
The Boys: Vought Chronicles

Synopsis: Marcus Williams, an ordinary college student and superhero enthusiast, finds himself unexpectedly reborn into the universe of "The Boys" with a unique system that promises him the power of Superman. However, to unlock this ultimate power, he must first complete Saitama's legendary training regimen from "One Punch Man" for two years, which brings unexpected surprises as he regains some hidden memories of his predecessor.Reborn as an 26-year-old in the body of a Vought International staff member, Marcus navigates the dark, dangerous world of corrupt superheroes while secretly training to achieve unparalleled power. As the series' main storyline approaches, Marcus must decide how to use his newfound abilities to influence the world around him.

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34 Chs

CHAPTER 24: The Dawn of a New Era

The gleaming skyline of New York stretched before Marcus as he stood atop one of his newly acquired skyscrapers. The wind tugged at his suit, a custom-made blend of dark blues and silvers, a departure from the vibrant reds and blues of his Superman persona. He had never felt more alive, more in control. His confrontation with Homelander had been a turning point, not just in his struggle against Vought but in his journey to redefine himself. The old Marcus, the one tied to Butcher and the pain of the past, was gone. In his place stood a man ready to take on the world.

Down below, the streets buzzed with excitement. The launch of his tech company's New York branch was the talk of the city. It wasn't just another tech firm setting up shop—it was Neotech Industries, and Marcus was its enigmatic CEO. The company's rise to prominence had been meteoric, driven by revolutionary products and a vision for a better future. Today's event was a major leap forward, and Marcus planned to make sure everyone knew who was behind it.

Wang Ling, Marcus's trusted friend and the public face of Neotech, stood by his side. The two had known each other for years, their friendship forged in the crucible of ambition and innovation. Wang was more than just a business partner; he was a confidant, someone Marcus could trust in this ever-shifting landscape.

"You ready for this?" Wang asked, adjusting his suit as they prepared to head down to the press conference.

Marcus nodded, his expression resolute. "More than ready. This is just the beginning."

Wang grinned. "Good. Let's show them what we're made of."

The elevator ride down was filled with a tense anticipation. Marcus could feel the energy radiating from Wang. His friend was a natural showman, the perfect complement to Marcus's more reserved demeanor. As the doors opened, the sound of applause and flashing cameras greeted them.

The stage was set in front of the sleek, glass facade of the new Neotech building. A massive banner hung above, emblazoned with the company's logo and the slogan: "Innovation for a Better Tomorrow." Reporters and tech enthusiasts filled the square, eager to hear what the mysterious new player in the tech world had to offer.

Wang stepped up to the podium first, his presence commanding immediate attention. "Ladies and gentlemen," he began, his voice clear and confident, "thank you for joining us today. It's an honor to be here in New York City, a place known for its spirit, its resilience, and its relentless drive to push forward. Today, we bring you something that will redefine not just technology, but how we live our lives."

He gestured to a large, covered object on the stage, drawing the audience's eyes. "I present to you, the VR Capsule 3000."

The cover was pulled away to reveal a sleek, futuristic capsule. Its design was a blend of cutting-edge technology and comfort, promising an immersive experience unlike anything seen before. The crowd gasped in awe, and the cameras clicked furiously.

Wang continued, "The VR Capsule 3000 is not just a gaming device; it's a gateway to new worlds, a tool for education, training, and more. We believe in the power of technology to transform lives, and this is our gift to you, to the world."

He paused, letting the excitement build before delivering the next bombshell. "And there's more. As many of you know, there's been a lot of speculation about the MedPod300, a revolutionary medical device that has been saving lives across the globe. Today, I am proud to confirm that it was indeed **Marcus, our very own Superman,** who donated these devices to hospitals worldwide, absolutely free of charge."

The crowd erupted in applause, cheers filling the air. The revelation was a calculated move, one Marcus had planned meticulously. By aligning his Superman persona with the public face of Marcus, he was solidifying his dual identity in the public eye. He was not just a hero but a visionary, a philanthropist dedicated to making the world a better place.

Marcus stepped forward to address the crowd, his expression calm and composed. "Thank you, Wang," he said, his voice carrying over the applause. "I believe in a future where technology and humanity go hand in hand, where we use our gifts not to dominate or control, but to uplift and empower. Neotech is more than just a company; it's a movement. And I promise you, this is just the beginning."

As he spoke, his gaze moved across the sea of faces, seeing the hope and curiosity in their eyes. For the first time in a long time, he felt a sense of belonging, a purpose that went beyond power or revenge. This was his chance to make a real difference, to shape the future on his terms.

But even as he basked in the moment, Marcus couldn't ignore the storm brewing on the horizon.

At Vought Tower, Homelander watched the broadcast with a dark scowl, his fists clenching with barely contained rage. The PR team had tried everything to smear Superman's name, to paint him as a rogue element, a danger to society. But Marcus's bold move today had turned the tide, and the public was beginning to see him as a hero in his own right—a hero who wasn't afraid to stand up to Vought and its corrupt practices.

"Damn him," Homelander muttered under his breath, his eyes narrowing as he watched Marcus on the screen. "Damn him and his arrogance. I need to put an end to this, now."

He turned to the team assembled around him, each member tense and nervous under his glare. "Get me a new strategy," he barked. "I don't care what it takes—hit pieces, smear campaigns, whatever. We need to bring him down before he becomes a bigger problem than he already is."

Ashley, the PR manager, nodded frantically, scribbling down notes. "Yes, sir. We'll get right on it. But… if I may, we've tried several approaches already, and they've only strengthened his position. Maybe we should consider—"

"Consider what?" Homelander snapped, his patience wearing thin.

Ashley hesitated, swallowing hard. "Maybe… maybe we should try a different angle. Instead of attacking Superman directly, we could focus on undermining his business. Create doubt around Neotech's products, suggest they're unsafe or that they have hidden motives."

Homelander's eyes flashed with a hint of approval. "Now you're talking. Do it. I want something ready by the end of the day."

As the team scattered to begin their work, Homelander sat back, his mind racing. He knew Marcus wasn't someone to be underestimated. The man had already proven he could go toe-to-toe with him, and his influence was growing by the day. But Homelander wasn't about to let some upstart take his place as the world's greatest hero.

Back at the press conference, Marcus finished his speech to thunderous applause. He exchanged a satisfied look with Wang, knowing that today was a victory, a significant step forward in his plan to reshape the world. But he also knew it was just the beginning. The real battles were yet to come, and he would need every ounce of his strength and cunning to see them through.

As the crowd began to disperse, Marcus felt his phone vibrate in his pocket. He glanced at the screen and saw a message from one of his operatives.

Vought's moving. Homelander's not happy. Prepare for retaliation.

Marcus's expression didn't even change. He had expected as much. The game was far from over, and he was ready for whatever came next. With his abilities growing and his plans advancing, he was confident in his ability to stay ten steps ahead of his enemies, very soon when his abilities hit 100%, he knows or let's there is this feeling,there will be some great unexpected changes and he was ready to welcome them but for now he has to train and unlock more potential of the Telekinesis ability.

He looked up at the New York skyline, a city full of potential and challenges. This was his domain now, his stage. And he was just getting started.