
The Bachelor Mafia

Synopsis: At a young age, Inigo Shawn has a lot of responsibilities on his shoulder left by his dead parents. He has to take care of his sister and an organization. He grew up being ruthless. He didn't care for others except the people he trusted and her sister and cousins. Until a woman came in his life. Suddenly, he's willing to risk his life and his beloved organization for the woman he loved for the first time.

hazelxxi · Võ hiệp
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12 Chs

Chapter 6



"What do you want to eat?" Inigo asked while as they drive their way to the nearest restaurant he could find

"I'm craving for Italian food." She answered while imagining which food she wanted to eat.

"Okay. We'll have Italian."

They stopped in front of a hotel. Inigo let the valet took his car as he wrapped his hand on Claudia's waist before entering the hotel.

They went inside to an Italian restaurant that has a five star rating.

The restaurant has a very modern look yet elegant in its own way.

when the get inside the restaurant, a waiter guided them to a vacant table.

"What's your order?" Inigo asked while browsing the menu

"I'll have linguine all'aragosta o all'astice." (Linguine with lobster) Claudia said with a hint of french accent in her tone.

"I'll have Tonnarelli alle ouva de riccio and bottle of Domaine Leroy Musigny Grand Cru." (Tonnarelli with urchin eggs) Just like Claudia, Inigo is also fluent in speaking French hence, the way he speak sounded very french.

The waiter then noted their orders and left to get their food.

While waiting for the food, Claudia extended her arms and held Inigo's hand. She has been noticing that Inigo has been quite frantic the whole day he was with her.

"Hey, what's the problem? You look bothered." There's a hint of worry in her tone as she asked him that.

"I'm fine. I was just thinking something." He said. trying to sound good and cool.

He composed himself while still scanning the whole place. A few minutes later, their food was served.

They were eating but still, Inigo's attention is very divided. He can't help but to observe the whole place every after his bite.

"How's your business meeting? Did it go well?" Claudia asked. She wasn't so sure why Inigo was acting weird so she decided to have a conversation with him to at least ease of his mind.

"Yes. We signed a few papers." He simply answered.

"What business were you putting up?"

"It's not new a business. It was supplier for metal scraps that we need for the new machines." Yes, he lied. How is he supposed to tell her about her head was up for the assassins to get?

"Oh! I know it's quite confidential but how much was the deal?"

"A few million dollars." for your head.

As much as he wants to say that, he refrain himself. He's not sure what to say and whom to say. So he wanted to be sure before he rashly act on his own.

"That's a lot. Oh well, that's metal scrap." He sipped on his wine while still scanning the place.

it's not just a few million dollars. We're talking of a 100 million dollars. It's more than enough reason for assassins to act rashly.

"Are you done?" Inigo asked as he saw Claudia finishing off her food. He wanted to leave the place as he kept feeling negative about it since they went there. He felt like as if someone has been watching their every move.

"Why are you in such a hurry?" Claudia asked but still stood up. While wearing her bag, suddenly, her shoulder started bleeding.

The people inside the restaurant started screaming as they heard a loud gunshot.

For a moment, Inigo was petrified as he watches her bleed.


Inigo immediately take out the gun from hid back and pointed behind Claudia where he saw the assassin. He didn't think twice and pulled the trigger. "Stupid assassins."

Despite being quick, the assassin got shot on his shoulder. But not enough to capture him and escape.


He looked at her and immediately catches her. The white dress she is wearing is covered with her blood.

People were screaming and running out of the place but Inigo isn't bothered with it.bHis attention were all over his girlfriend who's bleeding to death.

He didn't waste a time and called Anton.

"Locate me. I need the assassin alive." As soon as the call ended, he carried her immediately and run out of the restaurant.

"Not in the hospital Inigo," her voice started to get weaker as Inigo run to the parking lot to bring her home.

He didn't mind his suit getting covered with blood. All he ever wanted is to bring Claudia home and save her.

Right! He can't bring Claudia in the hospital. Police would question the scene and the police would probably held an investigation.

