
Part 1

15 years later

Sitting in his room, Elyion averted his gaze from the book on magic and looked up at the sky, lost in thought. He had decided to leave the kingdom as staying there was no longer an option. Despite his love for his parents and sister, the past 15 years had been fraught with danger. Their combined efforts had failed to protect him from attempts on his life, such as poisoning and other malicious acts. He regretted leaving his family, but it was his only choice, and his family agreed and accepted his decision. As he looked back down at his book, the moonlight reflected on his face, revealing his sadness.

Elyion was completely engrossed in the book he was reading - "Magical Theories Behind Light Magic." The title may sound dull, but the content was fascinating! The book was written by a human professor in the language of the southern continent and described the inner workings of light magic, giving Elyion a deep understanding of its fundamentals. At first, the language barrier was a challenge since it was very different from the spirit language the elves use. Still, Elyion's determination paid off, and he eventually got the hang of it. The more he read, the more he felt like he was being drawn into its content. 

In the Elven kingdom, it was customary for the royal family to receive combat training. However, Elyion was an exception to this tradition. His family was hesitant to put him in danger due to unknown threats to his life from within the Elven nobility, even within the walls of the Elven palace. Consequently, Elyion focused on developing his magical skills from a young age. Although he was not as experienced as some of the seasoned magicians in the kingdom, he was still much better than others of his age. Elyion had mastered using three different elements of magic - Light, Wind, and Nature - at an average level. However, what made him stand out was his affinity for Light magic, which was partly thanks to his spirit partner, Enfia. Moreover, his ever-growing capacity of magical essence, which by now was bigger than any other high elf, enabled him to practice more than most other people would be able to do before running out of magical essence.

As Elyion lay on his bed, he felt both excited and apprehensive about the adventure he was about to embark on. He didn't know where he was headed, and the uncertainty of it all made him break out in a cold sweat. But then, Enfia appeared beside him in her small fairy form and gave him a comforting hug that felt both funny and reassuring. "Don't worry, El. I'll be with you every step of the way, no matter what we may face," she said, soothing him. Elyion felt better just looking at Enfia and let out a sigh of relief. "Thanks for always being there for me, Fia. I don't know what I would have done without you here," he said, feeling grateful. With that, Elyion drifted off to sleep, comforted by the thought that Enfia would be with him on his journey.

The next day

Upon waking up, Elyion's first order of business was to freshen up and indulge in a long and luxurious bath. He knew it could be a while until he had another chance to enjoy such a luxury. As he soaked in the warm water, his mind wandered to the journey ahead and what he might need to prepare. While he anticipated his parents might gift him a magic bag to carry more items, he realized he didn't have much else besides his clothing. He decided to bring some advanced books on magic to study and considered requesting a sword, even though he wasn't proficient with it yet. He hoped to learn as he travelled. Once he finished his bath, he put on his travel attire. His clothes may not have looked sturdy, but they were made from the skin of a four-star creature called a lighting Stagg, making them more resilient than basic iron armour and comparable to a lower-ranked knight's heavy armour set.

Elyion had prepared all the things he needed when his sister Arya knocked on the door. "El, you in there?" she asked as she burst into the room. "Are you ready? Mom and Dad are waiting for you." She handed him a blue, tattered bag and said, "They asked me to give you this magic bag to put your stuff in." Though it didn't look like much, Elyion knew that magic bags were expensive and hard to find. "Thanks, sis. Are you coming with me? Can you help me pack?" he asked. "Sure, no worries," Arya replied, hugging him tightly. "I'm going to miss you, El. I'm sorry I couldn't keep you safe." Elyion was touched by her words and hugged her back, feeling emotional. "I love you, sis. I'm going to miss you too," he said, before they both let go. "I'm going to put everything in the magic bag. You're going to help, right?" Elyion asked. "Leave it to me, El," Arya said, smiling reassuringly.

After packing everything into the magic bag, they left Elyion's room and strolled through the elegant Palace hallways. Elyion took a moment to gaze around at the place where he grew up. "Hey El, please take care of yourself. I know you're somewhat capable with magic, but never overestimate yourself," Arya said, concerned. Suddenly, Enfia appeared. "Don't worry, I'll keep him safe if he does anything stupid," she smiled and puffed out her chest with pride. Laughing, Arya looked at Enfia, "I guess I was worried about nothing, wasn't I?" Elyion spent a lot of his time growing up with his sister and Enfia, so they knew each other well and became good friends. After walking for a while, they finally arrived at two huge doors, which were the entrance to the royal treasure vault. Two figures stood in front of the doors. Elyion's mom ran towards them, and he hugged her before greeting his father.

