

Before traversing, Gao Yang was an orphan and just spent his 6-year-old birthday in the orphanage. That night, he ate the paper cup cake bought for him by the dormitory supervisor aunt, and went to sleep contentedly. Before going to bed, he made a wish, hoping that he could find his parents, and then dozed off into a dreamy state.

When waking up, Gao Yang found himself sitting beside a dining table, with a bowl of steaming noodles in front of the table, and he was biting a noodle in his mouth, with half of it still dangling outside.

In the dining room of the house, the light in the early morning is soft. Opposite the dining table sit a pair of strange middle-aged men and women. Sitting in the upper seat against the door of the house is a kind-hearted old grandma, and beside oneself sits a little girl with big eyes, about four or five years old.

"Don't just stand there, hurry up and eat. Don't be late for school later." The woman urged. She was in her thirties. Although she was wearing simple pajamas and without makeup, she was very beautiful.

"Son, do you want dad to send you?" The man, with a toothpick in his mouth, asked with a smile. He was tall and strong, with a slightly bulging lower abdomen and a slightly receding hairline. There was still vaguely the handsomeness of his youth in his features.

"No sending! Dad is going to send me to the kindergarten!" The little girl shouted angrily, leaning over the table and scooping up a bowl of millet porridge.

"Hehe, then we will send the elder brother first, and then the younger sister, okay?" The kind old grandma smiled gently and reached out to touch the little girl's head.

Gao Yang opened his mouth wide, and the noodles "plopped" and fell on the dining table.

That year he was six years old and still couldn't understand what "time travel" meant, nor did he know what a "parallel world" was.

He thought he was still dreaming, but unexpectedly, this dream lasted for twelve years.

Nowadays, Gao Yang has already adapted to this new world and has already merged with the host. He is Gao Yang, 18 years old, a senior high school student, living in a warm family of five, with a kind grandmother, loving and harmonious parents who also occasionally bicker, and a mischievous younger sister.

He lives a good life. Like most of his peers, he is buried in studying for the college entrance examination. Occasionally he will also think about what college to attend in the future, what kind of job to find, who to marry, and how many children to have...

In short, Gao Yang's wish when he was six years old was fulfilled. He "found" his parents, and was also given a grandmother and a younger sister as a bonus.

He lives a happy life and has nothing else to ask for.

Until this day of the 18th birthday, everything has changed.

On the way home from school, Gao Yang was riding his bike home. When passing a dark road, a black shadow suddenly rushed out from the alley entrance and knocked Gao Yang and his bike over together.

Gao Yang fell down, but it was not a big deal. He stood up with a grin and then saw clearly the person who hit him. Under the dim yellow street lamp, there stood a short middle-aged man. He was haggard, his face was pale, his expression was frightened, and he was wearing a ragged hospital gown and covered with blood stains.

"Uncle, are you okay..."

"Run quickly!" The man grabbed Gao Yang's shoulders forcefully, with terrifyingly great strength: "Monsters! There are monsters everywhere! Run quickly! Leave here!"

There was a sense of desperate bloodiness in the man's voice: "Don't trust anyone..."


The man still wanted to say something when a bullet shot into his brain, penetrating the skull and instantly blooming a blood-red rose.

"Zhi --" A strong smell of blood came to the nostrils.

The hands that were grasping Gao Yang's shoulders slowly loosened. The frightened expression of the man was forever frozen. His overly protruding eyeballs no longer moved, and they were engraved with despair, hesitation and unwillingness.

Two seconds later, the corpse fell down heavily.

He stood stunned in the same place, and his feet were soon soaked by the spreading pool of blood, only feeling sticky and wet. The slight tinnitus caused when the bullet penetrated the man's head was gradually covered by the heartbeat in the chest cavity: thump, thump, thump thump thump...

"Child, are you not injured!"

"Don't be afraid. You are safe now!"

"Close your eyes and don't look down at your feet..."

