
The Campione of Marvel!

Alan Seong, a Korean-American high schooler with a deep obsession for mythology, was on a vacation in Egypt with his family when they suffered an accident. While exploring an ancient tomb in one of the pyramids, the entire place suddenly began to collapse. With no way out, they ran deeper into the place, being completely unaware of what awaited them in the depths. ------------------------ Don't expect much from the story, it is going to be a little bit all over the place at first. It will jump straight into the Battle for New York against the Chitauri and move forwards from there, but it will mix events and things won't happen exactly as in Canon MCU, which is the base for this fic. You can expect a few comic references and events too. D*I*S*C*O*R*D Link: https://discord.gg/wMFgz3nRvs

GabrielRott · Phim ảnh
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12 Chs

I - Shawarma and Reunion

For those of you who felt like the previous chapter was kind of forced... it was and it wasn't. The interactions might've felt forced, but I really wanted to get that out of the way to get with the meaty part of my story. But also, it wasn't forced. Someone said that they were waiting for Alan to stablish himself as a Campione, see which country he would rule, etc. Please remember he is in the Marvel world, not the Campione world. He is the only Campione to exist there, and there are no organizations that set them up as rulers of countries. So, logically-wise, the chapter wasn't forced, it just happened to be the most convenient way for me to set up Alan as someone important in the MCU. Still... here you have an extra chapter as a gift for those who didn't like the previous one.


Once we made sure that Loki would go nowhere and that he was secure enough, we all left the Stark Tower and made our way to the shawarma joint Tony talked about. As soon as we got there, I tried my idea of transforming my armor into normal clothing and guess what, it worked. Now I had near-indestructible clothes and a quick and easy to wear armor. That was also when everyone got to see my face, bar Tony who had already seen it, and I could tell by their looks that they were wondering what a kid my age was doing here.

"Before anyone asks, I'm not a god like Thor, and I am seventeen." I informed, predicting the questions they wanted to ask. Still, that brough some other questions into the picture.

"And just who are you, how did you get your powers?" A certain redheaded spy asked me. Now, this is where I am going to differ from most people. When others would hide as much as possible, I would be honest.

"Where do I even begin..."


"So you slay gods?" A curious Asgardian asked me, his own excitement over a worthy foe exuding from his every pore.

"Heretic, Gods, Thor. Only Heretic Gods, and they are nothing but a phantom of their real counterparts." I explained once again to my new, slow Asgardian friend.

"But just as powerful from what you told us." He countered. And I had to admit it, it was a nice moment to say touché, because he was indeed right. Thankfully there were other people around us, or I would've had to fight him there and then.

"So, considering your powers, you've slain a few Heretics already. which Gods were they, Alan?" Once again, our spy friend –who had already introduced herself with the rest of the group– showed her interest in acquiring as much info as she could.

"Well they would've been Osiris, Isis and Horus the Young. Yes, there is a Horus the Young." I said and quickly clarified before receiving a question born from ignorance.

"Well, that is mighty impressive for a youngling such as yourself." Thor said, making fun of my short age compared to the rest of the group... which was a grave mistake.

"Oh really? Says who, the most childish God in all Asgard, who still gets punished by daddy Odin?" I quipped, immediately making fun of what had recently happened to Thor in what would be the first of his movies. This made him choke, stammer and fail to get any proper words out of his mouth, eliciting a laugh from my new "friends".

"Well, for one, I am glad to have you on board with us, Alan." The Cap' said while looking around the shop. The place wasn't in the best of states, that was for sure.

"I am glad I could help... I just did what I thought was right." I said, being honest. I could've left the place without helping, but that would've left a bad taste in my mouth.

"You're too god to be a kid." Tony said, smirking at his own comment. And for the most part, he was right. I didn't feel like a kid after all that I had gone through in the last four hours.

"You don't feel like a kid after going through all of this." I said honestly, them being oblivious about me not talking just about the war. The Cap put a hand on my shoulder and squeezed, showing his support and understanding, to which I just nodded. The guy was too good for this world, but I respected that. Natasha also looked at me with empathy, but I felt pity for her, rather than compassion. Then I remembered my newfound healing powers and thought that perhaps I could help her with her child problem... but not yet, I wasn't sure so I wouldn't bring it up.

"Well, anyway it's time to go now." Barton said, ending the touching moment, to which I just deadpanned. How can you be so cold, man? We literally fought a war together! Still, he was right. We had been talking for two hours already and I was getting antsy to go see my family. It just so happened that I lived in West Harlem, Manhattan, so we were very close by.

"Yeah, I think I should go talk to my parents." I said and immediately began laughing. Why? The rest of the Avengers looked at me, only then realizing I was a minor, I had parents and I had to go back home.

"Do they know about your powers?" Steve asked, clearly being judgemental about it. I was as honest as I could, since I didn't want to straight up say something like "Hey, I come from a different universe!". That would just be weird.

