A young prince growing up in a cold castle, ignored by his parents gets picked up by a family of smiths, until the day he has to go on alone - or is he alone? His journey only began at the point he thought he was already finished. A sometimes pretty brutal novel, mixed with some calm and nice moments. More information inside! ~ I somehow manage a chapter every two days on average
Upon seeing the situation I was in, my father stood there. Eyes open, jaw and fists clenched. He didn't ask what happened. Instead of sorrow for his probably crippled son, he shows anger towards Gus - leading my thoughts to a sword in his throat, but not now.
Father thanks me for saving his son from the demon, then leaves. His voice was monotone and cold.
After sitting there for longer, I was able to stand again. I leave the room, cheers and celebrations are awaiting. The heroic brother that saved Christopher from the evil demon. Except, that I sure as hell didn't help him and secondly, didn't want praise for him surviving.
I mean, if I knew he was still alive earlier I probably would've finished him. My excuse was already given, no one would doubt that the demon killed him. But in reality, he survived. Unable to move any muscle, but he is alive.
The cheers are getting on my nerves, but they didn't seem to stop. Even days later they continued, they only made a pause to let me sleep and eat. There was no other interruption. At least until I sneaked out at night and visited my mother. She was locked in her room for months now, so I wanted to visit her before I left.
Yes, right. I want to leave this place. Right when she opened the door, the text I tried to remember was forgotten entirely. She had bruises all over her arms, her eye was swollen. It was pretty obvious that she took a beating.
Ce:" WHO. DID. THAT?!" The words came slow and really loud, so I went in and closed the door.
Mother:" I'm fine really, I heard that you saved your brother?" Her voice was faint...
Ce:" I am really interested in your welfare, but that doesn't answer my question."
M:" It is not-"
Ce:" Don't tell me what is not important. Who was it?!"
M:" It was... Geralt."
Ce:" So it was father after all. I swear to heavens eight gods, I will massacre this man into an unrecognizable state!"
M:" NO! You would die before you could even reach him!"
Ce:" I didn't say it would be now. I'm leaving to study, after I graduate from magic highschool I will be able to confront him."
M:" Just... Just stay safe okay?"
Ce:" There is no way I would die before succeeding with my revenge."
With that, I left. I told her that I will leave, unkowingly I fastened my resolve aswell. Christian was the only other one I want to inform, so I search for him. I find him in the library, seemingly working on a little talisman.
Ce:" Hey, what are you doing?"
Christian:" Well, I overheard you talking with mother, so I decided to make you harder to find."
He tinkered a bit, then gave me the talisman.
Christian:" With this on, your true appearance will be sealed - whilst showing the fake I installed. It is a blond guy with blue eyes. The face is completely different from ours, so don't worry about being found out. There is only one eye color aswell, so no one would think about us."
Christian did all this in the matter of ten minutes I roamed around searching for him? It seems I might have surpassed him physically, but in terms of magic he outclasses me.
Ce:" Thank you then. Two last things. Please take care of yourself and our mother."
Chr:" And second?"
Ce:" Keep my departure a secret."
He nods, as I turn around and leave. Gus mother already prepared a carriage, so I only had to walk out of the castle and sit down. We didn't talk much, we both understood each others pain. We both lost Klaus and Gus, after all. This ride will be a long ride, filled with memories...
Everytime I am unable to hold my focus on objects close to the carriage, my thoughts drift to Gus corpse, being incinerated on the spot he died. Uncontrollable tears started to flow, I had no idea how to stop them. Neither did Claudia, she had a valid reason considering her son Gus and husband Klaus died. So we sat at the front seat together, comforting each other and crying.
Who had a valid reason to stop us?