
The Crimson Son

– The “curses” wants the “crimson blood”, the most important thing in the world. Only the royal family of the first kingdom had the crimson blood of their generation. The crimson son has born, and now the “curses” wants him. – A dark fantasy story, of the one who want to hear his own requiem. Explore the cryptic and mysterious dimensions, for searching the monumental cross. the essences and the existences, are the two section that divided the entire world and system of “The Crimson Son”. Discover the all six hundred and sixty-six dimensions with Seraf and found the truth about his tragic birth.

raulquirini · Kỳ huyễn
Không đủ số lượng người đọc
35 Chs

Chapter 10: Oneirophobia (part 2)

- "I hope that one day, I could hear the requiem for someone like me. A requiem for inhuman. How would be? Maybe it would sound like the cries of the fallen? Or would sound like a mass murder's screams? Or maybe.. Would sound like a divine victory for killing me?".

- "Who wants to kill you, Seraf?"

- "The essences of gods. They want me".

- "Them doesn't want you, Seraf".

- "What they want, so?"

That smirk is recognizable even if is in the shadows. He's eyes shining in the darkness.

- "Your miserable knowledge can't know. Only the essences of gods are blessed with the dark knowledge of every dimension. We know everything about all six hundred and sixty-six dimensions".

- "Tell me about the powers of the essences of gods, Siner" I asked.

- "Why I would do it?"

- "Tell me what I've asked".

- "We can use the 'knowledge's dark light'. A godly power that are in our body since the day that we're created. Our body is completely created with that. The knowledge's dark light that we can control is our godly power. Every member has his precise power".

- "They are weak, my dear Seraf" My mother voice whisper in my head.

- "Siner, where are us? I cannot see nothing more that darkness".

- "In the reflection of your mind".

When Siner finish the phrases, the scenario change.

We are in front of a large lake with a crack in the center that releases a bluish fog.

- "It is a..".

- "It is a dimensional entry, a time rupture that ascends the laws of timelines" Siner continue my phrases.

- "I've already know".

- "This it's the entry for the.. 158th dimension" Siner said after staring me in my eyes.

- "I've been in the dimensions few times. All times that I've entered, I've forgot all when I exit from the dimension" I said.

- "Don't you remember anything?" He ask.

- "I can't remember. It seems the dimensions cancel my memories".

- "It's the dimension's fault?" Siner come close to me.

- "No.. It's my fault probably".

- "Probably yes. We haven't fault, because we're born for something else. For divinity's reason".

Open my eyes and I see Heinard next to me.

- "You're awake finally. I've thinking that you was dying in your dreams" He says with a small smirk.

- "Where we're?"

- "We are on a hill that is an hour away from the destroyed capital. There are many tree so I've thinking about to carry you and hide you.

- "T-Thank you, Heinard".

- "Seraf, when I was taking you away from the capital, you repeated a sentence".

- "What sentence?"

- "You said 'I'm envious'".

- "Oh.. Never mind. Don't worry about that, Heinard".

The hill is fully covered by the trees, it's cold, the trees looks freezing. We're lie down on the cold ground.

- "Heinard".

- "Tell me".

- "Come with me".

- "Where?".

- "In the dimensional entrances".

- "I can't do it".

- "You said that you want continue to do your work, in the minus zero room".

- "Yes I've said that. But I can't enter in the dimensions anymore".

- "Why? You touched the last dimension for a human being".

- "I can't go beyond. My limit was the 100th dimension. Where I've die. The humans are not capable of enter".

- "You have a half demoniac and half divine soul"

- "Isn't matter. For enter in the other dimensions, I need to was born by a superior essences. My family was simply humans".

- "I understand. I'll go alone"

Heinard can't come with me in the dimensions. I need to search the cross alone. It doesn't matter, it's not a problem.

Maybe, if Heinard could come, it was probably much better.

- "I go. We'll see each other soon".

I stand up and I start to going to the large lake.

- "Why do you want to go in the dimensions? It's dangerous" Heinard say before I start to going.

- "I need to go for my reasons. Don't stop me, Heinard".

Heinard's mouth is shut. He's eyes speak themselves. He want to stop me, but he can't. Nothing can stop me from the search of the cross.

Some hours after, I arrived at the lake. It's dark outside, cold, the dimensional rupture shines.

I've enter inside the rupture. A mix of colors shines in my eyes. My body is disconnected from my spirit. I can see my empty body falling from the high. The eyes are totally black.

The other times that I've doing it, isn't was like this. This time is different.

My vision become darker. I can't see nothing more than the darkness.