
The Broken Gold Prophecy

What do you mean the stone of prophecy is broken?!" The story of what happens when the world faces a looming threat from encroaching shadows. Yet, discovering the fated hero becomes an unexpectedly difficult task. Can a kingdom blinded by its own interpretation of destiny truly find the champion it desperately needs? Caught between clinging to their own perception and the dire necessity for a savior, the kingdom embarks on a quest for a hero, guided only by the fragmentary information available. Some cling to a literal depiction of a golden-haired and golden-eyed warrior, while others seek deeper significance within the missing details. What if the prophesied hero rejects the spotlight? Will the pursuit of this hero yield the much-needed savior before the advancing darkness consumes them all?

ScribblingLance · Kỳ huyễn
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30 Chs

Dance of Blades and Light

The air crackled with an unsettling silence, thicker than the cloak of night that shrouded the deserted village.

Gone were the familiar sounds of sentries' calls and crickets' chirps, replaced by an ominous hum that emanated from the swirling, opaque dome pulsating around their homes. Arlo's heart hammered against his ribs, a frantic drum against the oppressive quiet.

He and Kian stood frozen, shadows cast by the eerie dome's glow. Behind them, the barrier pulsed shut, erasing their escape route, and sealing their fate within this unnatural prison.

Each pulse seemed to echo within him, a disquieting harmony with the prickling sensation that had returned, stronger now, insistent. A cold dread seeped into Arlo's bones, a chilling whisper of the unknown horrors that might lurk within the village walls.

"Arlo?" Kian's voice, usually brimming with confidence, wavered slightly. "What do we do now?"

Arlo forced a steadying breath, his gaze flitting across the silent streets. The village, once a haven of warmth and laughter, now stood transformed into a silent tomb.

Empty windows stared back like vacant eyes, and the cobblestones lay undisturbed, footprints swallowed by the encroaching darkness.

"We need to find out what's happening," he said, his voice firm despite the tremor in his heart. "And we need to do it discreetly. Whatever is behind this… it doesn't seem friendly."

Kian nodded, his face grim in the unnatural light. They moved like phantoms, their footsteps muffled by the heavy silence. Every creak of a wooden sign, every rustle of leaves, sent a jolt of fear through Arlo. The oppressive hum of the dome seemed to amplify every sound, turning the slightest noise into a potential alarm.

As they crept deeper into the village, the shadows seemed to lengthen and twist, taking on menacing shapes that danced at the edge of their vision.

Arlo felt a prickle crawl up his spine, a familiar sensation that warned of danger. This wasn't just the usual fear of the unknown; this was something more, something primal and cold.

Suddenly, a flicker of movement caught Kian's eye. He pointed towards a darkened alleyway, where a figure, shrouded in shadow, darted out of sight. Arlo's pulse quickened. Could it be a villager? A survivor? Or something far more sinister?

Without hesitation, Kian made his way into the darkness, his blade glinting in the faint moonlight. Arlo followed, his hand gripping his staff tighter, once again hardening his resolve.

The alleyway was a maze of shadows, the stench of damp earth and decay clinging to the air. The figure stepped from the shadows, faint moonlight catching on a cascade of shimmering raven hair, reappeared at the other end, beckoning them forward.

Hesitantly, they stepped into the open, their hearts pounding in unison. The figure turned, revealing a face sculpted with an ethereal beauty, holding an ageless quality.

The eyes glowed with an unnatural purple light, they seemed to shimmer with an alluring, unsettling intelligence. Arlo's breath hitched. It wasn't a villager. It was something else, something cold and malevolent, something that sent a shiver down his spine.

Her voice, when she spoke, was a silken rustle against the silence. "Welcome," it purred, each word a caress, "You shouldn't be here."

Arlo felt a tug, a subtle drain on his energy, drawn towards the warmth she exuded like a moth to a flame. "What happened?" he croaked, a desperate plea for answers. "Why take the villagers?"

The creature tilted her head, amusement glinting in her amethyst eyes. "Sleeping, my dears. Lulled by my song. But you two," she leaned closer, her voice dripping honey, "you dance between light and shadow, a tempting spark in the darkness. Give it to me, willingly, and find eternal rest."

