
devil's rejects

. Introducing the International slave trade to America. British Empire seized Portuguese slave ship as it was in transport to Asia British Empire brought 20 enslaved Israelites tribes to Jamestown, Virginia. which was a British colony.

Queen Liberty watched for 1000 of years. unable to speak a word. She watched as the Spanish ships run by Spanish empires bringing in ships of enslaved people.

The Israelites Tribe has multipled by thousand of ten thousands

walking amongst the free but still bound with chains. Laws were put into place to limit the education of slaves so they couldn't take over the government . Prison where built for the strong Israelites man because the slave owners was scared of the monster they created. For fear of relalliation against America. As years go Queen Liberty awaits For the return of the Kings that entered the Harbour on a British ship with means of free labor . British Empire loses power over the colonies was transferred to Hong Kong of China. July 1 1997 was the end for British Empire. But the 10 tribes was forever lost.amongst the 13 colonies of America. .

1000 years Queen Liberty drifts in the Harbour. waiting for Israel to raise up and defeat the 13 colonies that control the United States of America. So that America citizen can be free. of slavery. America is made up by 96% of Israelites tribes including Rome and Egypt.

prophecy of the black legend...

As the cement loosen she began to raise her arm and light the torch. As the fire burns Queen Liberty gets stronger and stronger. The winds from the North and south come together in the ocean . drive by ships coming from Israel . The cargo is precious to Israel, it's bringing the new King that has inherit the world and is King over all nations.The winds are intensifying sending waves of it's water into the Bay areas From the East coast to the west coast. when she sits here foot on dry land the earth soil starts to crack causing massive earth quakes knocking down tall buildings derailing trains. great waves sends mighty ships in land as the water returns leaving ships in ruins.

Queen Liberty knows each and every number of the Israelites Tribe that was brought to the Harbour by mighty ships.. They were bound with chains. being struck by whips beaten into submission. She remembers the sounds of terror in the night sky. where it was once peace. She drinks water from the fountain where the twin towers once stoop and then spit out locust towards the south. And the locust carriys diseases and plague to the south. She then causes the earth to spit in half starting at the mouth of the mighty Mississippi river. all the way to the great lakes. The 13 colonies left on one side and the Indians on the other. The Kings and Queens and their tribe will be invisible and no harm will come to them. inside Queen Liberty walls are documents Of every Israelite that the British Empire Took into slavery . The Egyptians control the churches and saying that they are Jews. The tribe members that escape slavery was left in Egypt amongst the Egyptians The Angel Queen Liberty sits in the Harbour waiting for the New King to arrive. his name is Moses he is from the Reuben tribe that had Rights to reign over Israelites. He will inherit the world through Jesus Christ, he is Jesus Christ.