
The Chilling Adventures of Set

A man wakes up in the slums of The Hidden Leaf Village. He had nothing to his name except a mysterious and the power of Absolute Ice Maker. The multiverse is in for a freezing revelation. This is a pretty chill fic, nothing dramatic or anything of the sorts. No amazing plot twists, just a fun little read where we might encounter some questions about life, love and learning. It's fanfic still, so expect what you know to expect, but there will be mostly a fun time. NO harem collector, or God-level power spike that then turns into a worldwide slaughter. Just a cosy little read. A/N: I do not own anything except my own created character. Go and support the original work before you read this fanfiction. Remember to be kind to each other and to take care of yourselves. There is a tomorrow.

Vallori · Tranh châm biếm
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9 Chs

Chapter 3: Slow Start

The whole night was spent on a park bench working on the curriculum. The night was also spent in illogical comfort. The cold wasn't bothering me despite people walking around in winter clothes, indicating the season we're in. Maybe it's because I am the heir of Helheim.

When it came to the curriculum, it was mediocre. It quite literally only covered the most essential subject without developing a foundation for that information to stand on. That was the most crucial flaw to fix. It wasn't sure if they knew the mechanics of the brain; of how it functioned in conjunction with relevant information.

Whatever it was that made it so ineffective, it no longer mattered. It was a thing of beauty, that piece of paper I held in my hand. Now, to work up the courage to present this to the possibly strongest shinobi in history. Yeah, Hashirama was the strongest? Pff... I am teamHiruzen all the way.

"Come in!" That authoritative tone still sends cold shivers down my back. The man is no joke, I need to get stronger quickly before I get a heart attack from being too close too often.

"Good day, Lord Third." That was pathetic. How meek did I sound there? Come on, stand straight!

"Have you done what you promised?" It was nothing but a simple question, but the voice responsible caused such stiffness in the atmosphere that it was possible to hear your own heartbeat.

I cannot see this version and the version I know as the same person. Maybe because this is real life and the power behind him truly show itself. When he was an anime character I just thought he was cool and interesting. Damn you fictional barrier!

"Yes, Lord Third. I have the curriculum here. Have you arranged somewhere for me to sleep yet?" Even trying to look intimidating was uncomfortable. This is why you shouldn't fake a persona, when you're strong, intimidation comes with it. I have neither - power nor intimidation.

Hiruzen took the paper as he simultaneously shook his head looking a little uncomfortable. Guess that's a no.

"Sorry, I-I kinda drunk a little too much last night. Not really sure what I did, but I woke up seven miles away from the village." Despite his subdued tone, he didn't look like a man carrying guilt for his actions.

"Are you okay? And is the Hokage even allowed to drink?" It was kinda hard to imagine this God of Shinobi getting drunk and rambling like an alcoholic. The picture was enough to cause a few chuckles, but it was difficult to imagine someone as intimidating as Hiruzen as someone irresponsible.

"It is completely legal. Here's hoping I didn't cause an international incident." He raised a glass previously out of sight. "Cheers!" And he downed it like a champ.

"I am sure you didn't. A little PMA will go a long way." I tried to give him the most reassuring smile could. It still feels weird to not have people crunching at my smiling face. I got really good at keeping a stoic mask during my classes. My resting face was actually not too bad, but as soon as that smile came out people usually ran screaming in the opposite direction.


"Positive mental attitude. That is a personal philosophy of mine. Try to see the silver lining and try to look at things from a positive angle." The conversation was getting more natural, which I relished.

"You are entirely too naive to be a shinobi," Hiruzen said with a sombre tone. It wasn't condescending, more like grounded in reality. And it wasn't like he was wrong. A shinobi's life was very different from the normal life of a professor which I have lived up until yesterday.

"I'm not gonna argue with that since it is indeed true. I will never preach war, nor participate in it." I had to add a silent 'hopefully' to that statement. Now that I was in a factional world that lived and breathed war, death and sorrow I could not take anything for granted.

"Anyway, what do you think about the new curriculum? I didn't spend a lot of time with it, but I did say I could make it better in just one night." I was positive he would see the benefit with it if he was as intelligent as I hoped. My new curriculum basically focused more on building the foundation of intake of information instead of cramming the kids' heads with too much too fast.

"Wow, this is simple yet quite brilliant. It's in fact to simple that I would never have thought of it." Words that greatly boosted my confidence.

"Our society has always lived on the edge of war so our education has reflected that since the creation of the Five Villages. Information as quick and as efficient as possible. But I can definitely see the value in this. The only problem is that this relies on time as the support pillar. We do not have that in infinite supply currently."

"I understand. Anything else of note that I should know? I can always accommodate for a lack of time to teach my students."

"As Hokage, I have the power to make decisions, but I can not implement this willy-nilly without consequences. Lord Second made the council a lot more tedious to deal with." Let's say he looked "mildly" annoyed as he explained this to me.

"I know at least three people who loathe change more than I hate this paperwork."

"So you are not personally against it?"

"Definitely not. I am in the same mindset as you. I do believe the mind is the strongest weapon we have. But this village has too many people believing in the supposed omnipotence of chakra. They do not believe as I do that chakra will eventually abandon us."

It was a surprising statement, especially considering he has only talked to me twice. I am seriously questioning why he is confining in me. I could be a spy for all he knows. This man is so different from the anime that it is starting to creep me out.

"How quickly could you get your things in order and take on students?"

"Depends on how fast you can get me a place to set up. I could hold my lectures in the park, but I guess the kids wouldn't appreciate that very much." It was true though, I apparently do not feel cold so classes outside would not bother me one bit. As long as I have my trusted pencil.

"I haven't gotten you a place to stay officially, but I do have multiple apartments that are on hold. I will give you one of those temporarily. It isn't much, they are designed for shinobi that specialize in long-term missions, which means they aren't as decorative as a standard apartment would be."

"If it has a bed, it is more than enough." Little did he know that I would be okay if he had just handed me a pillow. The park benches here are surprisingly comfortable, but I'll take an apartment instead, sure.

"Great! Give this to my assistant and she'll show you the way there. I'll summon you again when I have taken this to the council." He waved, which was my queue to leave so I left quickly.

That went pleasant, I believe. I survived and got an apartment out of it. Not bad if I say so myself.




Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Valloricreators' thoughts