
The Broken Gold Prophecy

What do you mean the stone of prophecy is broken?!" The story of what happens when the world faces a looming threat from encroaching shadows. Yet, discovering the fated hero becomes an unexpectedly difficult task. Can a kingdom blinded by its own interpretation of destiny truly find the champion it desperately needs? Caught between clinging to their own perception and the dire necessity for a savior, the kingdom embarks on a quest for a hero, guided only by the fragmentary information available. Some cling to a literal depiction of a golden-haired and golden-eyed warrior, while others seek deeper significance within the missing details. What if the prophesied hero rejects the spotlight? Will the pursuit of this hero yield the much-needed savior before the advancing darkness consumes them all?

ScribblingLance · Fantasy
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30 Chs

New Hero

Moonlight, unrestricted by the dome's absence, flooded the cobblestones. Two confused stragglers emerged from their homes, encountering the boys who explained the ordeal.

Kian, still buzzing from the adrenaline, relayed their victory over the creature but stressed the need to find the villagers they'd rescued from the shadow beasts before entering the dome. With Mara and Tolliver in dire condition, Kian enlisted the stragglers' help to locate Bastian, the village healer.

Bastian, a wanderer turned healer, understood debt. A past beast attack had left him injured, and the Elder's kindness had nursed him back to health.

Though his training wasn't extensive, Kian hoped his knowledge would be enough for the ailing pair. After retrieving Mara and Tolliver, they returned to the village square, where a large crowd emerged from the Elder's manor.

The hag's strategy had been clear: drain the villagers' vitality from one central location. She'd been relocating them until Kian and Arlo intervened.

Some villagers still stumbled out, blinking away the remnants of the nightmare, their faces etched with a mixture of fear and newfound relief. Then, they saw Kian.

Excited whispers and tearful gratitude erupted. Elder Thorne, her weathered face glowing with pride, stood in the center. "Kian!" she boomed, reaching out for an embrace, then realizing the rescued villagers – Mara and Tolliver – were held by both Kian and Arlo. Her eyes widened. "Not only the creature... you saved Mara and Tolliver? You are our hero!"

Kian winced under the praise; aware the news of their victory had spread. His gaze sought Arlo, cloaked in shadows a step behind.

Arlo offered a silent nod, their shared secret a weight they both bore. "It was teamwork," Kian mumbled, "but Mara and Tolliver need Bastian. They haven't woken since we found them."

Thorne's face hardened with concern. Spotting Bastian in the crowd, she called him forward. He understood immediately and approached the pale, motionless figures.

Everyone watched anxiously as he examined them. After a tense few minutes, Bastian announced, "I need to tend to them further, but it seems non-lethal." A collective sigh of relief rippled through the crowd.

Thorne turned to Kian, her voice hoarse with gratitude. "Thank the gods. Thank you both. Now, tell me everything!"

Kian stammered, his voice barely audible over the rising tide of praise. "We... we found a way." he managed, but faced with the villagers' hungry eyes, he offered a blurred account, painting himself as the savior while leaving out the golden heroics.

They lauded his courage, his ingenuity, his unwavering spirit. Promises hung in the air, etched in the embers of their gratitude. In Kian, they saw their savior, the one who had faced the unknown and returned with dawn.

Arlo, on the other hand, faded into the periphery. He stood unharmed, his clothes the only casualties of their encounter. Kian, though, wore the battle like a second skin – fatigue etched around his eyes, a fresh gash on his cheek, a subtle limp betraying his exhaustion.

Whispers and curious glances followed Arlo, tinged with confusion and a faint flicker of suspicion. Why did he seem untouched? Where was his proof of courage?

A pang of disappointment flickered in Arlo's chest, but it was quickly eclipsed by a deeper sense of relief. Their secret was secure, the village was safe. That, he knew, was all that mattered. He retreated further into the periphery, content to let Kian bask in the praise.

His reward, he understood, lay not in accolades, but in the shared knowledge of their victory, the unspoken bond forged in the crucible of darkness.

The night, though battered and bruised, held the promise of a new dawn. A dawn where heroes weren't always draped in shining armor, but sometimes walked in quiet steps, their deeds whispered in the rustling leaves rather than sung from rooftops.


Dawn cracked the sky open, painting the village in soft hues of pink and gold. The remnants of celebration lingered in the air, a sweet counterpoint to the sobering reality of repairing the scars left by the shattering dome.

Elder Thorne, lines etched deeper by the harsh morning light, summoned Arlo and Kian to her manor, a weighty purpose in her eyes. Captain Darian, Kian's father, his handlebar mustache bristling with unspoken pride, and Silas, Arlo's father, a flicker of worry in his eyes, stood by her side.

