
The Blooming Tree

The Kingdom of Ancilly was close to destruction but was saved by the unfathomable powers of the Blossoms. They became dependent on the Blossom's support. While they thrived, others suffered. Through the years they were able to maintain their dominance with the help of the Blossoms but what will happen when new threats appear and things starts to fall apart... Both visible and hidden enemies will begin to approach.

Lan_Light · Fantasy
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41 Chs

Keep it Moving

Viola and Princess Cecilia arrived at the entrance to Briswold Academy's archery range. Viola released Princess Cecilia's hand as she entered. Princess Cecilia quickly moved off to keep up with Viola. Unlike the last time when Viola had visited with the princes, the range was now empty. The range was serene. The smell of the grass and earth were relaxing. Viola smiled as she inhaled the fresh air.

"Is this where you meant to go?" asked Princess Cecilia.

Viola simply looked at her without responding. It became apparent to the Princess that she had asked an unnecessary question. She felt embarrassed. Before her was a confident, strong, gorgeous woman who could garner the people's respect and admiration. It felt as though Viola was the real princess and she was only a lowly person with a title. If only she could have been more like her. Princess Cecilia wondered if the preparations she had been making would actually be fruitful. Could she become someone who could proudly stand amongst the royal family?

All of a sudden, Viola stopped. Princess Cecilia stopped herself just in time to avoid bumping into her. Viola noticed a bow and a quiver of arrows lying on the ground. She picked up the bow and examined it.

"Let's practice shooting. I'd like you to teach me Princess," said Viola as she handed Princess Cecilia the bow.

"Huh? Me?"

"Yes. Is my request too much?"

"N-no, it would be my pleasure. B-but I'm probably not as good as my brothers or the other soldiers… Why me?"

"Archery hasn't been an area of focus for me but I think I'll like it. Besides, Delia said you were good, I trust her…"

The Princess could tell that there was more to Viola's words. Was she acknowledging her? The uneasiness that had filled Cecilia gradually faded away.

"I would be happy to!" answered Cecilia confidently as she removed her hooded coat.

"I'm happy to hear it. Shall we begin?"

"Not yet, I'll be back soon. I'm sure they won't mind us using the archery range but I'll let the department head know so we won't be disturbed," said Cecilia as she ran off with the bow in hand.

Viola smiled as she watched Princess Cecilia. At that moment, Viola recalled what Delia had told her. Princess Cecilia had no reason to help Amelia but she did. If she hadn't informed Delia in time, who knows what Amelia would've done. Viola thought of the motives she could've had but being around her now she sensed no ill intentions. What Viola did however find strange was that there was a familiar energy within the princess. It was faint but still detectable. It needed to be looked into but for now she would just wait.

A few minutes later Princess Cecilia returned with an older man. She introduced him as the Head of the Athletics department, Mr. Carson. His hair was mostly grey, he looked to be in his 60s but he still seemed strong. There was no lack of vitality. He looked at Viola with widened eyes. Before him, it was as though he was in the presence of an angel, he couldn't help but shed a tear. He couldn't even bring himself to speak. When Viola tried to speak to him he showed even more veneration by bowing or praising her. After a few minutes of awkward staring and bowing he left.

"Uh, I'm sorry about that. He isn't usually like that. When I told him you were here he wanted to meet you," said an embarrassed Cecilia.

"It's fine Princess."

"Y-You could call me Cecilia. You know, if you want to," said Cecilia as she blushed.

"Okay. Shall we get started Cecilia?"

At the sound of her name Cecilia's face became as red as a tomato. She couldn't tell what exactly made her so happy but she couldn't contain her joy. She quickly picked up the quiver of arrows and positioned herself before one of the targets in the range. Luckily she was dressed in clothing that she could move freely in. With each motion, she explained what was being done. Viola listened attentively. She started with a target at 5 yards and each time the distance grew, ten yards, fifteen yards, up to twenty yards. She hit the bullseye for every shot. Instead of a frail chick, she looked like a fearless eagle. The confidence and pride she exuded was refreshing. Cecilia was absorbed in what she was doing. It was like she was in her own world.

"You're very talented," said Viola as she approached Cecilia.

"Oh! Viola, thank you!" replied Cecilia hastily. She seemed to have come back to reality.

Cecilia decided to position Viola at the 10 yard mark. She handed the bow to Viola and helped her into position. Viola took an arrow, maintained her stance, pulled the bow and aimed at the target. As Viola released the arrow, the air around them moved with it. Cecilia felt herself being pulled in its direction. She barely managed to stay on her feet. Her coat was easily blown away. In a matter of seconds the arrow made its way to the target but rather than hitting it, it went through it. A large portion of the target which the arrow hit was now a few meters behind the targets.

