
The creator of Magic is Back as the Dual Magician

Professor Milles, a certified genius and creator of the current magic system. Misha Raycraft, the 11 years old adopted magic-less son of the president. What do they both have in common? They are the same person. As a genius, professor Milles created the neural system, the origin of all magic which made the world reliant on it. It came as a blessing but professor Milles knew the truth - it was a curse that would doom everyone. To prevent this, he decided to travel in the future and look for a way to destroy the Neural system once the world was stable enough. Now, as Misha Raycraft, the 11 years old adopted magic-less Type Null adopted son of the president, he had a duty to carry out his mission. But before he could, he is stopped by a vision of world destruction and a legacy to prevent it. Now embedded with unimaginable magic powers, it is in the hand of Misha Raycraft to save the world from that destruction while hiding away his magic all the while. However, the task would become even more difficult as time passes on and more and more people begin getting involved in the salvation of the world. He would do it all, even if he had to become a Villian in the process. However, to do this he would need allies in this new period. Especially those who could help him out. But personal relationships of other people, namely - Xion and her harem of power female magicians hailed to have the best potential might hinder Milles and his journey. (Both the harem and Yuri are in the background for now and not with the MC but they will become very important elements in the future.)

Design_backup · Kỳ huyễn
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25 Chs

The neural system

"This is your room for the next few days. The map of the tower had been made available to you on your phone. Green areas are where you can go but keep out of everywhere else. You are authorized to go anywhere in the green areas so feel free to explore" secretary Sha finally left.

Misha looked around the room he had been given and it felt like a major upgrade from the day before.

The room was spacious, having a bed as well as a large dresser. It also faced one of the only available playgrounds in the city and also had an advance attached toilet.

It was a luxurious room but it made Misha feel bitter about his condition.

Still, he was back in the tower by luck. The tower that had the access to the original neural system and the start of all this mess.

Now his mission could finally start - to get rid of the neural system once and for all.

But he needed information first. The technology had advanced too much in the few centuries he had been gone so he needed to study,

The first thing he had to do was to open his phone and look around at it. He could not be sure if it was secure or not.

So he started to dig and the best source of information was the internet. It had so much information about the technological advancement that he had to spend a whole day trying to categorize what he knew and what was new.

It was an enlightening experience for sure.

By the end of the day, Milles was ready to throw something at someone and call it a day.

"Young master Raycraft, would you like your dinner in your room or with the president? The president is hoping that you would accompany him this evening" a servant, uhm excuse him, a worker knocked at his door.

Milles thought it over a few seconds before he decided to indulge the president.

After all, he could not hide away forever. Sooner or later, he would have to face the president.

"I will be there shortly. I have the map to show me how to get there" the footsteps left and Milles was alone once again.

He was more than sure that he was being kept an eye on. He had found more than one bug in his mobile but he could not deactivate it without alerting the authorities.

It was better to let it be for now and to look for another way to connect to the internet and neural system.

The tower had not changed even a single bit in layout and Milles could navigate it even in his sleep. As such, finding the dining room was far child's play for him.

The president was already there with his creepy icy glare.

"Come, have a seat. The chefs have outdone themselves today" the president pointed to the chair on his side and Milles had no other option to follow.

Those eyes, made something inside Milles stand up on the edge. They reminded him of that woman, the one who had changed the world with his neural system for her gain.

"So, how was your first day here? My sources tell me that you are interested in technology" the president asked in a cold voice.

Milles knew this would happen ever since he discovered the bug on his phone. The other would question his intentions.

"I am interested in technology. I feel like I should make the best of it and get into technological development since I lack magic" Milles knew it was a gamble to admit to it.

But it would also help him solidify his cover in front of the president.

"I see. A clever choice indeed. I'm sure the academy would help you out in persuading your mastery over technology. Who knows, you might even conquer the neural system" the president sounded amused at his own words.

Milles knew it was all a sham, a face to show Milles his support without believing in his capabilities.

The president was humoring him and that struck something inside of him.

That woman had never believed in his potential as well. Not even in the time of his success.

The rest of the dinner passed in silence but Milles had even more things to worry about now. The president had said something about the academy so he needed to research it as well.

The rest of the week was spent in a frenzy to study everything he could about this new era. He had to restore to compromise with a few restrictions but no one stopped Milles about his new interest.

By the end of the week, Milles was as proficient as he could be about the technological advancement in the time he was gone.

And it was time to finally start making contact with the neural system.

Since Milles was about to be shipped off to the boarding school known as the academy in a few days, he only had so much time to gain all the advantage he could.

So he prepared and waited for the night to fall. Once the sun was low enough, it was time to go.

The tower was alive but Milles made his way to the neural system easily.

After all, no one was on the outlook for a magic-less kid who could not even harm a fly. Milles was familiar enough with the tower to make his way to the top.

The people here were careless, not having even changed most of the passwords from long ago. And since his current body was a replica of his original one, it made it far too easy for him to get to the top.

The floor was almost abandoned, all except for a few guards who were not even paying attention to him.

And then he was at the top with only a door in-between him and the neural system.

The supercomputer was as majestic and dominating as it had ever been and Milles felt his heartache.

He had created, this monstrosity that had ruined far too many lives. It was his responsibility to take it away from people and to give them a new and bright future.

Milles made his way to the computer and pressed a few buttons to gain access to the mainframe.

The system had hardly changed from the day he had last operated it. It was a self-upgrading AI but it needed assistance to keep its functions well.

The government has done a great job in maintaining it in its best condition but there was only so much that they could do without Milles.

It was finally time to say goodbye to the neural system. Milles was ready to finally free the world.

But before he could go through with it, the system flashed.

[Authorised person recognized

Person identity code: 001, Alise: Professor Milles.

Welcome back, Professor Milles. The neural system awaited your return]

Milles felt a shiver go down his spine as he heard the voice in his head. He hated how mechanical the voice of the neural system sounded.

He was the one who had wanted to sue this voice but the more he heard it, the more it hurt his ears.

"Sorry, but you have become a burden for me. It is time for you to liberate this world" Milles did feel regret doing this but it was crucial as well.

The world would not improve as long as the neural system was there. The disparity between magicless and magical folks, between rich and poor would always remain.

[If this is what Professor Milles wanted, then the neural system would prepare for s total shutdown.

However, Professor Milles should also be made aware of the future possibility of collapse. Would professor Milles like to watch the likely outcome of his decision]

The neural system hit where it hurt. Professor Milles already knew of the likely possibility - of economic collapse.

But he had to make a decision and stick to it. If he hesitated now then all his hardships will be for nothing.

He should not give in here at all.

But he was a weak human and he knew he could not ignore the possibility of a future collapse as well.

"Very well. Show me this outcome you speak of" and images flashed in his mind.

Milles felt sick as magic coursed inside his mind but he could not stop thinking it over. Not when the images of destruction and human ruins passed his eyes.

There was only death and destruction all around him but Milles could not avert his eyes away from it.

"Fine, you win. I will not terminate you for now" the images stopped flashing but they did not disappear from Milles's mind.

He had known this would happen if he allowed the neural system free reign and yet he had done it. He had allowed the system to influence his decision.

There would not be another chance for him to stop the system and he would have to live with that result.

[The system is happy to have Professor Milles back. As a gift, the neural system is happy to bind itself to Professor Milles and assist him in his future]

Milles did not protest. After all, there was nothing to protests against for him.