

“I’m sorry, cousin,” Keilor answered politely, with just a touch of distance. “I’m afraid it would be only courteous of me to assist the other ladies as well.” He extended a hand to Rihlia while Urseya walked off, trying to hide her disappointment.

Much to Jasmine’s amazement, Rihlia took it.

“When in Rome,” she murmured, and hopped out of the pool with all speed. She jogged off to the falls.

Jasmine boggled at her.

Keilor looked at Jasmine. He extended his mud-dampened hand.

Jasmine slouched a little deeper into the muck. “Um, I think I’ll just hang out here for a while.”

Keilor cocked his head. “Is there some problem?”

She closed her eyes and jigged her head a little, arguing with herself. She decided to just tell him. “I’m naked.”

His voice deepened with amusement. “I had assumed as much.”