Several policemen rushed up, and one of the policemen pulled Gao Yang into his arms and covered his eyes.

The next day, Gao Yang made it to the local news headlines: "A severely mentally ill patient killed two nurses and escaped at night, and then held a high school student hostage and was shot dead on the spot."

Gao Yang took a day off and rested at home.

He was indeed a little stimulated. Seeing with his own eyes a life being brutally shot, no ordinary person could bear it. Moreover, there are also many doubts about this matter of the mental patient, which makes him feel very strange. Exactly what is strange, he can't say it for a while.

That night, Gao Yang took a sleeping pill.

After falling asleep, he dreamed.

The memories of the original owner before the age of 6 have long been absorbed completely by the current Gao Yang, but there are still some vague memories that seem to be forgotten.

In the dream, Gao Yang returned to the dead of night in the summer when he was four years old.

Because he ate a lot of watermelons, he got up to use the toilet in the middle of the night. When passing by his grandparents' room, he heard a rustling sound.

Gao Yang was a little curious, pricked up his ears and put them against the cold door. The sound became more real and more strange.

He had never heard such a sound, like the whimper of a wild beast, or like the wail of a deep-sea giant whale. It sounded very painful, and was also mixed with a distorted excitement. When carefully distinguished again, there was also a rough and dull biting sound hidden under the sound.

Gao Yang just felt creepy.

At that time, he had just listened to the kindergarten aunt finish telling the fairy tale of "Little Red Riding Hood". He thought, could it be that a big bad wolf slipped into his home and ate his grandparents?

Gao Yang's heart was beating rapidly, but he still plucked up the courage to gently push open the door.

Through the crack of the door, what did he see!

He was extremely scared, turned around and ran back to his room, buried his head under the quilt, and even forgot to go to the bathroom.

Early the next morning, Gao Yang wet the bed. He thought it was just a nightmare. Just at this moment, his mother pushed the door in and held Gao Yang in her arms sadly. She cried and said, "Gao Yang, your grandfather has died."

When Gao Yang followed his mother out of the room, his grandfather's body was just carried away by the medical staff on a stretcher and covered with a white cloth. By the time of the funeral, grandfather had already turned into an urn.

From beginning to end, Gao Yang and his sister weren't able to see their grandfather for the last time.

Now when thinking back, there are quite a few doubtful points in the matter.

Grandfather loved Gao Yang and his sister the most before his death. They are the closest relatives, so why couldn't they see grandfather for the last time?

If the memory is not wrong, the shape of the upper body of grandfather's body covered with a white cloth at that time was very strange, as if one hand was incomplete.

In the dream, Gao Yang, looking at the body on the white stretcher, couldn't figure it out no matter how much he thought.

Suddenly, the body on the white stretcher sat up!

When the white cloth was pulled down, it turned out to be that crazy man. His eyes were gouged out, leaving only two deep bloody holes. Thick black blood gushed out from his seven orifices. He stretched out his bloody hands and firmly clamped Gao Yang's shoulders.

--Monster! There are monsters everywhere! Run! Get out of here!

--Don't trust anyone!


Gao Yang woke up from the dream with a start.

At ten o'clock in the morning, the sunlight is just right. The gentle breeze in April lifts the curtains. Outside the window is the busy traffic and the hustle and bustle of the city.

"Brother, did you have a nightmare?" The younger sister sat by Gao Yang's bedside, tilted her head to look at him, and blinked her big eyes.

Gao Yang was stunned: "Why are you in my room?"

The younger sister gave him a look of disgust and said, "The sun is already shining on your butt. Mom asked me to wake you up!"

"Oh, okay, I know."

The younger sister walked out of the room.

Gao Yang was still a little dazed. He rolled out of bed and drank a big gulp of water.

At this time, the mobile phone rang, and Gao Yang casually clicked on the text message.

"Pfft--" He spat out a mouthful of water.