Kian, however, remained grounded, his blade a steady sentinel in his hand. "Don't listen to her, Arlo," he rasped, a stark counterpoint to the hag's silken whispers. "This… thing needs your life, your essence, to survive."

Arlo's gaze darted between them, his mind racing. "But Finn, Mara, Tolliver? Why take them?"

The creature's smile widened, slow and cruel. "Needed them to set the stage, here with the dome. But that man, he couldn't sit still, had to run off and ruin the fun. My pets, they're not so forgiving. So, I needed a replacement, and that old man seemed ripe for the plucking."

Arlo's gut twisted. "Another… sacrifice?"

The hag's smile sharpened. "Precisely, darling. And you, my dear boy, will be the perfect meal." She reached out, her hand a skeletal claw, and a tendril of shadow snaked toward Arlo's chest.

Kian lunged, his blade flashing in the moonlight, deflecting the shadow with a clang. "Not this time, hag," he snarled. "We won't let you have your fill!"

The illusion shattered. The hag's alluring facade morphed into a wizened, grotesque creature, her eyes burning with predatory rage.

The alleyway, once a haven of shadows, became a battleground bathed in pale moonlight. Her voice, once silken, transformed into a venomous hiss: "You dare disturb my feast!" Her amethyst eyes, now burning with predatory rage, locked onto Arlo.

The hag shrieked, launching herself with surprising agility. Claws like sharpened daggers raked at Arlo's shoulder, drawing a pained cry.

He stumbled back, but Kian was there, blade flashing in the weak moonlight. The young warrior met the hag's onslaught with fierce skill, deflecting her attacks with his shield and counterstriking with his sword.

For a tense moment, their blades danced in a deadly ballet. Kian, fueled by righteous anger, fought with unwavering determination.

But the hag, fueled by stolen vitality, possessed unnatural strength and ferocity. Her claws slashed again, finding purchase on Kian's arm, drawing a crimson line.

Kian roared in pain, his grip on his sword faltering. The hag seized the opportunity, a bone-crushing blow sending him flying across the alley.

He slammed against the wall, his head cracking against the rough stone. A sickening silence descended as Kian crumpled to the ground, unmoving.

Panic clawed at Arlo's throat, its icy fingers squeezing the air from his lungs. Kian, his shield and sword against the monstrous hag, lay crumpled against the rough brick, unconscious.

The silence that followed Kian's fall was as heavy as a tomb.

But it was a tomb Arlo refused to remain in. Gritting his teeth against the throbbing pain in his shoulder, he channeled his fear into a blazing inferno within.

This wasn't over. Not while he drew breath, not while the village remained trapped in that pulsating dome.

With a guttural roar, Arlo unleashed the dormant power within. Golden light erupted from his core, coursing through his veins, and igniting his very being.

It pulsed outward, weaving threads of molten sunlight around him, solidifying into plates of radiant armor, covering his chest, arms, and legs. The staff transformed, reshaping into a magnificent halberd, its golden head gleaming with intricate designs.

The hag, momentarily stunned by the sudden burst of brilliance, screeched in fury. But the fear in her amethyst eyes betrayed her rage.

Arlo, infused with righteous fury and radiant power, was no longer the village boy she'd toyed with. He was a beacon of defiance, a whirlwind of golden vengeance.

He charged, the halberd singing through the air as he swung with devastating force. The hag, agile and desperate, dodged the first blow, but the second caught her full on the shoulder.

The impact sent her flying, slamming into the opposite wall with a bone-jarring crack.

She rose, snarling, claws dripping with the shadows she wielded like dark paint. But Arlo wasn't giving her time to recover. He attacked with relentless fury, each swing of the halberd scorching the night air, pushing back the encroaching darkness.

The alleyway became a battleground bathed in golden light, the rhythmic clang of metal against bone the only song against the oppressive silence.

Kian stirred, a groan escaping his lips. His vision blurred, swimming with pain, but through the haze, he saw Arlo, a radiant warrior fighting for their lives. A surge of determination fueled him, a whisper of defiance against the encroaching shadows.

The hag fought back, weaving tendrils of shadows, lashing out with her claws. But Arlo, emboldened by the light coursing through him, felt invincible.

