
The Canceler

In a world where 80% of the population have superpowers, the yakuza clans have lost all their power. There was no many yakuza clans that are still in activity but there are some. One of these yakuza clans is the Jiyuu, that clan was one that was associate with the heroes, that clan was known as a clan that help the neighborhood. That clan's leader was a great man respected by the members everyone that knew him his city, and above all his quirk was quite strong. The son of the leader was a strange boy, he was smart and had a good quirk, everyone thought that he could become a hero but he wasn't interest. What did he wanted to do. This his the story of the man that help the heroes from the shadow. I don't own My hero Academia and its characters, but I've introduced my OC (The main and many others) I own only the story itself. This is my first fanfic so please go easy on me.

atarashiku · Tranh châm biếm
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22 Chs


Ryuu was in a dark alley in the night breathing heavily. He was calling someone with a phone.

"Eraserhead,… I need some…help !" he said between some gasping.

〔What did happen ?〕Aizawa asked worried, even if his voice didn't show it.

"Well, I made a mistake !" Ryuu replied. "I'll send you my location. Come as fast as possible, there are some injured people !"

17 hours earlier,

It was 5:30 a.m. when Ryuu woke up.

He was still tired after the fight he had with Beserker the night before if it could be called a fight, after all, all he did was standing there without moving and put up with the blows.

But his quirk's weakness was the fact that he must divide his thought between the effect that he cancel, the actions he must do after that, the way he would move his body and many other factors. If he was to go beyond his limit, his brain would be put under a lot of pressure and some of his ability to move would be affected and in the worst case, his body would suffer of heavy injuries for exemple, his eyes would began to bleed or other serious wounds.

In order to handle that weakness, he try to not move when he use his quirk, like that he would reduce the pressure on his brain and body.

After getting up, Ryuu went to take a shower and after that he got changed into his school uniform.

When it was 5:55 a.m. he went at the gate and waited for some minutes before a tall muscular man approached.

"Good morning, I am searching for Ryuuji Jiyuu !" the man said.

Ryuus smiled at seeing that Beserker came.

"It's me, please come with me !" Ryuu replied as he headed toward the main building.

Berserker followed him inside. As he was walking in the courtyard, Breserker noticed a huge amount of man in black suit guarding the place.

He then looked at the young teen in front of him.

'So you are the guy from last night ?! I didn't thought that you were that young !' he thought.

Indeed he recognized Ryuu with his voice.

Once inside, Ryuu led the tall man at the same room that he used to talk with Ken and the otjers last time.

They then sat on the pillows in the room.

"So what do you want from me exactly, The Canceler ?" Berserker asked.

"So you recognized me ! Good it will be faster that way !" Ryuu said as he took out a laptop. "I have a project and I need the help of someone as strong as you !"

His statement took Berserker's interest

Afterwards, Ryuu explained the C-project to Berserker.

Once he was done with the explainations, he turned toward Berserker and asked "Are you in ?".

Berserker didn't hesitate and responded "Yes, I am in !".

"Then could you give me your name ?" Ryuu asked.

"Arekuruu Toushi !" Berserker replied.

"Nice to meet you then Arekuruu !" Ryuu stated as they made a handshake.

"Good ! Then my assistant will teach you all you'll need !" Ryuu stated as he stood up.

Berserker stood up as well.

Then then went in tge training room where a young man was training on a training dummy.

"Karui !" Ryuu called him. "Come here a minute !"

The young man in training clothes then came nearer.

"What do you need young boss ?" Karui asked as he was in front of the teen.

Indeed, Karui learnt the usages of the yakuza and began to act the same way as Hakai when he was with Ryuu.

"We have a new member and I need you to teach him our usages !" Ryuu stated as he pointed at Arekuruu who was behind him with his thumb. "He'll be in the A-group !"

"I'll do it sir !" Karui replied.

Then Ryuu left Berserker with Karui.

He then went to school after eating.

After school, Ryuu went home fastly and called Hitoshi.

That day they trained with Karui.

