
The Chilling Adventures of Set

A man wakes up in the slums of The Hidden Leaf Village. He had nothing to his name except a mysterious and the power of Absolute Ice Maker. The multiverse is in for a freezing revelation. This is a pretty chill fic, nothing dramatic or anything of the sorts. No amazing plot twists, just a fun little read where we might encounter some questions about life, love and learning. It's fanfic still, so expect what you know to expect, but there will be mostly a fun time. NO harem collector, or God-level power spike that then turns into a worldwide slaughter. Just a cosy little read. A/N: I do not own anything except my own created character. Go and support the original work before you read this fanfiction. Remember to be kind to each other and to take care of yourselves. There is a tomorrow.

Vallori · Anime & Comics
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9 Chs

Chapter 1: Figuring Out The Ins and Outs

Things that I have figured out so far; I am in the Hidden leaf Village. Tsunade is a kid. The second world war has yet to start, I think. I am not entirely clear about these things. I know basically just the major events in canon. I know Hashirama is Tsunade's grandfather, but that's about all I know of her as a person. She had loved ones that died, no idea when they died or who they are.

I also know now that I have inherited the ice of Hel. There are very few sources that I know of that speak about Hel being a cold wasteland for the immoral souls. The popular ones actually talk about it being mostly similar to heaven, Valhalla and places that the brave and courage get to experience. I obviously won't know what is what until I become a God. And boy is that something to wrap my head around.

Controlling the ice comes naturally to me, so that's a positive. It's not magic nor jutsu. It's just... doing. Will. I will the ice to freeze something and it does - as if it's a part of me. This is amazing because I don't have to train control. I only have to practice using it in different ways, and obviously, I have to learn how to fight. That is next on my list.

I also do not know what I look like. Did I retain my looks, in that case, I don't know why Tsunade was so willing to agree with me. I usually got the short end of the stick because my looks were below average. The ugly truth about society and humans. They treat "ugly" people like they're all weird or closeted perverts (slightly exaggerated because I'm bitter). They are very careful when dealing with you because of the innate trait we have of prematurely judging everything and everyone.

So, that's another thing I have to do. I really hope I look different. Maybe I'm a good-looking lad now. Or, sexy like a classic rocker. Maybe I look like an eastern novel protagonist. Flawless skin with perfect hair, despite never having showered in a literal thousand years. Yep, logic.

I involuntarily let out a chuckle thinking about it. But with my troll luck, I will have retained my looks and my awkward personality. My professor persona got me through a lot, but my personal persona is one awkward dude.

Suddenly a thought comes screaming and feels my entire body fill to the brim with anxiety. "SAMATHA!" The outburst happened involuntarily and I must have scared the living crap out of the others walking the street, as they recoil with panicked expressions.

My girlfriend, my daughter. I HAVE A FAMILY! So much happened too quickly my mind hyper-focused on trying to stay calm I somehow forgot the two most important people in my life. What the hell was I gonna do now? Trapped in the world of Naruto, told by a God to go on an adventure.

I rush into an alley, my heart is racing and I feel my vision going blurry. I knew I would pass out, I've felt it before. Oh, here it comes. Blackness overtakes my everything and my consciousness fades away. I feel myself falling forward.


Class is wholly pointless. Grandpa taught me a lot before he died and I am getting tutored personally by the Hokage. Who needs this?

I don't even think the teachers realize they are just repeating themselves week after week, they're just using different words every time.

This is utterly unnecessary. I should sneak into a casino later, I still have grandpa's savings. There's no way those will run out soon.

Anyway, what was with that guy earlier, sleeping in an alley like that. If not for all that dirt and his awful stench, I'm sure he would be a real eye-candy. He was a good-looking dude. I really wanna know what kind of jutsu that was. There was no visible indication of hand signs or anything. He just touched that wall and it froze. And that ice, I felt death approaching just by staring at it. So strange.

Her classmate and most hated person ever glanced at her from the side. He lived in the illusion that I didn't notice his stares. How can I not when he is basically drooling as he ogles my developing chest. Pervert, at least be honest with it.

I should have a talk with the old man after class, it's just too suspicious. That guy has an amazing ability and I think I should have heard about it before, especially if he lives here in this village. Telling the old man would make it easier for me to get my hands on him as well.

Her 'friend' suddenly noticed the evil smirk spreading on her lips and he instantly redirected his gaze.


It's amazing to wake up to a splitting headache; it just feels incredible.

I don't know for how long I've been unconscious, but it's dark now. Pitch black actually. There is no sound around me, which is weird to me. I noticed earlier how I was not in the most pleasant district of the village so logically this place should have some form of nightlife.

"Stupid eerie silence," I mutter as low as possible to not agitate my headache. This was really starting to get annoying. Anxiety sucks.

There were another fifteen minutes of waiting and laying perfectly still to not make it worse.

My legs were weak and they wabbled as I tried to stand, but I managed eventually. Why do I get headaches, I'm a God.

I could move about so I froze a small patch on the ground, and it worked as a pretty decent mirror. The ice wasn't the clearest, but it would do. And wow, I have clearly gotten some improvements. My hair is icy-blue, figures. Bright blue eyes as well, and a decent facial structure. I actually look like a pretty handsome fellow now. My body isn't anything to brag about, but it's lean and as long as I can fit through doors, I won't complain.