He parried, struck, and slashed, pushing her back inch by agonizing inch. Her amethyst eyes flickered from rage to fear, reflecting the growing flicker of desperation in her movements.

Arlo unleashed a final, devastating blow, the halberd connecting with the hag's chest with a sickening crack. Her amethyst eyes widened in terror, and she unleashed a final, ear-splitting shriek.

The shadows convulsed, rippling outwards from her like a dying fire. Then, with a snap, she imploded, dissolving into a wisp of ash that scattered upon the wind. But the silence that followed wasn't empty. It pulsed, vibrated, and then - dissolved.

The pulsating dome above the village fractured, shattering like a dropped mirror. Moonlight, banished for what felt like an eternity, spilled through the cracks, bathing the cobblestones in silver.

Gasps tore from Arlo's throat as he looked up, the oppressive weight lifting from his chest. The village, shrouded in darkness for who knew how long, emerged into the night, whole and silent.

His head throbbed like a drum solo, vision blurry through a veil of sweat and grime. He blinked, trying to focus, and through the haze, he saw Arlo approaching.

The golden warrior was gone, replaced by the familiar boy beneath the ripped tunic, dirt etched across his cheek like a warpaint smudge.

"Arlo…" Kian rasped, the name scraping against his parched throat. A question sat heavy on his tongue, unspoken but urgent.

Arlo stumbled a step, worry creasing his brow. He knelt beside Kian, offering a hand to steady him. "We did it, Kian," he whispered, a shaky smile tugging at his lips despite the fatigue clouding his eyes. "We won."

Kian closed his eyes, the words washing over him like a cool wave. Then, a flicker of memory sparked, sharp and unexpected.

The fight, the clash of steel, and Arlo's shoulder, torn open and spewing crimson. He blinked again, focusing on the boy kneeling beside him. The wound was gone. No scab, no scar, just smooth, unmarked skin, as if it had never been there.

"We did it?" His voice came out a hoarse whisper, the question tinged with disbelief. "But… what was that?" His gaze darted across Arlo's face, searching for answers.

Arlo knew what he meant. The golden warrior, the halberd, the radiant power – it was a revelation, a secret he wasn't ready to share. He offered Kian a lopsided grin, feeling the familiar ache of secrets prickle at his conscience.

Arlo's smile faltered, replaced by a flicker of hesitation. "It's… complicated," he mumbled, his gaze flitting away. "Kian," he pleaded, "trust me. It's not the time. We need to focus on finding the others, on making sure everyone's safe. Later, when you're feeling better, we can talk. But for now… can you just… let everyone believe you were the one who took down the hag?"

Kian's gaze held Arlo's, a silent conversation passing between them. He saw the worry etched on Arlo's face, the fear of losing his trust.

With a deep breath, Kian nodded. "Alright," he conceded, his voice raspy. "I'll tell everyone I did it. But you owe me a story, Arlo. And I mean the whole, sparkly-armor-and-shiny-halberd kind of story."

Arlo chuckled, a genuine sound that echoed in the alleyway. "Deal. But you've gotta promise to keep it under your hat, at least until we figure things out."

Kian nodded, a glint of mischief in his eyes despite the pain etched on his face. "Your secret's safe with me, golden warrior."

And in that shared moment of understanding, a bond tightened between them. They were secrets woven together, threads of trust and loyalty, shining brighter than any golden armor in the face of the night.

As they set off into the moonlit village, a flicker of movement caught Arlo's eye. A dark figure silhouetted against a broken window, watching them.

Was it another threat? Or a survivor, emerging from the shadows into the dawn? Arlo gripped his staff, but for the first time since the hag's shriek, the fear had a new undercurrent - hope. They had stared into the abyss and blinked. Maybe, just maybe, they could do it again.

The night was far from over, but the silver moonlight promised a new day, a dawn they had clawed back from the clutches of endless night. And in that sliver of light, Arlo and Kian, two boys forged in the crucible of darkness, stepped forward, ready to face whatever awaited them.

I don't think Arlo can get out of this without explaining to Kian. What do you think?

ScribblingLancecreators' thoughts