It's not safe for them.

He brought Claudia to their hideout. It also served as Inigo's second home. He knows it's not safe for her to bring her to his house.

He went inside his room and laid Claudia on the bed. He didn't waste any time and took the first aid kit.

He quickly gather all materials he will be needing to remove the bullet himself. He removed his coat and folded his sleeves up to his elbow before he removed Claudia's dress.

He knew it's going to be painful so he decided to inject anesthesia before he sanitizes his hand and held the scalpel.

After a few minutes, he cut her skin open, enough just to get the bullet out of her shoulder. Claudia even though under anesthesia, coule still feel a bit of a pain. Her face frown in pain as Inigo removes the bullet.

Slowly, he stitches her up and set up an IV. He isn't a doctor but he's perfectly aware of what to do.

For someone who live his life dangerously, knowing how to remove bullet himself is a basic knowledge for you to survive.

Claudia didn't mind whether Inigo is dressing him up with his own cloth. She's too weak to say something.

When she fell asleep, Inigo's phone started ringing. It was Anton

[We lost the assassin.] His hand tightly grip on his phone upon hearing an unfortunate news.

"Bullshit." He couldn't help but to get mad, as he watches Claudia looking pale because of losing blood. He sat beside her and massage his temple.

[But we have the address of his hide out.]

"Send it to me. I'll deal with him myself."

He ended the call without waiting for Anton to respond. He stood up and looked at Claudia before he went inside his walk-in closet. He opened one of his cabinet and took guns. There are different kind of guns there, enough to kill thousand of people.

He wore a holster on his waist and put thr gun and ammunition that he took.

He changed his white suit to a black t-shirt and wore a black jacket. He also wore a black cap and face mask to hide his identity.

He just knew how mad he is. The assassin was too brave to attack Claudia on a daylight even so, with his presence.

"This mother fucker will never live." He whispered as he wore the helmet. He ride his bigbike and didn't lose a chance and went to the address that Anton sent him.

With his bigbike, he was able to get there in a few minutes. He stopped in front of an old four-storey building. It's white but covered with algae that it looks green.

He park his bike in front of it and went inside. He took out his gun and tried to focus. He alarm himself as he went upstairs.


He stopped in front of the door that says 3B.

He looked at the door know and saw a stain of blood.

Stupid assassin, leaving trails.

Slowly, he twisted the door knob and entered the assassin's room without creating too much noise. He's a mafia not an assassin. But he can be an assassin if he wants to.

When he got inside, it was messy and has trails of blood on the floor. He followed it and saw the assassin sitting on the bed facing the wall and removing the bullet himself.

He went closer and pointed the tip of his gun on his head. The assassin stopped moving and was petrified as he felt a gun on his head.

"Move and you're dead." His deep voice was enough for the assassin to be more petrified.

"What do you want?"

"Who sent you?" He questioned back.

"You probably know that I'm an assassin, right?" The hint of sarcasm in his tone annoyed Inigo. He cock the gun and pointed it again to the assassin's head before he asked him again

"Then who ordered you to kill her?"

"I can't disclose the identity." He yelled out of frustration.

"Who ordered you to kill her?" His voice was like a thunder. It was loud and scary that the assassin almost jump out of the bed

"No one ordered me to kill her. It was sort of first come first serve basis that was posted in the black market. You know assassin's work!" He yelled back

Inigo's rage grew and grew deeper as he watched the assassin feeling no remorse.

He eyes grew darker and his words were almost from pit of hell

"then you're no use for me..." with one pull on the trigger, the assassin laid on his bed, dead.

His blood splashed all over the place. Even Inigo got splashed but he didn't mind.

He left the assassin's body and went all over the place to look for something valuable and useful.

He took the assassin's laptop and cellphone and left the place.

He knew that the assassin isn't really living there. It was only a hideout for him to work on Claudia as there are no other clothes and stuff aside from a big duffel bag that contains few black clothing and few attached cases where he hid his gums.

He called his men to clean up the place and left.

He has no time to clean up himself as he has a lot more important things to do.