
The Great Escape

"What! Why did they decide to transport Alan to that facility? He isn't even that dangerous!" Akshika exclaimed. 

"With all due respect, ma'am, the resources that the demi can provide with their abilities is unparalleled. From your reports, they can create ice out of nothing, which could be an infinite source of water, for example," Said a guard.

"So you're just going to use him like an object?" Akshika asked, enraged.

"I wouldn't put it like that," The guard replied. "They will be granted a stable and comfortable life."

-Back to Alan-

Alan knew that he had to escape. He did not want to be experimented on. But, he did not know when to make his move. On one hand, he was surrounded by two armed guards, but on the other hand, it would be extremely difficult to escape a big facility.

The best course of action would be to escape as soon as possible.

"How long until we arrive?" Alan asked a guard.

"About half an hour. Why? Are you getting tired?" a guard replied.

"Nope, just asking," Alan replied.

Because they were walking to the facility, there would be many openings for Alan to easily slip away from the guards. Also, because of the lack of backup, they would have trouble hunting for him immediately.

But first, he would have to cause a disturbance. He knew just the right thing to do to accomplish this.

"Ma'am, can you please control the temperature around yourself? It is getting quite cold." A guard said.

"I don't know how to," Alan replied.

"But you had it under control this entire time,"

"I slip up sometimes," 

The guards started walking faster apart from Alan due to the cold. Alan kept making the area around him even colder to increase the following distance between him and the guards.

But, before he would escape, Alan would have to do something about the handcuffs. Alan had the idea to freeze the chains of his handcuffs and see if they would break apart.

But, the sound of the chains breaking would be too loud to not draw attention. The moment he broke the chain, he would have to make his move.

They were walking through a trail in the middle of a small forest, from the look of it. It was also very dark outside due to the time. This would all benefit him during his escape. The night and the forest would give him a lot of cover to escape.

Alan had little experience with manipulating his powers to generate ice around him, but it was worth a shot.

"Can we stop for a second? I am getting tired." Alan said.

"Ok." A guard said. "Cap, I need to go to the bathroom for a second. Make sure to watch the girl," 

This was too perfect. Clearly, they did not feel threatened by him at all. On top of this, the guard was nowhere near Alan because of the cold. This was the perfect time to make his move.

Immediately, Alan started to freeze his handcuffs. This took longer than he thought it would. While he was working on that, he started to prepare to create an ice barrier between him and the guard that was watching him to avoid getting bullets in his head.

The execution had to be perfect to avoid getting captured again or getting hurt.

Alan immediately broke the chain and tried to create a barrier. Unfortunately, the barrier did not work too well and crumbled the moment it was made. He immediately went to the guard and quickly kicked him in the nuts. His reaction time was not fast enough to get up and chase after him after doing this.

Alan started sprinting into the woods at full speed. He could faintly hear the guard calling for backup and help.

Alan did not know where to run or what to do. He had no food or water with him, and he had not eaten anything since The Changing. On top of this, though his hands were free, he still had the shackles around his arms. He probably looked like a kid straight out of juvie.

Eventually, after running for a bit, Alan started running out of steam.

Alan could see a road up ahead. He didn't know if this was a good thing or a bad thing. On one hand, he could get some food or water, but on the other hand, the police would have an easier chance of finding him.

Living as a fugitive was going to be hard.

Short chap. Sorry

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