"How was that?" asked Viola.

"T-That was good… But how about using less force next time?"

"Hm, I see."

Viola tried once more and while she was able to hit the target without going through it, this time all the targets were blown to the ground. Cecilia was still in disbelief and could only smile awkwardly. Cecilia, however, wasn't discouraged. She was happy to help Viola. Viola was like a big sister that she wanted to emulate. This was new for her and she enjoyed the feeling. As they continued to practice Viola became better and better.

"You're doing well. At this rate you won't need my help anymore," said Cecilia. There was a tremble in her voice.

"True, it seems I won't need your help… but we can still practice together."



Although she wasn't very expressive, Cecilia could tell that Viola was warming up to her and that alone made her immensely happy. Cecilia ended up getting another bow and quiver of arrows so they could practice at the same time.

The Queen and Lady Baulm waited patiently for William. After William changed, he brought one of the chairs from the side of the room and sat with his mother. The Queen sent Tasie to get refreshments for them both. She reluctantly left.

"It's good that we're now alone. You've been so busy lately that I haven't had the chance to see you," said the Queen.

"I'm sorry if I've made you worry."

"No need to apologize. Your reputation has only improved since you've begun your training. This is good."

"Oh really, that's great!"

"You seem... different."

"Uh, really. I guess I'm just happy."

"I'm glad to hear that. You should know how much it hurts me when you're not well."

"I do. The same goes for me. There isn't anything I wouldn't do for you mother," said William as he held his mother's hand.

She smiled and lightly squeezed his hand.

"There's something very important that we need to discuss."


"You're already of age and it's time that you consider a suitable partner for marriage. This would also be a good way to build your strength."

"Mom, I-"

"I'm already aware of the King's plan to have you take the Blossom as a concubine but he should know that that wouldn't work for long. As such I've been looking into a suitable partner for you and I believe Marquess Dawson's eldest daughter, Julie, would be perfect."

"But Mom-"

"They may not be a ducal house but they're powerful enough. Plus you two were friends in school so-"

"Mom! Listen to me for a second, would you?"

"Oh, It seems I got a bit carried away…"

William pulled away his hand. He was visibly annoyed but tried to remain calm.

"I understand what you're trying to do but I think it would be best if I decided on my own partner. I don't even like Julie. I was friends with her sister, Ember."

"B-but William, she's the daughter of a mistress. To pity her is one thing but to be friends with her?! To bring her up at this moment, please don't tell me you have feelings for her!?"

"I don't know... There isn't anyone in particular that I feel that way about but I certainly don't want it to be Julie."

A knock on the door put their conversation to a halt. Tasie entered followed by a servant pushing a trolley with the refreshments. There was a pitcher of lemonade, chocolate chip cookies, and a variety of sandwiches. The mood was still a bit tense but they tried to not let it show.

"I guess I should get the table," said William as he got up.

"Tasie, go call some more servants to do this. William, you are a prince," said the Queen.

"Tasie, please stay. If I can't even move some furniture how can I call myself a man? It would take too long to call people here anyway and besides I'm hungry."

"Fine, do as you like."

After placing the table, William brought another chair. Even though Tasie had refused before, this time William wouldn't take no for an answer. Tasie agreed and joined them at the table while the servant who brought the refreshments waited to the side. Noticing this, William then sent the servant away.

"Seems you two get along quite well," said the Queen as she glanced over at Tasie.

"Your Highness must be playing a joke on me. How could I dream of being close to the Crown Prince," said Tasie calmly.

"Is there nothing you have to say?" asked the Queen of William.

"No, I don't think there is. You should eat some more. I'm sure the cucumber sandwiches would suit your taste."

The Queen decided to leave things as is and enjoy the time with her son. More than an hour passed and she realized that she had to get back to her other duties. She then left with Lady Bodum. A few moments after, a servant came and put the pitcher and plates on the trolley and cleaned up the table before leaving. William decided to continue his workout as there was still some time before the meeting, so he put the table back in its original place and got to work once more.

About an hour before the meeting, Viola and Cecilia appeared in the castle's courtyard, surprising the nearby servants.

"Thank you, I truly enjoyed our day," said Cecilia.

"It was enjoyable indeed," replied Viola.

As they continued to speak, they were noticed by one of the Queen's ladies in waiting, Lady Marcy Dillon. She was the daughter of Earl Connery Dillon and was known as the 'Queen's Telegram'. She was of average height, slim build and had short curly black hair. She was the same age as the Queen but was still unwed. Many believed it might have been due to her plain appearance while others suspected she simply wanted to remain by the Queen's side. After watching the girls for some time she quickly left to relay what she saw to the Queen.