to stroll without bodyguards hovering around me.

I love my life as a celebrity but sometimes it gets hectic as personal freedom is at times restricted.

Despite the fame and luxury that comes with it, there's also a lot of stress and insecurity that follows it too, not to talk of when you add making a deal with Azazel to the book, my life can sometimes be an insane rollercoaster.

This is why when it gets too much I seek solace and peace of mind in an environment where I'm close to being invisible. A place I can feel like everyone else as if there's nothing much to worry about even for a short time. It gives me a sense of joy and belonging.

I must have been walking for a while as I suddenly comprehend my surroundings to see I'm on a deserted highway, the bustling of the town behind me as on this path there is nothing but the noise of distant cars and the quiet breeze.

I recognize it as the road that leads to another city, the tall trees that signify the woods on either side of it. Coming to the terms that I've wandered far out, I turn on my heel and retrace my steps to the houses and civilization, my thoughts now organized and calm.

Now in the abandoned part of the area, I see a few unkempt buildings that are near destruction, leading me to wonder who had lived in them in the first place and where they are now.

I pause in my tracks as I take note of a presence, one I'm familiar with as the atmosphere grows tense. "I know you are here Azazel," I sigh.

A deep chuckle ensues and the handsome demon materializes on my left coming into view as he comes to stand in front of me. A renowned smirk decorates his lips as his lifeless eyes gaze into my soul.

"How did you know?" He inquires tilting his head to the right, his black longsleeved clad arms that match his fitting black trousers folding across his chest.

"Your presence can never be mistaken," I sneer, getting angry all of a sudden.

"I'll take that as a compliment," he beams, rubbing his pale palms together.

"Cocky bastard," I grunt, staring back at him.

"I'm gonna pretend I didn't hear that," he shrugs nonchalantly, appearing relaxed, one might think he is in the demon realm and not that of living breathing humans.

"So tell me, to what do I owe this unannounced visit?" I implore, watching him.

"Oh come on, don't act as if you aren't happy to see me," he teases and I rub my nose holding myself from walking out on him.

"I am," I blurt curtly, not permitting myself to ramble more.

"Then why the hostility?" He quizzes in a knowing voice.

"Just had a bad day that's all," I say, sliding my fingers into the pocket of my pants.

"Ah, love problems," he snorts, prompting me to roll my eyes.

"Anything specific you wanted to see me about?" I question, my patience running thin as the minutes go by.

"Nothing really just dropped by to see how you are doing," he grins though it's clear his eyes hold a reminder that the days are counting.

"As you can see, I'm well Azazel," I answer, pretending not to understand the message.

"You know what I'm referring to," he scratches his sharp jaw.

"I do, and I'm working on it," I exhale while praying silently that he leaves already.

"Good, though we both know who will win in the end," he snorts.

"What's that supposed to mean?" I lift a brow.

"Azazel doesn't play games he can't win," he smirks, and with that departs, vanishing into oblivion.

I'm rooted in my spot for some seconds, my teeth nibbling at my bottom lip as I take deep breathes, comprehending the meaning of that statement. Azazel sure knows how to rile a person up with his words.

My brain finally coordinates with my legs as I find my way back, thinking I've had enough drama for the day.