Karui had improved a lot in a few time.

Hitoshi was a good student as well, he was improving quickly.

And Kurui and Hitoshi became a little friendly to each other, they were some kind of rivals.

Once the training was done, Hitoshi went home and Karui went back at Arekuruu's formation.

10:00 p.m.

Ryuu sneaked out in his costume, he was aiming for Bones Breaker that time.

He then went in the sector where Bones Breaker was usually seen.

It was the same place that the one where he found Berserker.

To not waste time, he directly asked the same shady man he asked last time.

"Hi !" He said in a bored tone with is voice distorted.

"You again ? What do you want ?" the man asked a little annoyed.

"I need to find Bones Breaker !" Ryuu stated."By the way why don't you become my informant ?"

"Seems to be a good idea, if you pay me enough, I'll accept !" the man replied.

"Seems like we have a deal !" Ryuu stated.

He then gave the man the same amount of money he had given him for Berserker's informations.

"Bones Breaker is living in the abandoned building near the city borders at the south !" the man stated as he took the money. "And be careful, he can't control his quirk very well !"

"Thanks, I come back to talk about our partnership when I'll be done with this job !" Ryuu replied as he left the place.

He then headed at the building where Bones Breaker should be.

Once he arrived he jumped on the emergency staircase and checked each floor.

'I must be careful, apparently a single touch of him and my bones would brake !' Ryuu thought as he jumped inside from the window of the last floor.

It was dark, there was many emptt cans of beer on the floor, some instant noodles boxes.

'It looks more like a house of a depressive man than a villain house !' he thought as he explored the house.

He then saw a man in corner of the room curled up.

Ryuu went nearer.

"Stay away from me or you'll die as well !" the man stated.

Ryuu ignored him and went nearer.

He then saw the man crying. It was a young man not really older than Karui, he wasn't really tall, his hairs were totally white and his eyes red.

"What did happen ?" Ryuu asked his voice still distorted.

"It's none of your business !" the man replied. "Who are you ? A hero ?"

"No !" Ryuu simply replied. "But I want to help you ! So please tell me what happened ?" Ryuu asked in a caring tone.

The man looked at him and staid silent for some minutes before replying.

"I hurt her !" the man said while tears began to form at the corner of his eyes.

"Who ?" Ryuu asked.

"The girl, the little girl !" The man replied. "She was the only person that cared about me and I hurt her, I don't deserve to live !"

Ryuu knelt in front of him and looked at his face.

"You did hurt many people before when you were acting like a villain but some months ago you stopped !" Ryuu said. "Did you stop because of that girl ?"

The man held his head with his hands as he sobbed.

"Yes !" he replied.

Afterwards, the man told Ryuu his story.

Apparently, he always had problems at controling his quirk and he was bullied and treated like a plague. He then got tired and began to act like a villain, he wanted to make the society pay for what happened to him. He never had any remorse at hurting people, but one day he met a little girl that was abandoned in his neighborhood that he took with him, she was kind with him and cared for him, she was the only person he didn't want to hurt, and he stopped being a villain after meeting her.

But he lost control some days earlier and injured the girl, she was at the hospital.

Apparently, they were attacked by a villain and he used his quirk but the villain used the girl like a shield.

"I couldn't even visit her !" the man said with sadness.

After all a villain in a hospital would provoke panic.

Ryuu remained silent.

"Tell me, what would you do if you were given a chance to change into someone greater ? Would you help others or would you continue to harm people ?" Ryuu asked.

"Me? Helping ? I am just made to hurt people, I can't help anyone !" the man stated.

"A quirk is just a tool, you can use it for the good or for the evil, it's up to you !" Ryuu stated. "I can help you, and you can help others, you are the only one that can decide of what you want to be no the society !"

The man looked at Ryuu and asked,

"All I want is to be happy with her and protect her !" the man said.

"I can help you with that goal, but you must help me as well !" Ryuu said as he stood up.

He then headed at the window.

