

''The billionaires obsession'' is a dark romance novel that explores the themes of love, obsession, and the dark side of power. The story follows a young lady who is majoring in economics named Isabella Waverly. She is passionate about learning and hopes to become wealthy someday. Alexander Knight is a powerful and wealthy businessman who employs Isabella's mother as a cook. Isabella thinks Alexander despises her because of his excessive guarding of her throughout their relationship. Isabella is resolved to leave Alexander behind and start over. Alexander Knight is a nuanced and enigmatic person. He suffers from bipolar disorder and has a dark, twisted side. Isabella Waverly is the only woman Alexander has ever had feelings for. He is completely enamored with her and will stop at nothing to keep her close. Isabella's life will be ruined if Alexander does not agree to let her go. As Isabella and Alexander negotiate their complex relationship, the tale follows them. Alexander wants Isabella, but she is adamant about getting away from his grasp. The narrative is chock-full of peril, passion, and suspense. The plot revolves around love, obsession, and the perverse side of power.

Britney_Wals · Thành thị
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12 Chs


Isabella's POV


When I felt his lips brush against mine, my eyes opened. I was speechless as I gazed at his face, unsure of what to do next. He closed his eyes very slowly, as if it were the most natural thing in the world, while I was in a state of terror and my heart was pounding furiously in my chest.

As his lips moved slowly, I remained still, but I eventually started to speak. He started to lick my lower lip, creating an inside sensation that caused me to groan uncontrollably before I started to thoroughly kiss him back. At this, he laughed.

As he drew me in closer while his eyes were still closed, I took him in, noticing every curve and feature on his face. I didn't protest. I instead fluttered my eyelids shut. But my thoughts were a blur. Why was he kissing me now, why were his lips still on mine?

The other hand that had been on my cheek moved to the nape of my neck as he gently slid my already-tidily coif to the left. His hand then proceeded to my waist to secure me correctly.

The final straw was that. He was acting with knowledge. My perception grew cloudy. We persisted in fighting as our lips brushed against one another, separating the outside world from our own. I lost the ability to hear anything, including the song that was being played.

I tentatively pressed my chest against his chiseled torso, and all I could hear was my heartbeat as he groaned in what I assumed was appreciation.

Then there was an abrupt break in communication. It was executed expertly. My already rigid muscles became even more rigid as I gradually came to my senses.

"Isabella?" He exhaled as he put his forehead on mine and kissed the bridge of my nose.

"Hmnhh." In my confused state, I moaned. I did two blinks.

"Bambina, Isabella?" When he spoke quietly, my heart began to flutter strangely.

His voice emitted an odd feeling. He gently stroked a region on my side, and as my body warmed up, I felt a sense of calm slowly wash over me. However, this did little to lessen the anxiety that had crept up onto my shoulders. I chose to hold my breath instead to brace myself for what was to come.

We were talking about the young master here, after all. After this, how would I interact with him?

Although he had kissed me first, I couldn't believe I had just kissed the young master. However, this was the same individual I was told to avoid at all costs. It was the same person who scowled day and night with naturally tightened teeth and narrowed eyes.

If I didn't want to die of embarrassment, the best course of action would be to break free of his grip and flee from this situation. I tried to free myself from his grip, but he yanked me back against him so forcefully that I gasped in shock.

Please pay attention to me, Isabella. He stood up. I stopped in my tracks and looked up at him as tingles spread throughout my body.

"Yes, Sir?" I attempted a forceful response. Yes, sir. Sir, I just kissed you.

Even though I was more like a tiny girl in comparison to the manly figure in front of me, the only alternative here was for me to face my fear like a strong woman if I couldn't flee from it.

"Look, what just happened" I shrieked. Yes. At college, I overheard girls saying that, and I was aware of what was about to happen. He would describe it as a dumb error.

"I get it, sir. You are not required to speak. I was surprised that he wasn't immediately back to appearing murderous as he sighed. In contrast to the glare I was used to, his face was still harsh, but it wasn't as hard with the customary serious look.

"You have no idea who I am about," I gave a headshake.

"I do. I do since I'm aware that you regret kissing me. We made a mistake by doing something so reprehensible. Particularly, given that you are my mom's boss and that the-" He lifted my chin and brought my lips back to his.

Despite rambling more quickly than the first time, I wasn't really unprepared this time. I gasped in shock but gave him a passionate kiss in return that even shocked me. I experienced a hot, tense sensation and the jitters of being tempted to eat him. Was this how those characters typically felt in the corny paperback books that Madre loved to read? Hot, flirtatious, and not just lips moving aimlessly across one another.

However, this man was an excellent kisser who knew how to entice women with quick, commanding, attentive, and sweet kisses.

On my side, where his hand was resting, his index finger made haphazard patterns, and the area was burning with unquenchable yearning. Considering that he would be the second man to ever claim my lips, it was unusual for me to let men kiss me in this manner, but my body didn't disappoint in shocking me by spiking in response to his approaches.

