

The matter has to start from two days ago.

Two days ago, Wang Zikai, Gao Yang's best friend, stole Gao Yang's mobile phone and sent Li Weiwei a 300-word "passionate confession" to play a prank on him.

When Gao Yang discovered it, it was too late to withdraw. Although he immediately sent a follow-up message to explain, Li Weiwei didn't reply. Not only that, in the next two days, she didn't talk to Gao Yang anymore and deliberately avoided him at school.

Li Weiwei and Gao Yang are childhood sweethearts. Their families live close to each other. They knew each other since kindergarten and later moved to Li Cheng together and went to the same high school. They can be said to be very fateful.

According to his memories before the age of six, he did have a crush on Li Weiwei. When he first saw the little beauty Li Weiwei in kindergarten, he secretly decided that he would marry her when he grew up. Unfortunately, before his dream could come true, Gao Yang crossed over.

Over the years, because of Li Weiwei, Gao Yang has been envied and hated by the male classmates in the class quite a lot.

Gao Yang's feelings for Li Weiwei are naturally deep. To say that he likes her, he does. After all, who doesn't like a beautiful woman? But he really has never thought about it in that way. If one has to be melodramatic, it might be that there is just a lack of that "heart-fluttering" feeling.

In two months, the students will graduate from high school after the college entrance examination and go their separate ways.

As Gao Yang's best friend, Wang Zikai couldn't stand it anymore - so he decided to "help" the two, and thus this farce occurred.

Now, two days have passed. Li Weiwei finally replied to the text message: I agree with you.

Gao Yang was in a complicated mood. He thought, "Oh dear, didn't I explain to you that this was the message sent by Wang Zikai? How could you ignore that message?"

No. I have to explain again...

The text message rang again: "Come out and meet today?"

Gao Yang hesitated for a moment and replied with a "OK."

2 p.m. Shanqing District. Dawan Square.

When Gao Yang arrived, Li Weiwei had already been waiting for a while.

On this rare weekend vacation, Li Weiwei changed into a light green sweater. Her usually tied-up hair fell smoothly over her shoulders. When the wind blew, the girl's hair and dress hem fluttered gently. She held down the long hair by her ears and waved happily at Gao Yang, "Here, Gao Yang, here!"

The spring breeze is charming for miles, and the girl has a smile as beautiful as a flower.

At that moment, Gao Yang could somewhat understand the feelings of those sycophants in the class. He really didn't know how fortunate he was.

Gao Yang walked over with a smile, "Sorry, I'm late."

"It's okay. Qingling and I strolled around first. We just bought some teaching and learning materials in the bookstore and also bought two for you." Li Weiwei said.

It was only then that Gao Yang noticed that not far behind Li Weiwei stood a tall girl with a ponytail. She was standing with one hand in her pocket and playing with her mobile phone, her head lowered.

The girl with the ponytail is named Qingling. She is 1.67 meters tall, a sprinting student with special talents in the class, and Li Weiwei's best friend.

Besides, Qingling is still the goddess of all the boys in the school.

Not to mention her beautiful face. Despite being exposed to the sun every day, her skin is still as white as snow, which is really excessive. Due to long-term training, the well-proportioned body curves under the tight sportswear are full of the pleasing artistic beauty, and her long legs have charmed thousands of young boys.

But interestingly, compared to Li Weiwei who is confessed to every now and then, Qingling has almost no pursuers. Because she never talks to boys. To be more precise, the look in her eyes when she sees boys always reveals a kind of physical disgust as if she sees flies.

After a long time, everyone knew that she had androphobia and no longer bothered her.

However, Gao Yang believed that she didn't have androphobia. She was very likely a lesbian.

As if sensing Gao Yang's gaze, Qingling put down her phone, raised her head and met Gao Yang's line of sight. The imposing manner was so strong, and the loathing was so deep... that Gao Yang felt that he was not only a fly, but also a fly staring at feces.

"Qingling, together?" Li Weiwei shouted to Qingling.

"No. Have fun, you two." Qingling showed Li Weiwei a gentle smile like an angel.

In the afternoon, Gao Yang spent a pleasant and fulfilling day with Li Weiwei, drinking milk tea, watching movies and having barbecue.

Late at night, Gao Yang escorted Li Weiwei home. On the silent and deserted road, Li Weiwei walked ahead. After walking for a while, she suddenly turned around: "Hey, do you regret it?"

"Ah? Regret what?" Gao Yang asked.

Li Weiwei blushed: "Regret confessing to me."

"Weiwei, actually..."

"I thought that if I agreed to you, you would be happier." Li Weiwei tilted her head, looking a little unsure in her eyes. "But then again, I'm not sure if you boys immediately lose interest after catching a girl, and then realize that you don't actually like the other person."