"When you'll be done thinking, go there !" Ryuu said while he left card with the address of the Jiyuu clan on the table. "Ask for Ryuuji Jiyuu !"

He then headed out and disappeared.

It was fast so he thought that it would be possible to take care of Toxic as well.

'Let's ask him for some information again !' Ryuu thought as he was jumping from rooftop to rooftop.

He was back at the place were the shady man was. He approached him.

"It was fast !" the man stated as he saw the person in black.

"Yeah, it was faster than I expected !" Ryuu replied. "I need some information about Toxic now !"

"Hum ! What do you want do to with that bastard ?" the shady man asked with what looked to be an angry tone.

Ryuu was surprised, the was looked like having some personal grudge against the villain.

"Is there a problem ?" Ryuu asked.

"That guy, he is really shit !" the man said "He kill for pleasure ! It's not a guy that would be friendly or something like that, he would kill anyone he could see if there was any opportunity !"

'That guy looked to be a real threat !' Ryuu thought.

"Could you tell me more about it ?" Ryuu asked for more informations.

The man grited his teeth before replying.

"That bastard had killed my wife and my daughter !" he stated with anger. "And he forced me to watch the whole scene ! He left me alive in order to look at my face in total despair !"

'Totally evil !' Ryuu thought.

Berserker didn't attacked people for no reason, Bones Breaker only fought against those who tried to harm him.

But that one was killing for pleasure.

"Tell me, where is that guy !" Ryuu said with a hint of anger in his voice.

"He is always in the downtown, searching for a new victim !" the man replied.

"Thanks, I'll take care of that guy !" Ryuu said as he left the place.

Int he downtown, it was around 11:00 p.m. when Ryuu found the guy called Toxic from a rooftop.

He was in a dark alley, he was wearing a hoodie but his face could be seen from the place where Ryuu was watching.

Ryuu jumped in the dark alley behind him.

"I finally found you Toxic !" Ryuu stated with a Threatening tone.

The man turned at the vigilante.

"Who the fuck are you supposed to be ?" he asked.

"The canceler !" Ryuj replied as he stepped forward. "I am here to stop you !"

"Try if you can !" the man said as he pull out a knife from his pocket an threw it at his opponent.

Ryuu dodged it by lowering his stance.

He then rushed toward the man who was laughing like a madman.

He then threw a punch on the man's face but the man grabed another knife and tried to stab him, but Ryuu reacted in time and evade the attack that was aiming for his head, but his helmet was touched by the Toxic's hand, what made it poisonous.

Ryuu took off his helmet from his head.

Now half of his face was visible.

Ryuu was about to attack again when Toxic opened a dump near him in the alley and sent several objects at Ryuu, these objects were poisonous after he touched them and the was too many of them to cancel their effects so Ryuu only removed the effect of the poison would have on him and tried to evade them.

Some of the projectiles touched him but they weren't really thrown with much power so it wasn't big deal to support the impact.

"What ?" the man asked surprised that the poison wasn't having any effect on his opponent.

"Time to go to jail !" Ryuu said as he rushed at the man.

The man was about to run away when a girl of the age of Ryuu walked in the alley.

She was in torn clothes, covered of dirt and with her eyes closed. She looked like a homeless girl.

"What is going on ?" she asked as she stood in the way of Toxic.

Ryuu's eyes widened as he saw the girl being touched by Toxic.

"Out of my way !" Toxic shouted as he pushed the girl aside.

She fell on the ground and lost counsciousness as her head hit the wall.

'That bastard !' Ryuu thought as he sent a cable from his gloves.

At the end of the cable there was a sharp metal part to make it usable as a grapple.

The sharp metal perforated the man's leg, that made him fall and scream in pain.

Afterwards, Ryuu clenched his hand and the cable retracted and took Toxic back at Ryuu's feet only to be knocked out.

Ryuu restrained him with the cable.

Ryuu then rushed at the girl, and checked her state.

She was breathing heavily, her body temperature was really high.

Ryuu had forgotten that she wasn't only poisoned but poisonous as well due to the quirk of Toxic so he was poisoned at the moment he touched her.

