
Freedom shall come

An Angel visit Queen Liberty again..

Queen Liberty and the Angel sitting in the Garden. This is the same peace that she remembers before The Spanish Army's international slave trade And the torture they beared upon Beautiful African Tribe For 1000 years. They begin to walk not speaking a single word. Over beautiful mountain tops and green pastures beautiful fowl and an eagle soared high above our head his wings glided like freedom should feel. The same she had felt in her Bay. They come to a Forrest it was a well travel path leading into Forrest. hidden in plain sight was homes of the souls of those of the African Tribe That was first to arrive on mighty ships and made America rich. They were the first that Queen Liberty saw of beautiful people. From her past life

As The Angel comes to last very last door and tells Queen Liberty that the soul of King is lost amongst the English men The Angel angel begins to walk again.they came out the Forrest into a brair patch The Angel instructed Queen Liberty to follow her and have faith. I will take care of you. they came to 2 large rocks miles wide on each side a small opening was straight through The Angel stated that she couldn't go beyond the rocks and ask her to return with King Solomon. As she go through the opening is bigger she had to crawl under a rock she noticed the circle rock blocking a hole in a cave. Queen Liberty is walking through a dark City with fire pit made from iron barrels A group of men was playing dice at the corner liquor store trying to win a hit The men acted like they couldn't see her.or hear her .

when Queen Liberty finds King Solomon. She realizes that The King isn't leaving until his only born son by the English men is accepted into the African Tribe. Queen Liberty has the power to unleash Mass destruction upon All of America but she returned to the Angel waiting for her. Queen Liberty tells the Angel that King refuses to leave his only son, birth by a white settler.And the tribe is refusing to except him He states it's many more like his son. The Angel takes. Queen Liberty down to a plantation called the Lenoir plantation but they perceived passed the mansion and come to a stop in front of small farm house. where she is to wait for King .

when the king returns and sees queen Liberty in his home becomes in raged. And refuses to acknowledge her because he heard stories of how Europe had placed her in Harbour to oversee the Egyptians . The African Tribes that was sold by the African empire to Napoleon lll and transported to the 13 colonies to work the tobacco rice and indigo fields. free labor that was supposed to make Europe rich and powerful so it could rule over all the nations.

Queen Liberty knows he is one of the Kings that the British Empire seized from a Spanish ship while in root to Europe.

the King refuses to acknowledge she is being truthful.

again an Angel appears to her in a dream .

this time to see if the king return

She explain to the Angel that the King isn't ready. All of the children with Egyptians blood will be shed on America soil He wants to take over the North America and make it one nation under God and give justice for all Egypt. To move Egypt out of African control.so Egypt can rise above all nations. The statue of liberty is made of pure gold. He wants the Egyptians to have all the gold that is inside the statue walls. the British kingdom was built with Gold and emeralds and crystals that was stolen from the northern Israelites Japan