
The Boy whom she hated

Well this a college live story about Aria, a childish chaotic girl and Alex a cold grumpy senior will they end up together??you will find many joking moments in this story and I'm sure the story won't be boring at all ! Aria and Alex get separated after college and meet again after 4 years . what will happen next ? read the story to find out ; and also I would like to tell y'all that it's my first story so please ignore my mistakes and kindly support me feel free to express your thoughts in the comment section and this story is available on wattpad and neobook the link is given below https://www.wattpad.com/story/365005995?utm_source=android&utm_medium=link&utm_content=share_reading&wp_page=library&wp_uname=Rivieradreamer https://neobook.org/book/KrPaJzEM/

Rivieradreamer · Khác
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13 Chs

Misunderstandings :(

Aria woke up and got ready for her college . She got the bus in that right time and went to college.

As she was very early than college time , the hallway was empty

She sighed and went to her locker to take books but then suddenly ....

There was someone with a black scary mask almost looking like a ghost with a torch light in the bottom of their face giving them the most scary look

Aria :- Ahhhh!!!!!😱

Alex removed the mask 🎭 and was laughing. It was Alex who pranked Aria by scaring her by ghost mask

Aria :– what the hell Alex !!!???

Alex :- did I scare you too much ?😂 Sorrryyy

Aria :- ha it's ok. Where are others ? Where is Selena and jackson?

Alex :- they have some extra class today morning so they are in class.

Aria :- ohh

Just then Liam comes to talk to aria

Alex :- what are you doing here 🤨?

Liam :- none of your damn business !

Alex was going to punch him but Aria stopped him

Aria :- you want something , Liam ?

Liam :- i wanted to talk to you , in private

Liam says glaring Alex and tells him to go but Alex doesn't so Liam pulls Aria to a side and talks to her

Alex was standing and seeing everything

Liam :- i love you Aria ❤️ I really love you please accept my proposal

Aria was so shocked by sudden confession of Liam she didn't know how to react so she was silent . Just then she saw Alex leaving from there

Alex pov

I was shocked by Liam's words . How could he say this to her . She's minee!!😩 But wait ... Why isn't Aria saying anything ? Does she loves him too😖 ?? I don't wanna stay here even for a moment 😠 i am so angry with her😒 . Why did she spend time with me if she likes Liam ?? 😟She is a Playgirl !!! She played with my feelings💔

Meanwhile aria :-

Aria:- I don't like you Liam . I'm in love with Alex

Liam :- you're really innocent Aria 😂 don't you know about Alex and Clarie ?

Aria:- what about her ? She's just a girl obsessed with Alex what else?

Liam :- Did Alex told you this 😂? Clarie and Alex were in a relationship for 2 years . Alex just used Clarie for her money and he made her obsessed with him .....now he is going to do the same with you . Trust me Aria I don't want anything bad to happen with you..... Alex is a Playboy and he's using you

Aria ( almost going to cry) :- what are you talking about 🥺?Alex isn't like that and I won't accept your proposal.

Aria was in tears . She was having a panic attack . She checked time and it was time for her class. She had this class common with Alex . She went into the classroom and sat in her seat quietly

Alex walks in the class and sees Aria angrily 😒he goes and sits to the seat far from her .

Both of them are angry with each other bcoz of this small misunderstanding 😟

Just then Clarie goes to alex and sits beside him . Aria noticed this. Clarie to alex -

Clarie:- Well , do you came to know about Liam and Aria 🤭I like their couple so much 😄 Omg they look soo cuttee together , don't they ?

Alex :- get lost from here Clarie . I don't want to talk to you .

And Clarie left from there

Meanwhile Clarie and Liam :-

Liam :- Done 😏!!!

Clarie :- Good job buddy 😈

Liam :- I have said everything to her according to the plan . Now they will never be together 😏

Clarie :- What a story we've created and Aria is a dumbass to believe us 😂

Liam :- i know right 😂 now I will manipulate Aria and make her mine 😈

Clarie :- and I will do the same with Alex 😼


Scene skip to Selena and jackson

Selena:- finally!! Class is completed.where are Aria and Alex ? I haven't seen them since morning

Jackson :- give them some privacy naa 😉 let them spend time together 😄

Selena:- you know abt them right? 😑

Jackson :- yeah , before you 😂

Selena:- whatever let's go out to have something and these both are coming with us . So find them ! Now!!!!!!!

Jackson :- okkiee I will call Aria and you call you bRoTher 😆

Jackson calls Aria and Aria picks it up

On the phone :-

Jackson:- hey where are u

Aria :- I'm going to my home now . At the bus stop why ?

Jackson :- well wait there . Me and Selena are going out to eat and good news is 😁😁your lovely dovey so called crush is also coming

Aria :- uh you guys can go . I have some work.

Jackson :- come on!!!! You have to come no more excuses !!!! I'm coming there to pick you up ☺️


she hangs up the call

Aria's thoughts

Uhhh !!!!!!! Why did I yell at jackson for no reason ??? My thoughts are killing me ..... Alex isn't that type of guy 😖I know he isn't. He won't just use any girl like that . I don't know him for long but I know he won't do such things ... Is this Liam trustable? Idkk!! Should I ask Selena abt it once ?? Should I talk to Alex directly about it ? But I am not that close to ask abt his personal matters....idk what to do!!!!!

Scene skip to jackson and Selena

Jackson :- what's wrong with her 🤔? She is hiding Something from us .....🧐 Otherwise she would've jumped out of excitement while hearing Alex's name 😶

Selena:- I know , right ? We'll find out abt this afterwards. Let me call Alex and ask him

On the phone

Selena:- hey bro

Alex :- what ?

Selena:- well I am going to eat outside with jackson and I wanted you to–

Alex :- No.

Selena:- but you didn't even listen what I said 😐

Alex:- still No. Come to the home directly and stop roaming with that jackson

Selena:- Aria is coming with us .

Alex :- I don't wanna know about her .

Selena:- But listen ---

*Alex hangs up the call*

Alex thoughts

She didn't even spend much time with me but I can't stop thinking about her. Should I ask her what she said to Liam ? No no why would I interfere in her personal life ....But I am getting a feeling that she won't accept his proposal. She looks at me with those eyes 👀 those love filled eyes 💗 says everything...I should talk to her ...

Alex calls Selena . Selena puts it on speaker while jackson was beside her

OTP ( on th phone)

Selena :- now what ?😑

Alex :- where's Aria ?

Jackson :- she is going to her hostel and her bus will arrive in.....10 minutes

Alex :- why are you with her . Selena i said you to come home. Ok do whatever you want idc 😑 and send me her no.

Jackson :- whyy??😏to talk those lovelyyy things , to say her good night while going to sleep , to ---


selena:- I'm sending you the number bro

Alex :- ok

Alex hangs up the call

Jackson :- is your brother some sort of psycho?

Selena glares at him . He becomes quiet

She sent him Aria's number and Alex called her


Aria:- who is this?

Alex :- be where you are. I'm coming !

Alex hangs the call and starts his bike

He reaches bus stop and sees Aria waiting there . "She is looking so cute while thinking of something" he thought .

He got parked his bike , removed helmet and goes to her

Aria :- i want to ask you something.