
The Beginner's Guide to a Hollow Existence.

Usually, being a Hollow in the world of Bleach is a struggle. Imagine constantly hungering for more power, all due to your existence as a Hollow. If only there was a guide to help you out! ... Yeah that's what this story is about. A man who is suddenly dropped in a cruel, war torn, spiritual world. With average, well, everything really, the only advantage he has? A personal wikipedia. "Tell me. How do I evolve? How do I gain power?"

Arcus_Orcus · Tranh châm biếm
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5 Chs

How to kill a Menos Grande

Two months passed by in a flash. Guess what?

"Damn... That gave me basically nothing." Rio says in disappointment. Right now, he was sitting on top of a mountain of hollow corpses.

Mountain, though it was more like a mound than anything else. There were only five hollows. That's right. He complied with his instincts. His reiatsu grew a lot in these couple weeks. He was pretty damn sure that his reiatsu could probably be sensed about 800 meters away now. A significant upgrade considering his reiatsu just a month ago could barely be sensed 50 meters away.

He was pretty high on the food chain, of hollows. He knows he's getting overconfident and that he REALLY should not be.

All this power and he still hasn't evolved? Imagine how strong an evolved hollow is. Scares the hell out of him. "How close am I to evolving, anyway?"

<Q. How close am I to evolution?>

<A. 80%>

All this, and he was still 20% away from evolution. Now, he calls bullshit for real. After all, none of the hollows he has encountered had a particularly big reiatsu. The biggest reiatsu signature he has encountered so far was about a 500 meter range. The very same one he sensed way back when he was training his reiatsu control. Despite the fact that he was now significantly stronger than that hollow, he was still far from evolving

Taking down and eating that strong hollow also... didn't give him as much reiryoku as he thought it would? He thought it would boost the hell out of him- but no. If he was at 50% at the time he fought that hollow (who also had 50% on its evolution progress), eating it should put him to 100%, no? Basic addition and all that.

He never really noticed it before, but it was then that he noticed that hollows are REALLY cost-ineffective at absorbing reiryoku. He lost like- Half of the hollow's reiryoku! It's bullshit!

He finishes up his meal. It was a pathetic amount of reiatsu to be sure, but he welcomes it nonetheless. It's just more evolution progress.

Speaking of evolution, he'd given up on trying to fight that desire. What was the point? His instincts would just keep on bothering him if he didn't.

Also, despite the growth in his reiatsu, he didn't make any new techniques. All of his attacks were already sufficient at his level. Making more techniques would just bloat his skill set.

The mutations he's recieved in the past two months could supplement for that though. Firstly, his legs are now also covered with hollow exoskeleton. The calf part of his exoskeleton had the same kind of holes he had at the back of his elbow, essentially powering up Mustard gas and granting greater versatility to Mustard Burst. Another more minor change was that his skin was now way more resistant to acid and corrosion, so that's nice.

"God, how long is this going to take..." Rio plops down on the floor, now completely bored. Fighting hollows was, admittedly, fun at first. He could almost laugh at himself two months ago. "'Not fighting if I don't have to.' My fucking ass." Look at him now! Actively searching out the strongest hollow he could find. He still didn't like to fight much though. Getting hit hurts, man! Also, he wasn't stupid enough to challenge any obscenely big reiatsu signatures. He's not that stupid.

Hm... Well, actually. He remembers that 2 kilometer reiatsu from before... Could he fight it now? It was still alive. And if you do the maths correctly, a percentage of evolution progress was 10 meters of reiatsu-

You know what? This measurement is stupid. He thought it was a good way of measuring power levels, but now that he's thinking it more, it sounds dumb. He's just gonna call a meter of reiatsu a point.

But back to the point, if that hollow had 2000 points and he lost half of the reiryoku when he ate a hollow, devouring that hollow would give him 180% evolution progress in total!

"Aight, I'm convinced." Time for a hunt. He gets up off his ass to find that hollow. Was he fearful? Yeah. Was he gonna let that deter him? Not really. "All for that 180%..." If he was a human, he'd have a mental asylum called on him for his incessant giggling.

"Welp. Off I go."


Ok. Now he was maybe kinda regretting his actions. Why, you may ask? Well-


It was because of that thumping in the distance. Coincidentally enough, it was coming from the direction of the energy signature! Surely that wasn't an omen for things to come!

Is what he would say if he isn't just seeing what he thinks is seeing.

"Wh-What the hell is that?! A hollow?!"

<Q. What is that?>

<A. That is a <strong>Hollow that has consumed hundreds of other hollows and grew its power to such a magnitude that it evolved. It is the lowest class of evolved hollows called Menos Grande, or simply Gillian.>

"Lowest class?!" Rio could only imagine how powerful the hollows that were even further into their evolutionary process.