"No, not yet. But I was thinking of telling them after all that happened today. Coming clean will make things easier for what's to come." I said, not intending on going any further on the "what's to come" part. They just went over it, thinking of it as me referring to my hero duties.

"That'd be for the best, kid." Said, surprisingly, Tony Stark. He was more responsible than he looked, even if he was still the smartass who got on everyone's bad side just by saying a few words.

"Well, a pleasure meeting you guys. If you need me, you all know how to contact me." I said before summoning only my wings and then flying home.


When I arrived at the door, I was extremely worried. I didn't know how to face them or what to tell them, not even how to look at them. But I still swallowed every bit of worry together with a deep breath. I could feel the lump in my through going down to my stomach and try to go back up, but I held it back... and rang the bell.

"Alan is that you?!" My mother yelled with worry evident in her face, only to look disappointed –and barely shocked– when she saw me flying in my armor in front of the house. Then I felt all of the emotions I hadn't had time to deal with taking over my entire being. The pain, the suffering, the sadness... and now the relief, the happiness and the pure, unbridled joy. I transformed my armor back into regular clothes and hid my wings, staring at my mother's face of shock once she realized just who was beneath the armor.

"Mom... I'm home." I said, trying to hold back the tears even though I knew I failed. I was so ecstatic. She was breathing, walking. She was alive. They were all alive.

"Alan you... you... you are the*MMM*!" My mom began exclaiming, which prompted me to stop her from saying anything further. I really didn't want the whole neighborhood I was some sort of superhero.

"Don't shout, we don't need everyone knowing." I said quietly, shushing her. Once I noticed she calmed down, I finally stopped covering her mouth. "Let's head inside and talk there."

Once inside we sat at the table, where I did my best to hide my boiling emotions. After all, they didn't need to know everything that had happened, considering what they would come to know now.

"Alan, you are the Silver Feather?!" My mom asked, scandalized by the seemingly impossible fact she had been forced to swallow, and now she couldn't digest.

"What?! WHO is the Silver Feather?!" I heard my dad exclaim, once again in total horror. Parents will be parents, no matter when and where. And to be honest, I couldn't be happier about getting an earful –as weird as that sounded.

"My brother is the Silver Feather?! That's so cool!" Jake fanboyed from the hallway, clearly running from upstairs when he heard mom's scream.

"*sigh*... can't you guys speak lower? I really don't want the whole hood finding out." I sighed my words helplessly, since it was obvious they would react in such a way. What I didn't expect was the lack of a negative reaction. If anything, they were more shocked than angry or afraid.

"Sorry, sorry. It was just... too much of a shock." My mother said, being the quickest to recover from the news. Next came my dad who just nodded and finally Jake, who looked at me with a twinkle of admiration in his eyes.

"So... you've been fighting those... aliens, just a few hours ago, huh?" My father asked, his voiced laced with pride. I couldn't help but smile and tear up a bit. My dad was proud of what I had done.

"But... why? Why would you risk yourself like that?" My mother asked. And I already had an answer to that. One that I had asked myself already. To be honest, I didn't really have to involve myself with this incident –nor any of the incidents the Avengers would get into, for that matter. But I still did, and the reason was quite simple.

"The first and more honest reason is that it was on the spur of the moment. I already knew I had these powers and when we were attacked... I just went with it to protect myself and the people with me. But the reason why I kept fighting... it's because I thought of how would I have felt if something happened to you guys. I don't want anyone going through that and... I had the power to make a difference, even if I didn't necessarily have to." I explained in one breath as best as I could. Then, my father said something that almost made me chuckle.

"You did good, son. And I... we, are proud of you." He said with his eyes closed and a smile on his face. He was such an atypical Asian dad.

"Hey, hey! Alan, do you think you could get Captain America to sign this for me?" Jake asked, handing me a set of Captain America cards. That elicited a chuckle from me. Fury would surely deadpan if he ever got wind of this, which I would make sure he did.

"Sure, I have to see them again anyway. We're all some sort of team now." I said, hinting to my parents that this wasn't the last time this would be happening. Then we talked about a few more things. How I got my powers and when, to which I said I got them a few months back, after some weird dream in which I talked to a purple haired lady –that one got mom to raise an eyebrow, clearly thinking of my hair color. That night we stayed up until 3 A.M, talking about many things and memories of our previous vacations. I almost slipped up and talked about Egypt, which we hadn't visited yet technically, nor would be at all. I was making sure of that.

Before we all went to sleep, I used Isis' Authority of Magic to place some wards around the house. Nothing big, just something to tell me if anyone I didn't know entered the house –Fury was allowed entry, but his agents weren't. And then something that would freeze anyone who entered with bad intentions of malicious thoughts. I didn't set up any attack wards, since I deemed it unnecessary for now. I didn't want to kill a random civilian robber on accident.

After that, I allowed my exhaustion to deliver me to the land of dreams.


This chapter was fun to write, so I hope it is as fun to read.

By the way, I've made a D*I*S*C*O*R*D server so that you can talk with me about the story or just hang out and whatever. The link is in the comments! And the synopsys.