
The Blooming Tree

The Kingdom of Ancilly was close to destruction but was saved by the unfathomable powers of the Blossoms. They became dependent on the Blossom's support. While they thrived, others suffered. Through the years they were able to maintain their dominance with the help of the Blossoms but what will happen when new threats appear and things starts to fall apart... Both visible and hidden enemies will begin to approach.

Lan_Light · Kỳ huyễn
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41 Chs

Let's Talk

Alexander got up later than usual on account of the relaxed training schedule. It had been a while since he had been able to sleep in. After having a bath and getting dressed, he left to have breakfast with his mother. The walk to his mother's room served as a bit of morning exercise. As soon as he got to her room, he greeted the guard at the door before entering. He would always ensure that at least one guard was stationed by his mother's room. The only drawback is that he didn't have the power to have a guard with her at all times when she went out.

Once inside, he saw breakfast already laid out. There was a basket of freshly baked bread rolls, a dish of butter, a small jar of strawberry jam, strips of crispy bacon, fluffy scrambled eggs, sausages and a pot of tea. Rather than it being brought in by a servant it was prepared by Amelia. As while she was liked by many of the castle's servants she couldn't risk one of the Queen's people tampering with the food again. She would normally prepare all her meals and even more so once she knew Alexander would join her.

Amelia had waited some time for her son to arrive. When the food had started to get a little cold she would cover them. Thanks to Viola, she was able to create food covers fused with fire stones that could keep the food warm. Since Viola arrived, there was more warmth around her in many ways. Once she heard her son at the door she removed the covers promptly and placed them to the side. The table wasn't very large so she had to place them on a smaller table that she had. Aside from the food, the cutlery was also placed and the table was dressed simply with a blue tablecloth. Alexander greeted his mother with a kiss on the cheek then took a seat. As he looked over at the empty seat across from him he suddenly felt disappointed. He tried his best not to let it show but it was obvious. He quickly started to fill his plate. His mother watched as he ate. She could easily tell that there was something wrong. With each bite he looked at the door.

"She won't be coming today," said Amelia as she brushed some crumbs from Alexander's jaw.

His face started to turn red. Alexander turned away his eyes. He couldn't deny that he had been waiting for Viola. Amelia decided not to push him so she started to eat as she waited. She sliced one of the rolls in half and added some butter to both sides then some of the scrambled eggs followed by slices of sausage. Amelia smiled as she took a bite. She had made another great decision by putting her hair in a bun. She could eat freely.

"H-How do you know? Did she come to see you earlier?" asked Alexander.

"I saw Delia when I was in the kitchen. She told me Viola went out earlier," answered Amelia as she wiped her mouth.

"Oh, I guess she wanted to be alone..."

"Oh come on, she's with us almost everyday. It isn't a bad thing if she wants to go out on her own. Besides, if you're in trouble she can sense it anywhere. She doesn't need to be caged here, right?"

Amelia touched his hand gently. Alexander quickly got the meaning of his mother's words.

"You're right! I guess I was being selfish," said Alexander as he chuckled awkwardly.

After that they continued their meal. Once done Alexander had a servant take the dishes back. Amelia would normally do it on her own but while he's with her she'd allow it.

"When is your meeting?" asked Amelia as she tidied the room.

"At 4pm but the real question is when will it be over, why do all the Generals need to be there?" responded Alexander.

"You already sound tired," said Amelia as she giggled.

"Ha ha, I probably am just by thinking about it."

"I've been thinking… Your eighteenth birthday is right around the corner. Soon you'll be able to take a wife, have you thought about it?"

"Uh, well no, not really."

Amelia approaches Alexander who was still sitting at the table.

"Xander, I'm your mother. I know you. I can tell that you have feelings for Vi… But I'm sure you also know that she can't stay forever. I wish she could but -"

"I know Mom. I shouldn't have these feelings but I can't help it. What girl would want to be with me? It would be like risking their lives. At least with Viola, it doesn't matter who I am. She looks at me and just sees me…"

"Any woman would be lucky to have you! It's… I… I'm sorry, you're going through this because of me, if I wasn't your mother you would've been better off!"

"Don't say that!"

"But it's true! If I wasn't your mother you would've been the brightest star in this kingdom. None of those noblemen even come close to my son, it's not fair…"

Amelia couldn't hold back the tears. Alexander sprung from his seat and hugged his mother. She was faltering in his arms, she could barely stand straight. He could understand her feelings and it pained him that there was nothing that he could do. The only option he could think of would prove everyone right, that the Hayen would claim the kingdom. It was at that moment, Alexander decided that he needed to do something. If not for himself, for his mother.

William was also taking advantage of the free time. He got up at the same time he usually did and after having breakfast he decided to practise some of the moves he learned during training. He sent all the servants away and moved some furniture in his room to have more practice space. Although he was alone, he never felt alone. Rather he was happy to have his own space, away from the prying eyes of others. He took off his shirt and changed into loose fitting pants. In between each move he worked on his upper and lower body. He was getting closer to a more proficient level. The sweat dripped down his face and over his bulging chest and arm muscles. As he started to do some pushups, the Queen entered, with Lady Bodum following behind her. He got up and approached the Queen.

"Mom, what are you doing here?" asked William.

"Do I need a reason to see my son?" asked the Queen as she handed William a handkerchief.

"Of course not, I just thought you'd be busy is all," said William as he took the handkerchief from his mother.

Realizing he still had the furniture set aside, William carried a chair from the side for his mother. As he did, Tasie couldn't help watching William. He now had a more muscular build and having his body was even more tempting for her. She started to feel hot just thinking about it. This wave of heat was starting to take over. She discreetly rubbed her arm against her breast as she watched him. After he placed the chair the Queen took a seat. He then started to wipe his sweat with her handkerchief. It was barely enough to say the least. Tasie continued to watch him. If the Queen wasn't there it would've been the perfect opportunity, is what she thought to herself. William started to approach Tasie but she hadn't noticed.

Tasie suddenly broke free from her fantasy at the sight of William's face before her. He said something to her but she hadn't heard a word.

"I beg your pardon, Your Highness?" asked a confused Tasie.

"Would you like to sit?" asked William.

"Oh no Your Highness, you need not trouble yourself. I'm fine as is," said Tasie as she waved her hand.

William noticed her hard nipples through the thin fabric of her dress. The corners of his mouth curved into a smile. Realizing he had noticed, Tasie put on a coquettish expression.

"Leave her be. We have things to discuss," said the Queen to William.

"Yes mother, I'll get changed," said William, still looking at Tasie.

He grabbed a shirt and pants from his closet then walked off to the bathroom to get changed.