
Still bound

The Israelites Tribe is still bound by chains in present day America. Still property of the 13 colonies. Being forced to keep silence. still being torture and murdered by police organization. still being sent to conscentration camps known as prison.

The American English men sign in the NAACP organization to help keep the Israelites Tribe under the 13 colonies control. And keep the Black Legend secret.

Queen Liberty knows of strong leaders of the tribe their bodies was muscular and had skin the color of an olive. with hair like wool. The Queens wore their hair like crown about her Head tied in place with vivid colors of silk. Wore silk robes that flowed to her ankles. she carried her young tied to her hip by silk bungees. beautiful jewelry made by rare rubies and crystal. she herself had been a beautiful queen of same tribe that was first bought and sold by Egyptians.

Queen Liberty was placed in her spot by Jesus Christ

Queen Liberty hears heavy breathes at her feet. She instructions the person to climb to the crown she wear on her head . He spoke Hebrew Queen Liberty own language. She tells this King to flee north toward the great Waters of this beautiful land you can settle between the Great waters then make your way South Queen Liberty tells him to have faith I will keep you safe. Queen Liberty tells about a woman who is forming an escape route. which will be called the underground railroad..

the King settled there living amongst the Aztecs tribe.traveled back to help great Kings escape from the ships as they docked. He formed an organization it and tried to fight the Indians and Mexican to free his people. as it grew he began to tell the people about An Angel that lives in the ocean Queen Liberty and she told him how to get to the Israelites tribes she told him of great pain that they suffer. for 1000 years. She lost sight cause of the two tall buildings blocked her view to the South. So the King travel to Queen Liberty he climbed until he reached the top of her crown. he could see across the ocean as far as his eyes could see But when he tried to see south his view was blocked by twin towers . Queen Liberty tells of the day the ships docked in the Bay The Man noticed that she had chains on her feet she said she use to drift in the ocean from coast to coast but The English men chained her to the dock. The King sense the sadness of Queen Liberty and cut the chains away from the dock. She will find the Israelites tribes for the King She ask her God to send Angels to knock down the Towers so she could see the south. The towers came down one and then the other. she then numbers the tribes on their four head.

She ask her God to make all the Israelites tribes glow in the dark. As darkness falls upon the ocean she can see that the tribes have multiple thousand by ten thousands She looks for the Queen that is planning an escape route. underground railroad managed to get thousand of Israelites to the land between the Great waters Queen Liberty waits for the king to return . Finally he arrives climbs all the way to her crown. and sees across the beautiful land. and knows where to travel. and take the strongest men into the Army. And train them for battle.

The King forms an army in the North to invade the south to free his people. When Spain finds out about this civil war. they wrote up a false document called the constitution. and claimed the North won the war and the tribes was set free given 40 acres and a mule

the 13 colonies work underground still housing slaves in prison they formed the police and made their own laws that only applies to the Israelites tribes. The Kings was struggling in the south being free and ended given up his freedom.. not acknowledging what is taking place. The government come up with a system to enslave the tribes. Food stamps FDI checks for the children. free housing . The government already in the trade .. trade for drugs to put the strong Israelites kings on to kill himself the substance is cocaine.

The woman who formed the the escape route. helped thousand by thousand of slaves escape North.

in present day America The police is still controlling the Israelites tribes. They are still bound to the 13 colonies, being kept a secret. America isn't so great. The riches of America soil belongs to The Israelites Tribes . They made the united states of America become one of the richest nations in the world by the citizens that begin with The Israelites Tribes. American made money. is paid to Japan because of the international slave trade. but the Israelites tribes is kept a secret .. The black legend is real here in America where Spain hid the secret. The African tribes stays quiet 🤐