The second time he drew back, I gripped onto his shoulders, which were rather high for me because my legs were shaking and on the verge of giving up.

Take note, Isabella. I didn't desire what transpired between us, and I don't regret it. You look stunning in this outfit, Isabella, and I've wanted to kiss you all evening. However, that wasn't the only reason. No. You're witty and a fantastic conversationalist. He spoke quickly, perhaps anticipating that I would continue to interrupt him. I was unable to keep from becoming rigid in his grip.

He didn't let go of me despite the fact that my breathing became little laboured and my heartbeat picked up. I battled to contain the smile that threatened to appear on my face. He had been dying to kiss me all night. I looked up at him as he continued to hold me close to him while maintaining eye contact with me.

"You don't really regret the kiss?" I muttered, my brows furrowed in confusion.

Couples were dancing all around me, and some of them were just cuddling up in each other's warm embraces. But there was a distinction between this man and I. We were not married.

There was a tremendous difference between us because we were boss and housekeeper.

"I believed you to have said that students weren't permitted here?" I enquired while squinting.

"Well, simply a few highly talented students who received clearances after submitting company plan examples. However, most business partners and potential investors are couples. He continued to fix his gaze on my lips. I hadn't sent out any requests for approval or invitations. Had he still chosen to invite me along knowing this? At the idea, I took a big breath in.

I gave myself a strong cheek squeeze and winced as I sensed the chill before the hurt became apparent. Wow, I'm glad this is real.

I don't regret kissing you, Isabella, either. I enjoyed kissing you and I loved it. He re-assured. He spoke softly and had sweet eyes.

I was at a loss for how I was feeling. The why was in dispute.

He should have been giving me a glare and not appearing so composed. There was a problem. What if this was his entire strategy and he later switched to that course of action? In that case, I would only be made to appear foolish.

"I'm terribly sorry. I shouldn't have done it; this is strange. As I let my thoughts to run amok and was unsure of what to conclude, I could feel the tears starting to form.

"Don't be sorry, and you should have, it was sweet." He spoke quietly and wore an odd expression, as if he didn't want to startle me or treat me like a baby. He gently patted me on the left side of my face as his hand slowly ascended there. Don't panic over this, please. He remarked with a frown, as if he knew what I was thinking.

Just as I was ready to start talking again, someone beside us cleared their throat, and I instantly snapped back to reality.

Can I have this dance, please?

The individual who earlier identified himself as Sucre and claimed to be the young master's friend appeared to my right when I turned to look.


"No. Sucre, we're in the middle of a crucial conversation right now. The young master's visage had returned to being blank as he talked in his typically imposing manner.

I believe the young vixen is capable of speaking for herself. Sucre grinned.


Oh, and if I don't quit, will you kindly attempt to persuade me to do so? Sucre enquired. The young master gazed at him with stern lines on his lips.

We both understand the strategy we've used since our undergraduate days, right? Why don't you allow me to dance with this lady just once?

Although it seemed like the young master was being unreasonable in this situation, I wasn't going to tell him so because I didn't see anything wrong with dancing with him for a little while.

"It's okay," I mumbled. After all, I was entitled to my own rights. I made an effort to escape the grasp of the young master, but he simply held me tightly in his arms.

Thomas Industries, what about them? Do you no longer give a damn? Young master murmured, keeping his eyes fixed on me.

Suddenly, the man's face grew stern. "Come back again?"

"The media would undoubtedly be curious about how and why you've suddenly become interested in acquiring all rights to that industry and how much money you've put into it in such a short period of time, and perhaps I wouldn't think twice about sharing the information. How do you feel? Master-young added.

I briefly lost myself in his sight before blinking and turning my attention from his alluring eyes to his angular nose and powerful jawline. He was magnificent. He exuded manly confidence in such a way that it always astounded me and left me in awe.

Sucre tightened his jaws and his eyes fluttered shut as I turned to face him. He closed them again, and this time he had a smile on his face.

"Unfortunately, Miss Isabella, I must go right away for something crucial. Take cautious and exercise caution because the man who is clutching onto you is a wild, manic individual. We'll speak shortly again. He gave me a faux salute before turning around and disappearing into the crowd of dancers.

"You may now let me go." But the young master was deceitfully staring at me.

Okay, Isabella, but we need to talk about something crucial when we get home.

this evening? No way! I groaned.

"Okay." I mumbled.

I couldn't look him in the eyes. He was acting so strangely already, and that didn't sit right with me. I just wanted to go home. Everything about what had happened this evening was peculiar.

We had enjoyed a passionate lip-caress, which was still making my lips tingle.

When the event started, as we made small conversation and walked back to our seats, I was thinking about the kiss we had just shared.

When he finally said it was time to go home, I was more than relieved.