So... What should I even do now? What are my goals?

Short-term goals were easy; master my ability, establish my own position in the village. Long-term goals... only one. Get back to my family.

The question is how I should go about doing that. I need power, and for that I need training. I'm obviously too old to go through the academy. But even still, I probably am the most academically nurtured individual in this village. I seem to remember this series not really containing much math and such.

A teacher maybe.

I could open up a small private school; advertise it as a school for the elite. I should be capable of keeping up with a Nara since my intellect is my major trait. I love teaching and I could use the opportunity to establish myself with powerful families by teaching their children. I would obviously be much more effective than the academy - from what I know.

The only problem would be whether this is allowed or not. I guess a trip to the Hokage is something I can't avoid.


"Come in!" My legs almost buckle in on themselves as I heard the stern voice from inside the office. I could practically hear the sheer power rolling off his tone... scary.

My steps are slow but I try my best to step into my professor persona. He always was the reason I could even manage as a successful professor. Do I have a split personality? Not really, but my persona as a professor was a role I could step into and absorb to become a different person. A much more impressive man than my actual personality.

Hiruzen the Third Hokage. Sitting casually but power exuding from his every breath. It's quite literally breathtaking standing in his presence when you're just a normal man. I guess this means the Senju brothers are dead then. I wish I remember more about this world.

"Welcome. I heard you had an interesting proposition for me?" It was direct. How can a man be this frightening?! I'm a God, eventual big G and all, and he is still horrifying to stand near.

"Greetings, Lord Third. I come here to ask about a teaching position." He seems to be a fan of the frank approach so let's go with that.

He looked decently surprised at that. One point to me.

"You should know how this process is done. You don't come here asking to be placed as a teacher in the academy. This is a decision I make, sometimes the council weighs in. And you're a civilian." I will count my blessing that he didn't throw me out.

"I should clarify, I wish to open a private education program in the village. I am highly educated in a variety of subjects and would like to contribute to these trying times." If we are at war or are about to be, some village loyalty should soften him up. I am basically running in blind since I don't remember much about him.

"Your request is dangerous. A civilian teaching a shinobi is not something most would take lightly." He leaned back in his chair.

"Lord Third, I am not specifying that I take in shinobi from the academy or any clan heirs. I love knowledge and I know there are many in this village who can not attend the academy for many different reasons. I make this request because of them."

His gaze is resting on me but he is not saying anything. It's unnerving, to say the least.

"Let me clarify this first. I am not against this at all. I have been down this road many times. I've tried to improve the academy for the very reason you're stating." He releases a sigh.

"Prove to me that you can be useful and I will stand behind you." A surprising answer for sure. I was not actually imagining this would go my way at all.

"Alright. Do you have the current curriculum of the academy? I will take it with me and come back tomorrow. In just one night I will improve it in ways you have never seen. I will make it efficient." A bold claim, I am aware. But I can do it. I am positive that this world, especially this far back is really behind in the academical world.

He surprises me again by taking out something from the desk and giving it to me. A small grin plastered on his face.

"Now, if you could just tell me how you froze that wall, you can be on your way." My heart stops. Instantly, my vision goes blurry, but I try and play it off, no matter how difficult that is.

"E-Excuse me, Lord Third?"

His lips suddenly curve up and he releases a burst of loud roaring laughter that slightly shakes the room.

"Forgive me. Tsunade already told me about you." He looks incredibly pleased with himself, and it totally pisses me off.

"Did you really ask her to keep something a secret? I would think every villager knows about her habits by now. Quite a reckless thing to do; relying on her keeping silence. I've tried to fix that girl for years."

"Ehm, Sir. Not to be rude, but why are you telling me this? Shouldn't I be... I don't know, under suspicion or something?" No reason not to ask now that I'm caught. I am genuinely curious why he is acting so casual with me.

"So I thought." He looks at me with his annoyingly smug grin. "You're not from this village."

"How do you figure that?" I'm not gonna refute the claim.

"Everyone knows that I despise being the Hokage. Too much paperwork, too many all-nighters, nothing but troublesome, arrogant smug bastards that stalk you. I would rather be a teacher like you aspire to be." And suddenly, it started making sense to me.

"So you'll grant me this favour despite my status?" I asked because I kind of want to leave this loony already.

"I will try. As I said, the council will not allow this to stand if I go behind their back on a decision this big. The academy has always been the only educational institute in any of the major villages. You will be the first independent one."

"Then why are you granting me this chance? The council will surely refuse immediately ones they learn that I'm not even part of the village."

"Don't worry. We'll handle your status before you leave here. And to answer your question. If there was even a chance of you being a danger to this village, I would have killed you the second you walked in here ." His aura suddenly changed completely. I never thought it was possible to physically see someones intent on killing you, but I see it very clearly.


"Do not worry. I can sense a kind soul in you. Now, let's get down to business."

I guess this went better than I anticipated. But something is nagging at my mind heavily. Isn't Hiruzen too different? Was he always this easy-going, maybe it's just how young he is. Did he become more serious after going through so many major wars? I guess only time will tell now.



Yeah, my Hiruzen is not canon. He is strong, confident and cold when he needs to be. But my Hiruzen is more laid-back. And yes, it seems random that he accepts Set's request so easily but here is the explanation... I decided on it. So deal with it.

Have a Wonderful Day!

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Valloricreators' thoughts