Honestly? Rio was absolutely terrified of this thing. He was pretty damn confident that if he got stepped on once, he was dead as hell. The one advantage he has over this thing is that he was significantly quicker than it.

"So... Uh... Any strategies to beat this thing? Anything I should know about?"

<Q. How to kill a Menos Grande.>

<A. A <strong>Menos Grande, while big, is incredibly slow moving and heavy. A suggested strategy is to topple it. If a Menos Grande cannot reach you, it may attack using concentrated beam of Reiatsu called a Cero.>

Oh, fantastic! It can shoot out mega death beams! Like he isn't terrified enough. Well, he couldn't complain much. At the very least, he has a strategy now. The literal embodiment of 'The bigger they are, the harder they fall'.

Though- it is surprising that it hasn't spotted him yet. He though all hollows instinctively had the ability to sense reiatsu?


Is that thing looking at him? Why is it gathering energy in its mouth as it's looking at him? "Well, Rio. It's pretty damn obvious." He says to himself.

That was, in fact, a cero. "Oh god!" He manages to move just in time. The cero beam shot out with a horrifying noise. He looks back to the area the cero had struck. The sand had been completely vaporized. If there was one thing to describe Rio's emotions right now, it was instant regret. "Well... No backing out now, I guess..." He was not confident.

Suddenly, he heard the thing charge up another cero. He was not about to find out whether he can tank a blast or not. He rushes in just as a cero fired from its maw. 'Piranha Solution!' Rio threw the bubbling green acid orb at its feet, but it seems like he greatly underestimated its intelligence. Almost every other hollow he's encountered was stupid as all hell, after all.

It crouched down, effectively blocking the shot with its cloak. "Bitch." Another cero was being charged up. "Is this thing ever gonna stop shooting ceros?!" For every cero shot, another 'Piranha Solution' was lobbed back.

"Alright, this is-" Another cero. "Not working!" He needs some way to topple it. At first he could just use 'Piranha Solution' to melt its legs down, or at least destabilize the ground under it, but that damn cloak kept getting in the way! Did it melt the cloak? Sure, but the cloak regenerates, damn it!

"Time for a closer ranged approach I suppose..." 'Mustard Burst!' With controlled bursts, he speeds his way towards the Menos Grande. The Menos Grande, instinctively sensing the danger it was about to be in, started to rapidly fire ceros. With extreme control, Rio just barely dodges the ceros.

Once he got too close, the Menos Grande ceased its barrage in favor for stomps, raising its foot far up. "Opportunity!" In that moment of vulnerability, Rio didn't hesitate to act. He went under the cloak of the Gillian. The plan is simple.

Hit its standing leg really REALLY hard.

'Mustard Burst!' This one was different. He held a massive amount of reiatsu back from his exoskeleton before release. It took him down to 25% reiatsu from 60% from how much he was holding in his hollow armor. He was sure this impact would knock the Menos Grande straight down!

With a thunderous BOOM, his fist impacted the leg of the giant. The hit was more than enough to make the goliath tumble with a pained roar!

Unfortunately, the move costed the David of this story his whole entire arm. As one could imagine, it was painful. He wanted to die from the pain, but he could not let up for even a second. The goliath impacted the snow white sand of Hueco Mundo with a powerful shockwave following suit from its collapse.

Rio pre-emptively uses 'Acid Enchantment' before climbing the body of the Menos Grande. It was especially important that he rushed the climb as the Menos Grande was already standing up. "No you don't!" He throws a 'Piranha Solution' at the sand beneath one of its hands on his way up the Menos Grande, once again, felling the great enemy.

Finally, he reaches the back of its head. "Become part of me!"


His acid pincer pierces through the Menos Grande's flesh again and again. With each stab, the Menos Grande screamed. But it also screamed weaker and weaker... Until it was no more.

"Guess bigger isn't always better after all..." His incessant giggling came back again. He couldn't help it, okay? Great enemy felled and all that jazz. Plus his evolution would finally be here, come he eat this body anyway.

You know... Maybe he liked to fight after all.

Or maybe that was just his instincts talking.

With nothing else to do, he devours his deceased adversary.


Hi, I may not update for a bit maybe. I've gotta go to my uncle's funeral so stuff's been rough. I've also don't have a laptop and we had to go to a cousin's place so that was also really rough for updates. I had to borrow one so I could update. Thanks for reading tho. As soon as I can, I'll try and update again.

As always, If I've made mistakes, point them out. Thanks y'all.