His vision began to blur, and his heart rate accelerated.

He used his quirk to cancel the effect of the poison on him and the girl.

It worked, she looked to feel better and his state came back to normal but at the moment he stopped, the symptoms came back.

The poison was still in their bodies so it would affect them if his quirk was stopped.

He tried to leave the place with the girl and go to the hospital but it was useless, he was too weakened by the poison and using his quirk on many targets at the same time put his body under too much pressure, his eyes began to bleed. It was like if he was crying but instead of tears there was blood.

He then took his phone and called Eraserhead.

"Eraserhead,… I need some…help !" he said between some gasping.

〔What did happen ?〕Aizawa asked worried, even if his voice didn't show it.

"Well, I made a mistake !" Ryuu replied. "I'll send you my location. Come as fast as possible, there are some injured people !"

After few minutes, Eraserhead was at the place where Ryuu's position was signaled on his phone.

He saw Ryuu seated on the ground and leaning on the wall of the alley with his eyes bleeding and holding a girl.

"What did happen ?" he asked as he went nearer of the vigilante.

Ryuu rose his head and smiled a little at the sight of the underground hero.

"So you came !" he said relieved. "I should have been more careful !"

He pointed at the unconscious Toxic on the ground not too far from them and turned his gaze toward Aizawa.

"I managed to restrain him but he touched the girl, I was too careless sorry !" he said in sad tone. "Please take him to jail !"

"How could I do that and leave you here ?" Aizawa asked. "though, I can't carry both of you alone !"

"Don't worry, I had already called someone to take us to the Jiyuu Hospital !" Ryuu replied.

Aizawa was still worried so he waited the one that Ryuu have called before leaving with Toxic.

A few minutes later, a black car stopped at the alley's entrance, Karui got out of the car, he rushed toward Ryuu.

"Young boss, what did happen ?" Karui asked worried.

"Please take us to the Jiyuu Hospital !" Ryuu said and Karui did so.

Aizawa helped him to carry the two teens in the car. Ryuu had canceled the effect of the poison so it didn't spread on Aizawa and Karui but it drained a lot of his stamina.

He struggled to stay conscious on the way to the hospital.

Once there they were taken inside of the hospital by some medics in overall and totally protected against the poison.

They were treated quickly and there was no complication during the treatment.

The poison was drained out of their bodies.

They passed the night at the hospital under observation of doctors.

Aizawa was in Nezu's office.

"You knew that Toxic wasn't a huy that could have been saved right ?" he asked to the principal of UA with what seemed to be an upset tone. "That guy was psychopath that like killing ! So why did you sent the boy there ?"

Nezu turned his armchair to face the large window of his office that replaced the wall.

"He need to learn that not everyone deserve a second chance !" Nezu stated. "And if he give up after a single failure, he would never reach his goal !"

"So for you this was just a lesson ?" the undeground hero asked.

"Indeed, it was that, I want him to know in what kind of world he live, there are some villains that deserve to be saved like he said but there are other ones that don't !" Nezu said.

Aizawa turned and left the room.

But went he was about to pass the door, he spoke.

"He won't give up now ! He'll continue !" He stated. "But if you do something like that again, don't be surprised if that boy become lose faith in this society !"

Nezu staid silent as Aizawa left him alone in his office.

He looked at the sky and sighed.

"The symbol of peace is weakening, we need someone that would help us from the shadow when he wouldn't be able to stay on the first place anymore !" he said."That boy must be prepared before that day come !"

In his hospital room, Ryuu looked at the ceiling, and rose his hand in the air and looked at it.

It was the hand that was first contaminated.

"Hum ! A failure huh ?" he said. "He couldn't be saved !"

He then clenched his hand.

"There are people that don't want to be saved !" he said. "But as long as it is possible I'll help them !"

His determination was still unfazed by his failure.

It was even the day where he met someone that would saved him in the future.

I hope that you'll enjoy this chapter.

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I'll be updating each saturday or sunday.

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