As Elyion asked his mother why they were at the treasure vault, he wondered if he could leave from there. Alayna smiled and assured him that he need not worry and that she had some things she wanted to give him before his journey began. Elyion observed his mother approach the giant vault door and utter some words. Suddenly, he saw magical energy emanating from her hands, and the crystal in the middle of the door flickered twice in a bright yellow light before the doors slowly began to open. Alayna chuckled at her son and daughter's surprise and explained that only the current high elven king or queen could open this door. Elyion followed his mother, walking into the vault with his father and sister. As they walked, the lights turned on one by one, revealing the royal treasure room. Although there was some gold and jewels, the vault mostly contained various types of magical weapons, such as swords and bows, as well as magical artifacts.

As they walked through the vault, Elyion wondered where they were headed until he noticed his mother come to a halt. He looked around to figure out why and then he saw it - a beautiful white blade hanging from the wall. His mother turned to him and said, "My son, I want you to take this blade with you on your journey. It's a spirit sword, forged from a metal called Mythrill, and it's great at conducting magic." Elyion examined the sword as his mother explained the specifics of this sword and the mythrill used to craft it.

There are several types of metal used for weapons and armor, but Mythrill is the best at conducting magic. This makes it the perfect material for anyone who wishes to combine swordplay with magic. As a high elf with a lot of magical essence, you would benefit greatly from a sword made of Mythrill. 

However, this sword is not your ordinary Mythrill sword. It was crafted by fusing Mythrill with a dying spirit, creating a spirit sword. This unique combination allows the sword to conduct magic even better than a regular Mythrill sword. It is even said that if a spirit sword is wielded by the same person for a long period of time, it can develop its own personality.

Aside from its magical properties, this sword also has the ability to conceal its appearance as a regular sword. This is a useful feature when travelling, as it prevents drawing too much attention to yourself.

As Elyion put the sword around his waist, his mother handed him a beautifully crafted silver ring, with faint traces of magic emanating from it. She explained that the ring had two abilities: it could hide his appearance since there were only five high elves, and seeing one outside of the Elven Kingdom would make him a target for kidnappers and other nefarious people. Additionally, once every 52 days, during a full moon, he could use the ring to communicate with the wearer of its matching counterpart, which his mother would keep. Elyion was filled with gratitude and happiness when he heard this, and he hugged his mother tightly to show how much he appreciated it. "Thank you, Mom. I will treasure this ring and I'll talk to you whenever I can," he said emotionally.

After receiving two items from his mother, Elyion followed her down the stairs and entered a room with a giant magic circle in the center. He was curious about it and asked his mother what it was. She explained that it was a teleportation circle that could be used to evacuate the royal family when necessary. It would randomly teleport them to one of the elven shrines hidden in forests and mountains on the eight continents, to prevent anyone from following them. 

Realizing the gravity of the situation, Elyion looked up at his family. Before he could say anything, Arya ran to him and hugged him, telling him to stay safe and not to trust people easily. Elyion promised to see her again and apologized for leaving. He then turned to his dad and asked him to keep his mom and sister safe. His father reassured him and handed him a small bag of gold coins that would last him at least five years. Elyion thanked him and put the coins in his magic bag.

He said his goodbyes to his family, promising to talk to his mom every full moon. As he stepped onto the teleportation circle, his mom hugged him tightly and cried, apologizing for not being able to keep him safe. Suddenly, a bright white light flashed and Elyion saw his family disappearing before his eyes.

Alayna watched her son vanish and felt worried, but she knew this was still safer than staying in the palace. As she turned around, she noticed Arya hugging her. They both looked at the teleportation circle, thinking about the adventure that lay ahead for Elyion and longing for the day they would see him again.

Thank you for taking the time to read this chapter. If you have any feedback on how I can improve my writing, please feel free to share your thoughts. I'm still new to this, so please be gentle.

"I had a bit of a struggle with this chapter as I was just getting started. Initially, I thought of writing it in the first person perspective but later changed it to the third person perspective. Thank you for taking the time to read it."

ElyionEveroncreators' thoughts