
The Beast God's Grace

"Beneath the Silence and the Snow , secrets lied in waiting plenty of blood was spilled on the snow till he was the only one breathing he was alone , desperate and cold till the old and weary doors started creaking " Albus an orphan and a high schooler ,was supposed to have a fun outing in the mountains with his classmates but alas FATE had had something else waiting for him that day...... _–_–_–_—_–_–_–_—_–_–_–_—_–_–_–_—_–_–_– _–_–_–_—_–_–_–_—_–_–_–_—_–_–_–_—_–_–_– Harem × romance ? action ✓ adventure✓ _–_–_–_–_–_–_—_–_–_–_—_–_–_–_—_–_–_–_—_–_–_–_–_–_–_—_–_–_–_—_–_–_–_—_–_–_–_—_–_–_–_–_–_–_—_–_–_–_—_–_–_–_—_–_–_–_— I'm a new author Ok so please bear with the cringe and your feedback would be appreciated

Codaval · Kỳ huyễn
Không đủ số lượng người đọc
1 Chs

Morning (1)





A red colour alarm was ringing for quite some time atop a small desk beside a bed and on it lay the owner of the alarm clock a teenage boy with an unhealthy sleep schedule .

The boy had black hair with white strands mixed in here and there he was still in the realm of hypnos but with each ring of the alarm clock he was slowly being awoken and after a while he lazily opened his eyes .


(boy?): is it morning already ?

the boy asked groggily, seemingly towards someone but the only answer he got was the dreadful sound of his alarm which he promptly shut down .

He sat atop his bed for a while and slowly made his way to the bathroom and got refreshed and he of course, procrastinated for a while .

He soon got out of the bathroom with a towel wrapped around his lower half and went towards his closet and wore his usual clothes which consisted of a red t shirt and black pants .

After getting dressed as usual he went to the kitchen and was instantly hit with an aromatic waft of butter and bread , he instantly knew who it was , after all how could he , Albus Crompton , not know of his own brothers homely cooking .

His brother Neil Crompton is the only family member he has ever known because they both lost their parents in separate accidents , his mother died due to her helicopter crashing during an aerial survey and 4 months later his father became a victim of an underground tunnel collapse

This accident occurred when he was 12 and his brother was 18 and during those tough times his brother looked after him , they both survived with the inheritance they received but they were not supported or consoled by their relatives as their dad was an orphan and their relationship with their maternal side of the family was estranged.

After 3 years from this series of tragedies his brother Neil Crompton became an Archeologist this not only caused their financial status to stabilize but also made Neil frequently absent at home .

Anyways back to the present where Neil is making his signature Chilli Cheese Toast

which is making Albus take a trip through the memory lane only to be interrupted by his brother's cheeky Greeting "Gooood Morning~ Mistah Albus Dumb-as-a-door "

To which Albus who was disgruntled by his brother said with a disappointed stare " really , a Hairy Popper refrence, like right in the morning."

But all he got from his brother was a silly eye roll along with a "whoa tough crowd" then he shut down the stove and turned around to see Albus menacingly walk at a steady pace towards him to which he asked "oh your approaching me?"

This made Albus stare dead in Neil's eyes and Albus said while making a pose " I can't eat breakfast if I don't take it from you " this sentence was followed by a brief movement of silence as the Brothers Started at each other until Neil broke the silence with a "pfft" which instigated a cohort of laughter from both of them.

"well...take ya seat and have a bite" Neil said to which Albus replied "umu" and took a bite and asked with his mouth filled with food "shwo wen are you gwoin to depat?"(Soo when are you going to depart?)

Watching his younger brother talking like a hamster with its mouth stuffed Neil curtly said with an apologetic tone " I'm sorry but I don't speak hamster "

Albus who was sick of his brother's humor simply stared at him with a tired look .

Neil quickly made an awkward laugh and said " I will be leaving by 7pm and this time I will not be in contact for some time ,

because the place i will be visiting will cut out most possible methods of wireless communications due to the large deposits of zoranon present over there

but don't worry i will be back in one and half a month like usual "

After a brief moment of silence Neil looked at Albus and said "zoranon is the new metalloid discovered by H.G.Winston 3 months ago , it is named after the location it was found ,i.e, The Zoran, pretty cool right."

But all Neil got from Albus was a simple nod while munching on the Chilli Cheese Toast Neil had made and Albus was almost about to finish eating and Neil was about to say something but the Crompton brothers were interrupted by loud knocking on their door.

" I'll go check it out , you can stay here" said Neil as he made his way towards the source of their interruption.

After reaching the door Neil opened it and saw a tall woman who was his neighbour's daughter and he quickly remembered her name after a small moment of silence, it was....