"Thank you both," Thorne's voice resonated, heavy with gratitude. "Kian, you faced the darkness with a lion's heart. This village owes you its very breath."

Kian flushed, a glance shooting towards Arlo. Arlo met it with a reassuring smile, the weight of their secret a silent bond between them.

"It wasn't just me," Kian mumbled, the truth twisting in his throat.

Thorne, catching the subtle movement, nodded. "Teamwork is the truest weapon of heroes. And for your combined efforts yesterday, I have something important to share. You've heard the rumors of the Hero Academy, I trust?"

Kian and Arlo exchanged curious glances. Rumors had reached them only in fragments before the hag's chaos.

"The kingdom seeks heroes-in-the-making, those with the potential to protect us from the shadows," Thorne explained, her gaze flitting to Arlo before returning to Kian. "And Kian, with your unwavering bravery..."

Captain Darian stepped forward, his booming laugh a welcome warmth. "Rumors have been thicker than pea soup lately, heroes sprouting like weeds after rain. The academy needs someone like you, lad, with genuine courage."

Silas, ever the pragmatist, interjected. "This couldn't come at a better time. The academy opens in a year, giving us time to figure out the details."

A year. A year to train, to understand the hidden power that thrummed within Arlo, to unravel the truth that bound them. And a year for both to grow stronger.


As the sun dipped below the horizon, casting long shadows across the rebuilding village, Kian felt the weight of their unspoken agreement. He found him by the river, the gurgling water a soft murmur against the settling silence.

Arlo's form was silhouetted against the fading light, and Kian approached hesitantly, a smile tugging at his lips.

"Ready for some friendly grilling, golden warrior?" he asked, a hint of mischief in his voice. "Friendship comes with interrogation privileges, you know."

Arlo glanced up, a faint surprise flickering across his features before giving way to a wry smile. "Friends, right," he chuckled, a touch dry. "Since when did we officially graduate from uneasy allies to interrogator and captive?"

Kian plopped down next to him, a playful nudge against Arlo's shoulder. "Hey, the hero gets special treatment. Besides, I have questions, and frankly, you're the only one who can answer them."

Arlo let out a sigh, feigning resignation. "Alright, alright, fire away. But only on the condition that your interrogation skills are at least marginally more creative than 'golden warrior.'"

Kian chuckled, faking exasperation. "Alright, alright, hero. Give me the rundown. What really went down with the hag? Skip the 'courage and teamwork' speech my dad gave earlier. Let's face it, I was mostly cheering you on from the sidelines."

Arlo's smile faded slightly, a flicker of seriousness entering his eyes. He hesitated for a moment, then leaned in, his voice dropping to a whisper. "Let's just say things are... more complicated than they seem. There's something about me, something I barely understand myself. The hag underestimated me, and what I'm capable of."

Kian's eyes widened, curiosity overriding any lingering doubts. "You mean... powers? Like, real hero magic?"

Arlo shrugged, a self-deprecating chuckle escaping his lips. "Maybe? It's still a puzzle I'm trying to solve. But one thing's clear: I can't do this alone. I need you."

"What do you mean?" Kian pressed; his voice tight with concern.

Arlo met his gaze, a flicker of vulnerability in his eyes. "I don't crave the spotlight, Kian. The hero's mantle doesn't feel like mine to wear. This village... they look at you with such hope, such unwavering trust. You're the one they need, the one they deserve."

"But the prophecy..." Kian began, his voice trailing off as he recalled the whispers of a prophesied hero.

Arlo cut him off with a wry chuckle. "Prophecies are fickle things, Kian. I believe we choose our own paths, and I think you're the one people need. Look at the way they gravitate towards you, even here in this village. You have a natural charisma, a leadership quality that I can't match."

Silence settled between them, the weight of Arlo's words hanging heavy in the air. Kian's mind churned, doubts battling with a newfound understanding. Finally, he met Arlo's gaze, a resolute spark igniting in his eyes.

"I don't know what the future holds, Arlo," he stated, his voice firm. "But I'll keep your secret. And until we hear more about this Hero Academy, we train. Together."

A smile broke across Arlo's face, mirroring the warmth that bloomed in Kian's chest. Their eyes locked, a silent promise hanging between them. The burden of their secret, the uncertainty of their paths, seemed to melt away in the quiet comfort of shared trust.

As the first stars winked in the darkening sky, their bond, forged in the crucible of darkness, took its first confident steps into the unknown.

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