"No. Actually, that statement..."

"Gao Yang," Li Weiwei narrowed her eyes dissatisfiedly and sized up Gao Yang: "What's wrong with you today? Are you hiding something from me?"

"... Is there?"

"Yes! You've been absent-minded all day." Li Weiwei said in a somewhat displeased tone.

In fact, Gao Yang was indeed a little absent-minded today. He originally wanted to distract himself through the "date", but the more he told himself not to care, the more he couldn't help thinking about it.

Gao Yang hesitated again and again, but still asked, "Li Weiwei, let me ask you a question."

"Ask then."

Didn't your grandma pass away due to cerebral hemorrhage in your third year of junior high school?


"Did you see her for the last time?"

Li Weiwei was stunned for a moment and blinked, "What do you mean?"

That is, have you seen her body after her death?

"I was at school at that time. When I got home, my parents had already sent her for cremation."

"Oh, I see."

Gao Yang thought: As expected.

"Is there anything strange?" asked Li Weiwei

"Nothing..." Gao Yang stopped short of saying more.

He had vaguely realized long ago that there were still some differences between this parallel world and the world he was in before.

For example, in today's world, many people are cremated immediately after death, instead of holding customs such as "farewell ceremonies for the deceased".

So anxious, as if trying to destroy some evidence, such as his own grandfather, such as Li Weiwei's grandmother.

Thinking of this, Gao Yang was inexplicably startled.

"What's wrong with you... You look so pale." Li Weiwei noticed.

Gao Yang thought for a while and said, "Li Weiwei, have you ever thought that the world we live in is actually full of dangers."

Li Weiwei immediately became nervous: "What on earth do you want to say? You, you don't scare me..."

"I was grabbed by a mental patient last night, you know?"

"I heard about it. Fortunately, the police shot that person dead and you weren't injured. I was quite worried about you." Li Weiwei blushed when she said this. "Actually, it was because of this incident that I decided to accept your confession."

Gao Yang shook his head: "No. Actually, he didn't intend to hurt me at all at that time. Instead, he was warning me."

"Warning?" Li Weiwei was confused. "Warning about what?"

Gao Yang briefly told the story and mentioned the death of his grandfather when he was five years old.

Li Weiwei became more and more frightened. Unconsciously, she moved a little closer and leaned against Gao Yang's arm.

"Could it be a dream? After all, at such a young age..."

"No, definitely not a dream!" Gao Yang affirmed.

"Don't you think that your grandfather was..." Li Weiwei dared not continue.

Gao Yang shook his head and said, "Not necessarily. I just always feel that something is not right."

"Didn't you secretly take a look into the room at that time?" Li Weiwei said, "What did you see?"

Gao Yang fell silent. He did see something in the dream of his memory, but let alone Li Weiwei, even he himself wasn't sure if it was an illusion.


"Ah! Forget it. Stop talking..." Li Weiwei lowered her head. "Let's go home quickly."

"Li Weiwei, don't you believe me?" Gao Yang grabbed Li Weiwei's hand at once.

Li Weiwei was stunned at first. It took her some time to overcome her fear and nodded vigorously: "I believe you."

"I believe you too. Regarding this matter, I don't know who else I can talk to except you." Gao Yang took a deep breath and summoned the courage to say, "Actually, I saw a hand."


"Well, to be precise, it was an arm, as thick as an adult's thigh. It was covered with grayish-blue scales. Those scales were like small worms crowded together and could even squirm and roll. Anyway, it was very disgusting..."

"Oh, my God..."

"I have no idea what that was either, but it definitely wasn't a human hand." Gao Yang frowned.

"Gao Yang." Li Weiwei looked up at him. "The hand you mentioned, was it like this?"

Gao Yang was startled sharply!

Great pain came from the arm!

He looked down and saw that Li Weiwei's slender and fair arm suddenly split open, with bluish-gray flesh scales emerging one by one from inside.

Under the moonlight, the edges of those scales were flowing with a pale and eerie luster. They grew longer and longer, and along Gao Yang's arm, they gradually drilled into the skin, sucking his blood voraciously like leeches.

"Li Weiwei... You..."

Li Weiwei quickly stretched out her other hand, grabbed Gao Yang by the neck and lifted him up easily. The bluish-gray scales squirming on the girl's arm turned into soft and sticky tentacles, drilling into Gao Yang's mouth, nostrils, ear canals and even the corners of his eyes.

Gao Yang's head was enduring unimaginable pressure. He felt that in just a few seconds, his head would burst like a watermelon in a microwave oven.

"Gao Yang, thank you." Li Weiwei's voice remained unchanged and was even more gentle than before.

She smiled, "You are the first awakener I have met."

"I will never, never forget you."