

“Here it is a matter of honor for a man to speak honestly to a woman who asks his feelings for her. I know my cousins. They would not lie to you.”

He frowned at her thoughtfully. “I don’t think you realize what your position is. Rihlia claimed you as a sister, and I accepted her claim. You became my family. No one would dare treat you lightly.” He slanted her a mischievous look. “Nor will they court you without my permission.”

She eyed him. “You approved all the men who sent me gifts?”

He laughed. “No. Each was told before hand that no match would be permitted with the Lady Jasmine, but the Haunt are stubborn men, and much taken with you. Besides, Rihlia thought their gifts would cheer you.” A sly look crossed his face. “What did Keilor bring you?”

Jasmine felt her face flush. “N-nothing much.” That was true. There hadn’t been much to that nightie.

Jayems looked down at his project, and she could tell he was trying to hide his smirk. She hastily made her excuses and left.